
5 Reviews
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Not bad at all !
19 June 2020
I dont understand the hate on this one, what did they expect....Citizane Kane ?! The movie was fun, had good humour and was over the top as you would expect a '80 movie to be. Give it a go and dont listen to the haters because to be honest, it's better than all the lame movie that come out these days. Would love to see a reboot of this movie rated R, because it had some adult humor in it but was toned down to get a PG rating. Decent family far the worst movie ever made in my opinion. Gave it a 8 to boost up the score
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The Father of Adult Cartoons
2 February 2020
I can't believe how underrated this show is. Great voice cast, interesting social commentary, great humor and inteligent puns. If you want to see a great show that will blow you away with how meta it is look no further, this is it. Way ahead of it's time and a blueprint for the shows similar in style that came out.
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Zeroville (2019)
6.000.000 $ movie looks like a low-budget
27 January 2020
You cant make a movie based on cinema references and trivia about movies and expect it to be good. The story is lame and near the end it begins to have no logic, Megan Fox can't act and has a poker-face 90% of her screen time, the story unfolds over a 11 years period but the actors stay the same and how could you let Seth Rogen portray the great screenwritter John Milius. Gave it 4 stars because of the movie references which are cool..but the rest is trash
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One of the best movies ever made !
31 August 2019
Apocalypse now is Francis Ford Coppola's masterpiece. Why ? Because it was made in such a way that in can be interpreted in so many ways and a lot of different levels.. The cast is top notch, the cinematograpy is flawless and it show's how much passion and hard work Coppola put in the movie. It's socking, inpredictble, sureal and suspensfull. The first viewing is truly an experience for every viewer Do not miss this one of a kind movie and if you can watch the redux version, which is the more superior version in my opinion.
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John Leguizamo: Freak (1998 TV Special)
A tour of force from Mr.Leguizamo
27 October 2017
Heard about this classic gem from the internet, after i obtained it from some hard way's i was swept in. Leguizamo narrates his teen year's so natural and heartwarming, but with a dark sincere twist that i felt real emotions about my family. The father part hit the most. I highly recommend this to everyone. 10/10
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