
4 Reviews
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Krazy Kat (1962– )
Nothing great
9 January 2005
This is an average at best cartoon, that pales in comparison to the brilliant work of the genius George Herriman. All the stories are rather uninspired, most involve Krazy Kat having a relative coming to visit and fighting with Ignatz. I liked the Ignatz character, in part because I am Paul Frees' number one fan, BUT the Krazy Kat characters voice was really annoying. I did like how the animators included a lot of desert landscapes in the background, much like Herriman did, but the shorts were, sadly, kind of lame. The cartoons that came out in the 1910s were funnier. Even though this DVD collection disappointed me, I am curious as to why only 38 of the 50 episodes produced were put out. Overall I would say to skip this collection, and just buy some Herriman Krazy Kat books. They never disappoint.
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Pieces (1982)
"Gee Trumpy, you can do gory stuff..."
8 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
...Oops, wait a second, I always get my Juan Piquar Simon movies mixed up. I think this is the one where college stud Kendall, with yet another bravura performance by Ian Sera, helps the police find a chainsaw wielding baddie. With the aid of a middle aged tennis pro, who, upon watching her play tennis, you would swear she has never been on a tennis court in her life, but I digress. Any fan of MST will recognize the singer and the gray haired poacher from "Pod People." We even get a chance to see the singers own little 'trumpy.' Whether or not it does magic (or stupid) stuff, I don't know, and I don't want to know.
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The Newlywed Game (1988– )
The LAMEST version of TNG!
17 November 2004
No delicate way to put this one, this show just plain sucked! With TNG it's either Bob Eubanks or it's nothing. What on earth were the producers (who must've gotten the money by smashing open their piggy banks) thinking in replacing Eubanks with Paul Rodriguez!!! "Oh hey...yea...remember that 'AKA Pablo' show!! Yeah, I think we got a good shot at getting the guy!!" And only having three couples. Whats up with that? I am trying to recall from memory since it has been 15 years later. But I remember it had a very cheap look to it. The set decorator must have been working with no money, it shows. BAD BAD BAD. No one needs worry though, they'll never bring this turkey back.
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The Loved One (1965)
A tirade if you will...
28 October 2004
I can't post anything new about this brilliant movie that hasn't already been posted, I just want to know why,why,why, has MGM not released this movie on DVD? They put out so many of their 'comedies' like the abysmally unfunny 'Madhouse' or the pointless movie version of 'Car 54 where are you?' which had no laughs at all, or how about the nadir of Bill Murrays career the painfully awful 'Larger than Life'. You can get all of these movies on DVD no problemo, but 'The Loved One' no... sorry.. can't be done. Does that make sense to anyone? I am amazed they had the concept to release the awesome 'Lord love a duck.' Get with it MGM!
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