
45 Reviews
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The Mill (2023)
Wow...that was bad.
9 October 2023
A wildly misguided and not at all subtle critique of capitalism, or "the grind" (like a mill. See not very subtle). Is anyone really stupid enough to believe this showing is even remotely related to actual capitalism? A trillion-dollar company, calling literal slaves their "employees", can do anything they want because the employee "didn't read the fine print" when signing their introduction paperwork. This director is one of those people who think modern day employees are slaves because they have to work for money instead of being handed everything for free. That even though the employees willing volunteered to work for the company and can leave at any time, the company is evil for making the person work. These kind people think of themselves as actual slaves, like the man in this movie, and there's nothing they can do to escape. That companies who make their employees work are literal slave masters forcing people to work so they aren't killed. Nevermind how incredibly obvious the metaphor, it's also just extremely inaccurate. However, I gave it 2 stars instead of just 1 because there is something to said about quotas and how there are definitely companies that do not reward employees that work hard and therefore give no incentive to continue working hard. That is a legitimate critique. Also, the ending was absolutely terrible. All that aside, Lil Rey cannot carry a movie by himself. He is comedic relief and that is where he shines. Also, what business manager working for a trillion-dollar company wears Nikes with their suit? I'm just not impressed at all.
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Criminal Minds: Hanley Waters (2011)
Season 6, Episode 20
I understand the hate for the mom
2 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
She acts like she is the only person in the world that has suffered something traumatic. Yes, it is heartbreaking that she lost her kid. But killing half a dozen innocent people because she's sad just makes me extremely unsympathetic towards her. Who is she even trying to punish? She killed a gun store owner and the customers and a mall security guard. And then there's the extremely awkward and cringe part at the end of the episode when she holds the family hostage just to make the kid eat a piece of cake and open a present. Then she acts like it's crazy that people think she's acting crazy. It was ridiculous. This episode was very disappointing. I usually love Kelli Williams, especially in Lie to Me, but this episode was just not good.
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Lie to Me: Truth or Consequences (2009)
Season 2, Episode 2
Annoyed by a lot in this episode
30 August 2023
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First, the girl's dad is a coward. He refuses to admit that his daughter is the problem, and instead of looking at the facts, he blames and kills an innocent person and is then "at peace" with his decision. He refuses to acknowledge that the college kid his daughter slept with is the real victim because his daughter went to the frat specifically to sleep with a college guy, she lied about her age, and she was the one who filmed it. Yet, he keeps calling his daughter the victim and the college guy a criminal. Very annoying. Second, Gillian was annoying most of the episode as well. She kept acting like the commune was a prison and that the head preacher was assaulting all the women, when in reality, everyone was there voluntarily, and she just couldn't accept that. They tried to make it sound like one of the women was being forced to stay there, and if she left, she would lose her kids because the head preacher was the father. In reality, this woman was committing tax fraud, and she didn't leave because she would be forced to split custody with the father, and she didn't want that. So, Gillian helped her run away from the father and the IRS. Then Gillian lies to federal government. Very annoying. Not my favorite episode.
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Don't understand the hype
11 August 2023
Reminded me of Love and Thunder. Seemed like they were adding absurd comedy to a drama about animal abuse. The humor felt extremely forced and out of place. The Rocket backstory was of course horrifying and extremely sad. Was this the first time Adam Warlock was in anything related to MCU? He just kind of shows up with no preamble or anything. The High Evolutionary was badass and psychopathic. Nathon Fillion was a fun addition, though his security suit and that whole planet or whatever seemed unnecessarily corny/eccentric, but I'm guessing that's how it looked in the comics so I can't fault them for that. All in all, the movie was okay. The juxtaposition of horrific animal abuse and slapstick humor just didn't work for me. Definitely would not call this one of the best Marvel movies.
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18 June 2023
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I watched the whole thing. It didn't feel to drag on or anything, but at the end, I'm left.... bored. Nothing happened. No climax. No cool twist. No revelations. No explanation why this is happening, who brought the gun in, who the girl was. He fails and she makes it. That's it. Yawn. And to be honest, Emile and Kate have absolutely no chemistry. They seem like strangers.

