
20 Reviews
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Baang (2023)
Fun? Yes! but acting? No..
24 December 2023
While this movie kept me hooked due to the over-the-top action scenes and effects all in all it looked more like a high school project.

Too often the acting and dialogues are wooden or even high school like. Some items last waaay too long. Fast forwarding in the beginning and later on will make it a nice watch though, I advise you to do so.

The scenes where the bullets are flying are all great! And they take their time, loved that.

Also the way they kept rewinding to give you another view was a very good gimmick, you even start to look forward to it (I hope they explain that later in a flashback you say).

7/10 because it was a nice way to spend my time and even have a couple of laughs.

And for a nice finale!
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Hypnotic (2023)
Too many didn't get it.
29 November 2023
A frightening amount of reviewers didn't really understand this movie. No it is not about telepathy, or government black ops, or whatever.

This is a movie about parents willing to go to great lengths. About questioning reality. About trusting what you see.

A great Ben Affleck, looking tired, you feel for him. A mystery. We are forced to re-examine scenes, viewpoints. It starts off as a mystery and gets even deeper.

I loved this. A very original idea and more believable than Inception. Great acting. We had a lot of fun trying to guess different parts of the plot (my daughter won).

Watch it. You'll thank me.
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From someone who really watched to the end
14 August 2023
I have to tell you, I had a nice time watching this one. Enough suspense, solid plot which slowly develops, H. Cavill was on the receiving end of a LOT of violence: car crashes, shots, beatings, falling off a building.... Solid performance, showing the actor who he is going to become in our day. The rest of the cast did not impress me much, good or bad, they did their part. Would have liked a bit more development of their characters as well.

As others said: great car chase! Really.

So without too many expectations going in because of a lot of bad reviews here I must conclude a lot of the reviewers did not watch it completely, some even not at all.

All you want to know is "Should I watch it?". Yes if you want some entertainment and suspense. No if you expect conspiracies and intrigue. I had a fun time with it.
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Mayfair Witches (2023– )
Good start - cheap ending
21 February 2023
It started out fine: a witch coming into her powers, not knowing she is a witch. A mysterious family with different factions. A family history and a.. What? A demon? A ghost? Enigmatic being.

The let the different subplots meet, are alliances formed, the series goes on the way you expect.

But o, the ending! From mystery/drama to cheap horror flick. This sane and courageous protagonist inexplicably makes all the wrong choices, she screams a lot and then some more and no explanation whatsoever. No one in the audience is buying this.

Even the cliffhanger is classic horror. Pathetic.

The series was a six but the last chapter? No more than a 2. And I give high scores normally...
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Cancelled after season 1
24 January 2023
Too bad I have to tell you, I too was curious where they would go with this, but HBO cancelled this show July 1st 2022.

The series is based on the novel (same name) by Audrey Niffenegger. A bestseller . She took a known concept - time travel -and started thinking about the impact it would have on the lives involved: the traveler, his wife, their friends... I don't want to spoil it but the logic of the story is very well developed.

If you don't like unfinished business I would recommend the beautiful movie made in 2009, it has the same name and great actors (Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana). In fact, go see it now ;-)
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The Orville: Future Unknown (2022)
Season 3, Episode 10
Finally ST explained ;-)
10 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Contrary to the usual ranting semi-critics: I loved it!

Someone even wrote 2 pages of review and halfway admitted he had turned it off after 5 minutes. Great. Thank you. Next please.

So, this one was funny on a lot of levels (ALL the Kaylon??) but there was more.

The brief explanation of how the Union races have become so enlightened is plausible and is what was always lacking in ST:TNG and following, who only hinted at it.

Smart to use a season 1 character to explain it to.

I always thought the Prime Directive was not a good one but Kelly showing her the consequences of not following it made me change my mind.

Long story short: I never expected The Orville to go so deep. Kudos to Seth.

