
17 Reviews
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Capone (2020)
Tom Hardy...Yet Another WOW Performance!
9 June 2020
Let me start by saying that Tom Hardy's little finger can act better than half of the Oscar winners of the last 2 decades. His extraordinary talent is painfully underrated. He should have had 5 oscars by now, if not more! But, naaah let us give it to Brad Pitt for just saying a couple of words and standing and looking pretty. Now, about Capone, the cry-babies who gave this extremely low rating thought it is the common mafia movie with lots of shooting and killing. How many times have we seen that in movies about Capone?! Wasn't it enough?! This movie focuses on the last stage of Capone's life: his demise, which is something we have not seen before. And Tom Hardy..... I can't help but go back to talk about his brilliance. Let me finish by saying this movie should be used in acting schools and and even shown to Oscar winning actor to tell them: This is acting!
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Funny, Sad, Real, Touching, Excellent!
11 February 2020
Movies like these are very rare these days. This movie makes you laugh out loud, shed a tear, and gives you hope. In other words, this movie makes you feel. Only those who do not have a heart or a soul can say something negative about this movie. The characters are very captivating and the actors have done a brilliant job in portraying those characters. My favourite character / actor who stole every scene is definitely Dima (Maxim Stoyanov). OMG! Every time he's on the screen, I had a smile on my face. People should watch this movie to see what people with disabilities can be capable of if they are given the chance. I applaud everyone who was a part of this movie: writer, director, actors and all. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! PS: This is NOT a fake review! Just because somebody liked a movie and rated it as a 10/10, it does not mean that they are fake.
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Sick Note (2017–2018)
A Nail Biting, Edge of Your Seat Comedy
17 August 2018
I love this series because, besides being hilarious, it keeps me at the edge of my seat the whole time. It is so interesting, entertaining, and full of twists that you would wish an episode never ends. I can go on and on about how great it is, but you should see it for yourself. Those who gave this a very low rating are probably not at the level of intellect that this show is, and I bet their favorite show is the cheesy Big Bang Theory.
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What a Waste of Time...
10 August 2018
First of all, I must say that I only review movies that blow my mind or waste my time, and in this case, it is definitely the latter. I'm guessing this movie was meant to be thought provoking in regards to the serious environmental issues our world is suffering from. However, the poor writing, directing and its weak plot put your mind to sleep. It is extremely boring and flat in terms of dialogue and storytelling. After what happened in the forest, I thought the movie will take-off, but it did not. So, if the "thought provoking message" came towards the end of the movie, I guess I missed it because I fast forwarded it and watched some of it on mute while talking on the phone.
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Not a Family Movie. Do Not Be Fooled By The Trailer!
29 April 2018
This should not be classified as a family movie. The trailer portrays it as fun and entertaining movie. However, there is no mention of the people with their eyes carved out, villains with white eyes, monsters eating kids' eyes...etc I am an adult and I was somewhat disturbed. Imagine if kids watch it, they will end up having nightmares. Moreover, the plot was not at all interesting and the 3D effects were not impressive. Finally, I am sick and tired of seeing Samuel L. Jackson as a villain. Overall, it was a very disappointing experience.
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A Star in the Making
17 February 2018
I am writing this review to shed a light on the amazing, masterful, Oscar worthy performance of Ross Lynch. As far as I've noticed, it is his first big screen performance, and he delivers. He is definitely worthy of an award for best actor. The way he portrays the character is so realistic, that I cannot imagine him being other than this in real life, in the sense that he embodies the character brilliantly. Regarding the movie, I like movies that leave you feeling a bit confused. Am I supposed to sympathize with him? Is that what the movie was about? There is no way to feel empathy for a person who committed those horrible crimes, but if the movie made you even consider it, makes it brilliant. Eventually, I realized that I was infatuated with Ross Lynch's acting so much, that I was actually liking him as an actor in that role, but not the person he was portraying.
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What a Waste of Time...Boring, boring, booooooooring.
24 October 2017
As if The Trip in 2010 was not bad enough, they have done another trip?!! Consider this a review for both the 2010 and 2014 because they are exactly the same movie, with just a different country.

First of all, there is no dialogue or script. They just say whatever comes to their minds, regardless of how relevant it is to the conversation. It is just two guys who think they are hilariously funny, sitting, eating, driving, and talking nonsense that only they would possibly care for, or maybe they even do not.

For some reason they think they can do the best impressions of male actors. The whole movie is just about who can impersonate Michael Caine better.