And the whole premise is pretty annoying as well. There are people in prison who spend years in solitary confinement in a room the size of the bathroom. In a warehouse sized room, with another person, a shower, room to actually run, they could do 50 days standing on their head.
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Not great
10 May 2023
This episode could have been 30 minutes shorter. Lots of repeated scenes. Plus, it was hard to feel anything for the victim in this case. Dude is sleeping next to his girlfriend while her son in the next room. They both suddenly wake up to a home invasion. Does the boyfriend try to fight them? Does he rush to the kid to make sure he's okay? Does he do anything to try to protect his family in any way? No, he jumps out the window and runs away, leaving them behind with the intruders. What kind of man is that? That part really clouded the whole episode for me. The interviews were pretty boring, too. Everyone started ratting on each other after 5 minutes. I won't be watching another episode anytime soon.
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Criminal Minds: Closing Time (2012)
Season 7, Episode 14
Not a great episode
23 April 2023
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Although it's always fun watching JJ be a bad*ss, the episode as a whole was not very entertaining. I didn't care about anyone in the episode. The bad guy was screwed over by his cheating wife, but then started random killing people, so instead of coming across as sympathetic, he was just pathetic. The wife was a cheater who let a man raise a son she knew wasn't his. Story aside, some of the acting was just terrible. Mainly, the son. The last 10 minutes of episode, the son's acting was some of the worst I have ever seen in a non b-movie. Just look at his facial expression when he's on the ground after getting hit in the head. It's comically bad. All in all, I could gladly skip this episode next rewatch and not care.
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Way too boring and way too long
20 February 2023
Title pretty much sums it up. I was counting down the minutes until this ended. Shuri is not an acceptable replacement for Black Panther. She was good as the cool tech nerd side character in the original, but she does not do well carrying a movie as lead. Riri was a fun addition, but the discount iron man suit was ridiculous and came out of nowhere. Namor as a character was pretty cool, but his motivation made no sense. The fact that he lost to a first day, Wish BP is crazy for anyone that knows Namor. The writing seemed to focus more on "diversity" and "girl power" than actual substance and plot. Dialogue leaned way too much on Chad's death. The opening was a great tribute to Boseman and the emotions seen definitely felt real, but they used his death in every single emotional scene that it just felt cheap. All in all, Marvel is going downhill fast.
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The Sandman: A Hope in Hell (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
I have been enjoying the show but
20 August 2022
This episode was not the best. I love the cinematography, the settings and composition. Even the slow pace is appropriate for the dramatic tension. But Lucifer and this "fight" was lame as hell. Lucifer, tied for second as the most powerful entity in DC, vs Dream of the Endless, yet the whole fight was who can come up with the most powerful idea. And Lucifer started with a wolf.... Why wouldn't she just start with "I am Anti-Life"..?

I get the whole fight was trying to be cerebral and subvert expectations, but it just came off as silly and pointless.

Downvote away.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Fun action film, but
9 August 2022
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Didn't the original Predator take out almost an entire group of special forces commandos? This predator gets beat by a single teenage girl that can't kill a deer and knocks herself out trying to hunt a cougar...? Seemed like plot armor saved the main character more than her skill.
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Dune (2021)
Really should have been a series
25 March 2022
I just finished it and I did very much enjoy it. I haven't read the book, not yet anyway, but there are so many things that need more explanation. It feels like this movie was just a chunk in the middle of the book, with no beginning or backstory and no ending or answers. It's a little frustrating, but I still thought it was a great movie.
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Can you imagine if the roles were reversed?
26 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The show would have been cancelled the next day if this episode was about Sam continuously drugging Becky, marrying her, knocking her unconscious, then tying her to a bed and undressing her. How is this not a bigger deal? People think this is funny?

The 3 stars is for the Crowley scene.

Demon - "Oh crap" Dean - "Yeah you are in a world of it" Crowley - "Hello boys" Dean - "Oh crap"
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I'm having a hard time getting through this season
1 December 2021
I haven't actually laughed once this season. The show is going downhill super fast. We get it, Macs gay. Why the hell are people actually peeing on each other? How is that funny? Are the writers 5 years old?
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Your hair looks small
27 October 2021
This show is literally the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. Even after my multiple rewatches, I still laugh so hard it hurts. I just finished watching Seinfeld and then The League, both shows I find extremely funny, but I've never laughed harder than when watching Always Sunny.
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Seinfeld: The Finale (1998)
Season 9, Episode 22
Hated this ending
26 October 2021
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This show is hilarious. It has some of the best one liners I can remember and reruns never get old. But this finale was just the worst. First, the concept of arresting and prosecuting bystanders for not interfering in a crime just doesn't make sense. Second, our main characters barely said anything throughout the entire second half of the episode. I don't know who thought bringing on a myriad of one timers and guest stars was a good way to end this series, but it wasn't. And last, the fact they end up going to prison for a year just didn't sit well with me at all. I can't exactly pinpoint why, it just left a bad taste in my mouth. Not how I wanted this great show to end.
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White Collar: Au Revoir (2014)
Season 6, Episode 6
Neal is not on the run
13 October 2021
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Many reviewers seemed to be confused. Neal is not on the run. He's not looking over his shoulder for authorities every second, wondering if everyone he meets is going to turn him in. Neal Caffrey is dead. Neal Caffrey was a conman and convicted felon. That's not what Neal wanted for the rest of his life. He said many times he didn't want to continue his life of crime and con. He wanted an honest life. So he needed to start a new life, far from the people and city he spent a decade conning. Yes, Mozzie and Peter were his best friends, but they both saw him as a criminal. While Mozzie encouraged him to be a better conman, Peter did the opposite and influenced him to be better. Yet they both still looked at him as a criminal. Neal needed to start fresh where people looked and saw him and didn't see a criminal. And that's what he got. I do think it's implausible Peter didn't connect the key to the storage container for over a year, or notice that the girl Neal met in the storage yard was the same EMT standing directly in front of him "helping" Neal. But it's a good thing he didnt, because if he connected those things immediately, he would have found the overwhelming evidence that Neal was still alive and would have definitely started another worldwide hunt for him. After a year, Neal sends Peter a bottle of wine and Peter finally makes the connections, but by now, Peter has come to terms with Neal being gone and instead of being angry over being conned, he is just glad his friend is alive and well.
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Criminal Minds: Middle Man (2010)
Season 6, Episode 7
A little consistency would be nice
4 September 2021
Last time we saw a pack, the BAU said that packs operate as a single unit, like one person, and that their whole personality is about the crimes. Now, without any other information, they say packs are now consisted of an Alpha, his lieutenant, and a follower. How? How would they randomly know this?
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Criminal Minds: JJ (2010)
Season 6, Episode 2
3 September 2021
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Like everyone, I was pissed JJ left. Even more so at the plot that took her. Can they force someone to take a promotion they don't want?