People, we think we love this show but... I think Seth loves it even more!
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The Gray Man (2022)
Action, humour and spectacular
27 July 2022
Most expensive Netflix yet? Well it shows! Great acting of all characters, Gosling shows he is not just Deadpool and Chris Evans... wow! Bad guy to the core and hilarious in his rage or twisted logic. He sold it!

Not as dumb as most action spy movies, packed with action but more European: nothing "cool" about it. Mayhem? Yes, that is the good US influence and boy... just the tram scene must have cost millions to shoot!
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Coroner: Death Goes On (2022)
Season 4, Episode 12
Worst ever
19 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ugh how bad was that?

The writers always think dream episodes are artsy but usually the audience gets bored real fast.

This one took so long they managed to bore me and even make me hate the show. After 4 years of having me as a fan that is not easy to do.

Spoiler: they are throwing the dice on which plot line to follow. Every 2 minutes.

Result: you will learn nothing this season finale. Cliff hanger: public and writers both are unsure as to what actually happened.

Please fire the persons responsible.
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Memory (I) (2022)
Original Flemish movie was "Alzheimer"
11 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The original movie, from Flemish bestseller author Jef Geeraerts is more about what the main character goes through. It is gripping and thrilling at the same time.

It seems like the director here was forgetting what was wrong with the protagonist most of the time.

Very well done though on how he is not a good guy: shooting a cop who did nothing wrong and the total of his guilty feelings is "Jesus".

All in all watchable movie and Liam will cary you through.
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Parody done right
7 June 2022
Parodies are never works of art. That being said, if you have seen a lot of Spy-movies you will like (like, not love) this one.

It is not over the top like Leslie Nielsen or Mel Brooks, it stays closer to being real. I loved how the main character is super-confident all the time, the load of gadgets and how every idiotic situation is taken seriously.

Actually pretty decent fighting scenes.

Of course the dialogues could be better. Also a lot of fast talking so unintelligible from time to time. Perhaps too many characters who looked alike, rather confusing.

But if you are up for some fun and don't mind too much it is not always professional give it a go, trust me ;-)
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Snowpiercer: Ouroboros (2022)
Season 3, Episode 7
What idiot greenlighted this?
29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As someone else here said: there are only 10 episodes to a season.

This one is, as most "dream episodes" are, completely unnecessary.

It is a pause button.

Never thought it would stretch the whole of the episode I am very disappointed in what I consider to be a very good series.
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Memoria (I) (2021)
Not sure what I saw...
25 May 2022
..and I didn't even pay attention all the time (over 2 hours).

But just for this strange feeling afterwards: 9/10.


Be patient is my best advice. Allow it.

I had about the same feeling with 2001 a Space Odyssey. Even though they are very different. Weird.

Let us know if you feel it too?
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
1 happy reader here
20 November 2021
Books you have read so often - it usually makes it hard to see a movie or show based on them. But, having seen the first 3 now, I am in awe.

The main characters are very well cast. Wonderful Mat, impervious Moiraine, stoic Lan (unless dealing with Nynaeve haha)... Landscape: really cool.

Special effects: Trollocs and magic: could be better.

Lore: difficult to bring into a series but until now: very well done!

Changes: ah yes, Perrin married, 5 candidates and so on: I thought it would bother me way more (it usually does) but here... Villains: Padan Fain, Whitecloaks, Darkfriends: all well done so far.

Surprise "guests": The Professor in the cage (you'll see what I mean) and for Outpost lovers: yes Wren is in this episode!

My advice to all who love WoT: give it a chance.

To all the rest: watch this, it will astound you!
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Cursed (2020)
Only used the names
19 July 2020
***EDIT: I have revised my score after 7 episodes. Keep watching, it's rather gripping and there are some great actors here, known and new.. ***

Black Arthur? Why not. Nimuë of Arthurs age? hmmm Fey lore? Nice! Arthur a thief and cutthroat? Could work.

But: This show tries to contain so many stories it doesn't do right by any. The only decent idea was having Merlin be a bitter man. Then there's all the names: Igraine, Morgane le Fey, Ector and Bors... But Morgane is not a Fey, Nimuë is. Ector and Bors aren't even related. Hell, Uther Pendragon, father of Arthur and Morgane isn't related to either in this series!

