
2 Reviews
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Wo ist Fred? (2006)
The Good German (Comedy)
30 October 2006
Saw this movie tonight in our local preview sneak - i have to say i'm a German citizen and not (really NOT) fond of our native movies, specifically comedies...but this movie was fun, really fun! The story follows Fred, who is engaged and not fully accepted by his lover's son. To win his friendship he has to get him the ball of the game from the Berlin basketball teal Alba. The clue is: only handicapped persons are given the game ball. To what leads this? Fred takes a wheel chair and is faking a handicap to win the ball and with it his lover's son's respect. The movie could be described as a German Farrelly like movie, as for the jokes pointed at handicapped persons...but these jokes are not insulting, they're really funny. As is the whole movie. And the best thing has Alexandra Maria Lara in it!!! To tell you something: Lara looks sinfully good in this picture, she is astonishingly beautiful. What's left to say is, that if you like to have some 90minutes of fun, watch this picture - it's the best German comedy in years (and don't mind Til Schweiger, he is not that bad either)!
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Lacks of intensity
23 October 2006
I saw this movie tonight at a preview and was merely bored with it. "The House of sleeping beauties" is a German remake of the Japanese movie "Nemureru bijo" and the third film adaption of the book by Yasunari Kawabata. The story follows a man in his sixties, who lost his wife and daughter. Depressed by this loss, he's introduced to a very special woman who offers him a night with a beautiful girl. The tricky thing is, the girl is sleeping and can not be awaken.

I do not neglect that this story (and film) have a great sense of philosophy, but Vadir Glowna (who's the leading actor, too) does not manage to create an intensive atmosphere. The bad acting of every actor - excluding Schell maybe - leads to a very poor credibility of the characters. Even good lines are poorly recited, without passion and feeling.

What's left to say is, that you can argue, if you like Kawabata's story or not - anyway, Glowna's film does not pay Kawabata tribute.
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