The criminal plot was sub par as well. 3 days of absolutely nothing from the suspects, then "he never says water" leads them to comb miles and miles of open ocean with absolutely nothing actually pointing there. And they find the buoy, and she's alive.
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Supernatural: Ghostfacers (2008)
Season 3, Episode 13
Not cops just hicks
27 August 2021
I'm not sure why so many people dislike this episode. It's not a spoof of Blair Witch or anything like that. Not sure where that even came from. If anything, it's making fun of Ghost Hunters, and I think they do a great job lol. Taking everything so seriously even tiny things and even when there's nothing there . I think the ghost facers are hilarious. It's not the best episode of Supernatural but it definitely isn't terrible.
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Criminal Minds: The Black Queen (2014)
Season 9, Episode 12
Garcia cannot carry a show
19 August 2021
Garcia is fine in very small, interspaced doses. And only when she's sitting behind a computer in a dark room by herself. This was not that. Not a good episode.
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Criminal Minds: The Inspiration (2013)
Season 9, Episode 1
18 August 2021
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Nothing exciting or interesting in this, or its follow up, episode. While there's very specific to point out as to why this fell flat, I can also say there was nothing outstanding either. And maybe it's just me, but the unsub came across as anything but menacing/dangerous and just completely pathetic. He is such a sad POS. When he is asked his coworker "Want to go sit by the fountain?" or said to the women at the restaurant "Time to eat", and pretty much every other time he speaks, he just sounds and looks like such a pathetic loser that's it's hard to take him seriously as a killer. Boring episode.
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Criminal Minds: Painless (2011)
Season 7, Episode 4
I still enjoyed it
14 August 2021
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I know Reid is a genius and everything, but his conclusions and assumptions are becoming more and more far fetched. I mean, he can tell the unsub has an impossibly rare condition that makes him not able to feel any pain, all because the glass was broken? Come on. That makes no sense. There are so many ways that glass could break. It was ridiculous. But like I said, still enjoyed the episode.
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Criminal Minds: Reflection of Desire (2010)
Season 6, Episode 8
Way too much Garcia
11 August 2021
Her play in the beginning was cringe worthy. And why on Earth would she be the one to give that press conference? Made absolutely no sense.
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Old (2021)
7 August 2021
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Definitely nothing to write home about. Saw the ending coming from a mile away. The script at times just didn't make sense. "Colors in my head"? Tumors can be just lifted out of a body like a C section, like it's floating in the body not attached to anything? People in the theater laughed out loud when she walked up pregnant. Wtf was with the calcium chick turning into the thing from The Grudge? Why did no one really care when that guy sliced up Midsize Sedan's face? How does coral=metal tube? Movie was just all over the place. The 5 stars are really just for Thomasin McKenzie. She watch lol.
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What is happening
14 June 2021
Ignoring everything else wrong with this movie, like very sub par acting (even from Mackie), ridiculous decisions, and the fact that this pilot would 100% be court martialed and sent to prison for killing two Marines while going against very explicit and direct orders, the one thing I couldn't get over was the drone pilot demeanor/actions. Isn't he a Marine or an Airman? Why is he acting like he was just pulled out of a high school math class and sent on this mission? I know he's a drone pilot that hasn't seen combat but even pilots go through basic training and summers in combat training. He talks to COs like they are his high school teachers, extremely disrespectfully. In firefights, he isn't even holding his weapon, just frozen scared covering his ears. What is this? Im just very confused. I assume he gets better toward the end, but I wouldn't know, I had to stop watching about halfway through.
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