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Incredible Crew (I) (2012–2013)
just bad
2 April 2013
Setting aside the basic problem that this is a LIVE ACTION show on the CARTOON network-its just awful, period.

It is obviously attempting, poorly, to replicate the Hip Tongue-firmly-in-cheek paradigm/model of humor made famous by Adult Swim. I've seen, and unfortunately I cannot get that time back, 2 episodes of the show. Both made numerous attempts to copy Adult Swim's model without any of the intelligence and references that make it work. Garbage like "unfun party games", "oven mitt hi-five", etc isn't referencing anything, doesn't have the voice, and just plain doesn't WORK anything like Adult Swim's bumpers do.

Apart from that, the show doesn't seem to be written or edited by anyone who has any real comedy experience. The "Big Name" associated with it is Nick Cannon,a producer possibly best known for the "Wild'n Out" franchise-the only arguable success among a number of self-titled, aggrandizing-but-mediocre flops like "The Nick Cannon Show" (11 episodes) and "Nick Cannon Presents" (on for maybe 10 months). This is a guy whose total career spans about 9 years and has managed to average a failed show every 2. Other than the American Idol imitation "America's Got Talent" which manages to wow the American Television viewer with season after season of mediocrity and confusion with "the voice", "american idol", etc You have to assume he's being overpaid for his two minutes of throw away tokenisms like "you go girl" and "you know you got it G" or he's got deep pockets because otherwise he would have faded away by 09 and thankfully disappeared into the late-night reality show/infomercial black hole.

His lack of talent, and apparently, lack of ability to judge talent as a result, has led to this awful train wreck. Cartoon Network's best spin calls IC a "In-Your-Face New Comedy Experience". If you have the misfortune to watch it, you will almost certainly know that means exactly what is really says..nothing. The "sketches" vary so HUGELY in size from 2-3 seconds to ten minutes, in style from throw-aways like someone playing drums with broken violins for 2 seconds to 5 minute decent product value fake rap videos, and in production quality from decent to things that wouldn't get hits on youtube-that the viewer is ALMOST tricked into thinking he HAS changed the channel.

The above mentioned lack of experience and direction really is a glaring problem on a show which doesn't have much to balance it out with. As a result, the episodes have NO continuum, nothing to draw in the viewer, and nothing to keep him. Their best bet is to hope that whomever has the ratings boxes accidentally hits on the show while surfing and remains out of curiosity...sort of a "is that a car accident or have they pulled over to urinate" model of viewer retention.

I have no idea if the 'talent' has talent or not, but they certainly aren't demonstrating it here. They may or may not be acting as if they are bad actors-(see above poor-attempt-at-hip-comedy)-and they may or may not be poorly directed or acting as if they are not being directed at all. It's impossible to judge anything when its so immersed in mediocrity and plain awful narrative/presentation. The thing is-these clean-cut, bleached-teeth glaring smiler, bright-clown-like-color kids aren't going to pull off "hip" or "cynical" or even "sarcastic". So their attempts to do so just leave the viewer wondering what they are meant to be in: "IS THIS SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY?....OR IS CARTOON NETWORK JUST JOKING ABOUT THIS SHOW" I THINK its supposed to be the former...but, after seeing two of the might just be the latter.
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