It's like they used only the names of this beautiful legend, pulling them out of a hat every time they needed a new character. Worst. Ever. Adaptation.

About the bad dialogues spoken by good actors: read the other reviews.
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Motherland: Fort Salem (2020–2022)
Go argue somewhere else
21 March 2020
This show is NOT about feminism or patriotism. This is a show about "what if". What if witchcraft was real? Indeed governments would want them in their armies. I can even see terrorist witches. I just hope it doesn't get too black and white, we'll see. After just one episode: great start! Hope to see more, I was sorry when the episode ended.
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Taken: Verum Nocet (2018)
Season 2, Episode 9
Who wrote this?
8 January 2020
Even back in 2018 the wikileakers coordinated with US government to take out anything that could expose an agent. The writer of this piece is either dumb or paid by some organisation.

Also totally unbelievable that kilroy never objected to this!
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He was in prison for murdering her. She made money out of it.
18 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Ian, caught cheating on Julie with her sister, wakes up covered in blood, not remembering a thing. Soon everybody, including him, realizes he murdered Julie. Only he did not... We had so much fun watching this film I didn't even finish watching the credits and started typing this. You will love this: fun twists in the plot, VERY nice acting of Helen Baxendale (thank you IMDb for telling me I knew her from "Friends" as Emily...) and Suranne Jones whom you can see changing from career woman to insecure girl to totally freaky and scary criminal. So it is all there: laughs, suspense and clever writing. It is acted so good you start believing it could happen, even if it is a totally out-of-control ending. Do yourself a favour and watch it!
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Unfolding (2004)
A teenager comes to terms with her feelings
19 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This short film (29 minutes), while dealing with feelings, never gets sentimental. Beautifully filmed it documents just a few days of Lila who finds souvenirs of her father's past. Her father, having lost his memory, does not even recognize her as his daughter, but in the end she manages to connect. I found the kidnapping part a bit amateuristic. But nowhere is there overacting, it's as if they don't know a camera is present, you almost feel as if you're intruding in a personal situation. The lead character Lila is portrayed very lifelike. You can easily get in her skin, which, for a short feature, is quite an accomplishment. More so when you realize this is Kristen Hill's first film. The simple piano music is a nice decor. The whole a must see. Wish there were more films like this!
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Merlin (1998)
Brilliant performance - Best Merlin ever!
5 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The way Merlin is portrayed here is the best I have ever seen (and believe me, I have seen a lot, if not all).

Of course the story is great and so are the co-actors but Sam Neill BECOMES Merlin. What someone here described as "dull" is only the result of crawling into the skin of who he thinks Merlin is. Not a great magician that will solve everything(as the king would like), not a vengeful Old-Religion priest(as Mab would have him be) but simply Merlin. We know this man, have seen what happens in his life and it follows he chose the path of wisdom. He was tested by life and sorrow but came out whole and, in the end, wise. And in this calm, for all his wiseness, you still see him fall madly in love, losing this love and then ('nough said...) ...and you believe it! I think only 3 films in my life rated a 10, this is one of them. All because of Sam Neills performance.
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Daens (1992)
Showing the side you belong to can be the wrong side
30 December 2004
Beautiful depiction of the workers' fate during the first half of the 20th century. Priests and church are supposed to play their role of keeping the workers at peace. When father Daens resists he gains such a response that the powers have to bend. True story! Went up for an Oscar but due to the fact that the French had a lot more money to support their film it fell short. Brilliant role for Jan Decleir, mostly known for his one-man plays, adaptations of Dario Fo. Proof you do not need violence or sex to make a movie exciting. What is needed is a strong story (very much so in this case) and a couple of great actors. If you have the chance to watch it, do so, it will alter your view on the world, there are not enough (nice) movies of this kind around. Again: it all happened as it is depicted here.
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