Finally, there is a third movie coming out this year, which I am assuming is exactly the same, but in a new country. So, consider this a review of that as well because I do not think they would do anything new except throwing in some Spanish words every now and then.

Boring, boring, booooooooring.
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9JKL (2017–2018)
Don't be fooled by fake reviews
17 October 2017
One thing IMDb users should realize that writing bad reviews is a "strategy" that competitors are using nowadays to get shows off the air and to harm the broadcasting channel. And the best way to do it, in their simple minds, is to shoot the bird before it even takes off. Therefore, employees of competitor channels log in to IMDb and post as many negative reviews as they can. Unfortunately, this is how today's generation operates: sitting behind keyboards and trying to ruin something that others worked hard to bring together.

Most of the reviews here are based on teasers or trailers or half of the pilot episode. One individual even wrote a bad review because they were angry at CBS for broadcasting too many teasers?!!! Really?!!! Now about the show, I love the cast, and I think the pilot episode was hilarious. I will definitely keep on watching and hoping that it will survive.

Finally, a word for IMDb users who decide to watch or not to watch a show, based on reviews here. Don't fall into the trap of fake and targeted reviews. Give new shows a chance and be your own judge.
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Worst Sound Mixing and Editing
22 September 2017
I was so annoyed by the horrible sound mixing and editing that I had to pause the movie to write this.

When I'm watching a movie, I'd like to press play and grab my popcorn or lay back on my chair and enjoy it. However, with this movie, my remote control is constantly in my hand because of the imbalanced sound mixing and editing.

Let me tell you what I mean... The music and action sound effects are SOOOOOO EXTREMELY loud that I have to turn the volume down every time. On the other hand, the actors' voices during dialogues were SOOOOO LOW that I have to turn the volume back up again.

You see what I mean??!!!! Too high...turn volume down...too low...turn volume up..too high...turn volume down....too low....turn volume up.....too high AGAIN...turn volume down AGAIN....too low AGAIN......turn volume high AGAIN...... See how annoying it is?!!! If there will be John Wick: Chapter Three, I seriously hope they consider a new sound mixing and editing team because the ones in 1 and 2 suck!
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Fargo (2014–2024)
I wish Season 3 was not made.
5 August 2017
I would have given this show a 9 or even 10/10 if it was not for season 3. Seasons 1 & 2 were so well written, acted and directed that I could not wait to see what will happen in the following episode. Unfortunately, Season 3 was exactly the opposite. The story is poorly written and the plot is loose. There is nothing captivating in season 3. As if that was not enough, the meaningless animation in episode 3 was horrible. I could not understand its relevance to the plot. I am going to watch and probably fast forward the remaining episodes just for the sake of finishing it. I heard there will not be another season; smart decision that is taken one season late.
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Snatched (2017)
Why the low ratings and bad reviews?! It is funny!
4 August 2017
I really do not understand the extremely low ratings and bad reviews. It is a funny movie with really good cast. I do not laugh easily, but this movie made me laugh out loud several times. Moreover, there was not a dull minute in it. Every scene is either funny or action packed.

Some of the reasons behind the bad reviews are utterly ridiculous. Therefore, I am no longer choosing what I am going to watch based on IMDb reviews.

Finally, I want to add that I do not write reviews often, but after watching this movie and seeing the ridiculous comments and rating, I could not resist. If you want an hour and a half of fun, watch this movie.
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Vikings (2013– )
One of the best shows on TV, but should be on a different channel
30 April 2017
I love this show. I put it right after Game of Thrones on my favorites list. Everything about it is brilliant: writing, acting, casting, directing, cinematography....etc My only contempt would be about the channel it is airing on. Neither The History channel nor Amazon show the extended version, which is a huge disappointment. This show should be on HBO or Showtime because it is not fair for hardcore fans, like myself, to have to wait for the Bluray version to come out so that we can enjoy it fully without wondering what scenes are cut out.

I have not seen Season 4 because of this issue. It is extremely difficult to wait for more that a year to watch the extended / uncut version of the series.

I hope producers consider selling the show to a different channel.
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Detour (I) (2016)
Brilliant Writing, Directing, and Acting... An Underrated Movie
28 April 2017
I came across this movie by coincidence , and I am so glad I decided to watch it. Why did I? Well, simply: Tye Sheridan. He impressed me so much with his acting in 'Mud', that I knew he is going to turn out to be a good actor. I was also impressed by Emory Cohen in this movie. I like actors who are versatile.I am going to keep an eye on these two.

