
3 Reviews
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The Son (I) (2022)
Where is the character development?
30 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The parents clearly were not equipped to deal with their sons mental illness and I was rooting for them to understand they needed to get him professional help and pay more attention. Then right at the end when it seems they do understand, they fall back into their old habits and take him home?!?! It is not like the signs were very subtle, he told them multiple times he found life to hard to experience. And if the parents learned how to deal with that, if we would see more development within the father through his relationship with his father then maybe there would have been something interesting happen.

The lead up to that gunshot was super intense (also, the dad not taking out the gun from the bathroom tells you enough of how serious they take his mental health).
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Regret! (2013)
Who knew bullying is harder on the bully?
1 August 2022
The title says it all. This movie focuses on the backstories of the bullies to give their bullying a reason, I guess. Highly inappropriate. Also, BAD acting, even worse writing. Kid gets bullied for being fat? Let's help him eat healthier, as he needs to improve himself to stop the bullying. Like, what the... do NOT let your kids watch this :')
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The Lion King (2019)
Glorified tech demo
30 April 2022
Nothing but a glorified tech demo and NOT live action. This is still ANIMATION as it is made with computers. This watered down version of an emotional piece of art is offensive.
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