
2 Reviews
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Jim Gaffigan: Mr. Universe (2012 TV Special)
You Will Laugh So Hard You'll Lose Your Breath
8 July 2012
At least I did. Gaffigan is a mostly clean comedian who takes his observations about his family and the environment he happens to be in and makes them into jokes. He also points things out in a humorous way that often makes you look at something in a whole other way. The only swear words are that are used is S**t (1x) and BS (1x). He brings you along for the ride and makes comments that can make you hysterical with laughter.

If you already love Jim Gaffigan as I do, then you will adore "Mr Universe" because it's the funniest special of his since "Beyond the Pale" and if you have Netflix what are you waiting for? It's on "Instant Watch" streaming!
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Dogtooth (2009)
Just Look At It As A Kind Of Garden Of Eden
4 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The way I saw it, it was like Adam and his two Eves. Their father wants to protect his children's innocence and they're his blank slates. He and his wife have created children who have only matured physically. He keeps them in his compound and because his kids have been brainwashed from birth, they don't know any better. The father and mother have ensured that they stay ignorant by teaching them the wrong words for things and filling them with horror stories about ferocious cats to keep them from leaving.

But because they have matured physically and have sexual urges, the father pays a woman from his factory to have sex with the son. But it's clear that this woman is actually the serpent, teaching the eldest daughter to use sex as currency each time she trades headbands and VHS Tapes for the eldest daughter's "licking"of her genitals. To the eldest daughter, it's just like licking a shoulder or an arm. But like the serpent into the Garden of Eden, she brings KNOWLEDGE that corrupts the daughter so much that the father beats the woman with the VCR then beats the daughter with the VHS tape but it's too late. The enlightenment that leads to rebellion is already beginning.

Eve has now tasted the fruit of knowledge and it's only a matter of time until she leaves the Garden. She knocks out her "dogtooth" because that's supposed to be what her parents demanded happen before she could go to the outside world. Then she runs and hides into the trunk of the father's car. Only she doesn't realize that without oxygen, she'll die.

That's the last thing the viewer sees but if the movie continued, the father might have used the eldest daughter's escape as a cautionary tale for the remaining daughter and son. It's unknown how much the outside world has spoiled the world they know.

I've seen the movie twice because I love it. It's so surreal but definitely Adam and Eves.
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