The way the movie is written, shot, and directed is brilliant. I usually do not enjoy movies that go back and forth in time, but this is done well and for a purpose, which is revealing a twist every time, eventually putting together important pieces of the story.

Moreover, this is a movie that has wit in all the elements I have mentioned above.

Bottom line: it is a good movie that deserves to be seen. People should stop going after movies with "star power", in other words, movies with more famous actors, and should give such movies the appreciation they deserve.
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The Path (2016–2018)
OmG!! The most boring show ever. A huge waste of time.
2 November 2016
Oh dear! Where to begin! The only way I could bear this abysmal, dull, crappy show was by fast forwarding it, yet it still bored me to death.

The story line does not go anywhere. The way the characters act does not make sense at all. I waited and waited and waited hoping that eventually it will all come together and make sense, but it did not.

What a waste of time on my behalf, and a big waste of effort on the production's behalf. Even the "sex scenes" were dull.

I'm afraid after this show, I will be avoiding any project with Aaron Paul and Hugh Dancy in it. That's how disappointing this was. I was expecting something like The Following, that would keep me at the edge of my seat, but this show was the opposite: boring, boring, boring, boooooring.
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Casual (2015–2018)
This a Wonderful DRAMA
24 April 2016
What is the biggest reason why people would be disappointed in a series? Well wrongful categorization of course. When a series is labeled as comedy, people would expect laughs, and they get disappointed when they do not find them. That is one of the main reasons why 'Shameless' is one of the most underrated shows ever. My point is, just because a series has a few funny moments, it does not mean it should be labeled or categorized as comedy.

'Casual' is one of the best drama series I have encountered within the past few years. It is very well written and acted. The story develops slowly but steadily, and towards the end of the season, you become hooked.

It portrays the characters' struggle with life and change in a very real manner. The recently divorced mother's struggle to fit in the world as a divorcée, who had missed on life because she got married and had a kid at an early age. The successful yet unhappy man who created an algorithm for people to find their perfect matches, yet his own system fails to find him a match when he creates a profile as his real self. The sexually active teenager girl who would do anything to get the attention of the older teacher she is in love with.

The lead actors Michaela Watkins and Tommy Dewey deliver raw and brilliant performances. When Eliza Coupe joined the cast, I felt she had completed the brilliance trinity. I really, really hope she comes back for the second season and becomes a regular on the show. She is one of the actresses that I really enjoy watching. I can say the same thing about Michaela and Tommy now that I have seen them in casual.

To sum up, 'Casual' is my favorite kind of drama that tingles your emotions.
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The Invitation (I) (2015)
Builds up for Nothing
15 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, movies like this should not be categorized as horror since it is a thriller at its best. There is a big difference between a thriller and a horror. Movies like 'The Exorcist', 'Paranormal Activity' are horror movies, whereas movies like 'Scream', 'Saw', 'Final Destination' are thrillers.

Regarding 'The Invitation', the first 1 hour and 20 minutes just "build up" to what is coming next: 15 minutes of quick and easy deaths.

It was very easy to predict what is the "big and unexpected" revelation or twist. The moment they played the video of the dying woman and you realize a cult is involved, it became obvious that a mass murder or suicide was the intention behind the invitation.

I was expecting, or let me put it this way, it would have been much more dramatic if the characters were convinced to take their own lives. especially since it was mentioned that "everyone has suffered from a loss". The guy who showed up late for example, imagine that he had arrived 3 hours earlier for real and was convinced to take out his own life on video, and then the tape was played to his girlfriend, who thinks she has nothing to live for and was the first one to do it. I know this might sound a bit crazy, but I think it would have achieved a much better dramatic and intense outcome for viewers.

The only surprising element was the ending when they realize that it was not only them in this situation.

To sum up, the build up should have been much shorter and more suspenseful, and the last 20 minutes of the movie should have been more intense and better written and directed.
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Total Rubbish
13 April 2016
One day, the well established actors who participated in this catastrophe will look back and say: "What the hell were we thinking!?". Seriously, it is very meaningless and ridiculous.

It was the most disappointing star-packed series I have ever seen. There should be a new category named 'Cheesy Comedy', and this series would be the first on that list.

The series and actors try so hard to deliver the funny element with no success, mainly because it does not exist. The weakest element in this series is the writing. There cannot be any argument when it comes to the actors, except for that this will be one of their biggest acting regrets.
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