5 Reviews
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Couldn't quite live up to its potential.
1 October 2023
This show had a lot of potential, but, ultimately, came across a little silly. A lot of the challenges were so wildly difficult, resulting in zero shots on target multiple times throughout the series, which was frustratingly unsatisfying to watch.

And I love Colby Donaldson, but the fact that he and the other host are constantly walking or standing directly behind the shooter, commenting on their performance within earshot at full volume irked me to no end.

Overall, the show just had a low quality feel that could have been easily remedied by the producers if they knew what they were doing. Fun and interesting premise that fell short in execution.
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GreedFall (2019 Video Game)
Decent enough game.
17 February 2021
First off, this game is very rough around the edges in many ways but, all in all, it's still a fun experience. Good world building and decent character development. Cringy at times but still worth the playthrough.
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Honest look at modern day hunting.
14 August 2020
I'm neither a hunter nor opposed to hunting, so I feel like as a neutral party I can watch this as a truly objective participant. Anyone who gives this a 10/10 is presumably an avid hunter themselves and, alternatively, anyone who rates it 1/10 is most likely just pushing their anti-hunting views, possibly without even watching the film. (There are literally only 10s and 1s up to this review)

Having said that, Steven Rinella seems an honest and legitimate source, who is both hunter and conservationist. This doc, while obviously pro-hunting, gives an eloquent summation of the many points of view regarding the act of hunting. It gives those who span a wide spectrum their chance to speak their peace, touching on the purity of hunting solely for food to the evils of mass killing of indigenous animals. Not the most entertaining of films but steadily informative and entirely unpretentious.
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Love, Kennedy (2017)
Great feel-good movie
27 March 2020
I was definitely not expecting to have been affected by this movie as much as I was. Very touching and spiritual and left you with such perspective. Watched it late at night and, once it was over, I literally had to stop myself from waking my daughter up to tell her how much I love her.

I've been reading other reviews and don't understand what some people are thinking. Definitely not a 10/10.The acting isn't world class but it gets the job done and anyone who has given this movie a 4 or less is obviously a cynical, bitter person who had no business chiming in. If you watch this with an open mind, it will warm your heart.
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The Twilight Zone (2019–2020)
Wasted potential.
7 June 2019
A show with massive potential that fell flat. Somewhat interesting stories sullied by a blatant political tone and social commentary. I'm all for one making a point, but this felt more like someone shoving their ideology down my throat. Disappointing to say the least.
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