
55 Reviews
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Red Eye (2024)
Damn That Annoying Music
13 June 2024
Damn That Annoying Music, it's just distracting and unnecessary. I'm at the point where I'm going to boycott ITV shows because they insist on having overly loud music to ratchet up the tension. However for me it just grates because it drowns out the dialogue and ambiance. I'm writing this after episode 3 and whilst I'll stick it out, I'm not enjoying it. I don't mind that the plot it patently ridiculous because I'm here to be entertained. I know some people are writing reviews complaining that the plot is stupid but for me that is the least of the problems with this headache inducing show. I'm off to close my eyes and relax now.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Gave Me a Headache
29 April 2024
I really wanted to enjoy this film but the score was incredibly overbearing and the characters constantly shouting over each other constantly was just an annoyance. I turned on the subtitles so I could turn the TV volume down and then I realised just how pointless a lot of the dialogue was. They were bits that I quite liked but they weren't enough for me to not turn off this film after an hour. I got the impression that there was little plot and I could predict what was coming next. It's quite sad that a film with potential was squandered by poor choice of music and dialogue. Shame I couldn't cope.
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Plane (2023)
A Good Old Fashioned Action Movie
30 November 2023
A Good Old Fashioned Action Movie to watch without using your brain.

I was in the need of a good old fashioned take your brain out movie and this didn't disappoint. It was stupid and ridiculous but somehow it was gripping and enjoyable. Gerrard Buttler and Mike Coulter were good together and easy to watch.

Yes there are plenty of plot holes if you know about aeroplanes but again it's not really a problem.

There was your typical mix of annoying passengers but luckily they didn't feature much so I could cope.

I was gobsmacked when it got to the final act because the time had flown by. What more could you want from a film?
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Season 2 is Better
10 October 2023
I haven't read the books so I cannot comment on that side but I can say that this is a well done series.

I wasn't 100% sold after season one but I was sufficiently engaged enough to give the second season a go. I'm glad I did because things just get better. I'm not sure how much this costs to make but it is clear the studios don't need to spend as much as they do on GOT or LOTR. There is enough here for the eyeballs to digest and the dialogue isn't full of filler so it makes for an entertaining watch. I'm very much looking forward to season 3 now. Please keep up the good work. Sad I've got to wait for more.
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Decidedly Average
25 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well it started off well and for a few episodes I was thinking I was going to enjoy this but as it got half way through, it just got more and more improbable. As is always the case where teens are the main focus, they use it for lazy writing. Time and again we find our leads doing things a grown up just wouldn't entertain. It alows for some crazy situations with crazy and unbelievable escapes. I'm happy to give the screenwriters some leeway but I was screaming at the screen when Mickey escaped the the burning house with seemingly no ill effects. I watched till the end but grrrrr it was disappointing.
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Servant (2019–2023)
Mixed Bag, Glad I Stuck With It
2 September 2023
Overall I enjoyed the show but if I'm honest some parts were a real slog. It all started well but I soon became bored and dissolusioned as it seemed soooo slooow and tedious. I wasn't feeling the horror element and I was finding it a bit too ridiculous. I'm not sure what kept me watching but watch I did. Seasion one ended and I thought that was a waste of time. Season two was a repeat of season one's story and I thought what the hell am I doing watching this?

Anyway I enjoyed the characters and the show triggered my ASMR so I continued. Seasons three and four were better for me.

If I ignore some of the more preposterous moments, I quite enjoyed the show.
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Roadworthy Rescues (2022– )
Not Good Not Bad
24 August 2023
I'd not heard of Derek Bieri until I watched this show, and although there seem to be a lot of fans in the reviews so far, I can't quite get on with his manner. I probably just need to get used to him but it feels like he is trying too hard to be edgy, funny and different. I like the concept but I really don't feel the love for the verbal diarrhoea and use of stupid language. I also find the use of brute force and butchery unnecessary.

Anyway once he gets in the garage it all calms down and becomes interesting. I'm only one episode in so I'll stick with it. Like I say, it's not bad, just not great.
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From: Lullaby (2023)
Season 2, Episode 5
Apt Title .... Nearly Sent Me To Sleep
16 August 2023
Oh my, what a pointless episode that was. When the writers resort to make each and every scene consist of characters shouting at each other and being generally angry, you just know they are struggling to fill out the requisite 10 episodes. The start was promising but once the titles had passed, there was nothing else of real interest. Whilst I'm talking about the titles, I'd just like to say that they are the best part of the show just now. The way Pixies singer Charles Michael Kittridge Thompson IV sings Qué Sera Sera is fabulous.

Back to the show.... It had better go somewhere soon because otherwise, I'll be quitting. It's a shame because I mostly enjoy season 1 (until the last episode)
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From (2022– )
Playing me for a sucker
14 August 2023
I've just revised my series score having plodded through season 2. Oh my god, it is so slow and goes nowhere. The actors are mostly pretty poor or average at best. The dialogue mostly just fills for time and rarely forwards the plot. Most of the decisions are not the decisions any sane human being would make. Why is everyone so dumb and emotional to the point that I'm amazed anyone ever survives? There really needs to be some answers to the main questions. I'm not sure if I'll be watching season 3 as I fear it will be more of the same. If it was definitely the final season with a definite ending then maybe I will, but I assume it will go nowhere.

I never watched Lost and I'm glad I didn't. Wishing I'd never started this turd if I'm honest.
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Better Than The Reboot
14 August 2023
An entertaining take your brain out romp. I liked the continuity with the original films, as it made it feel right. I would normally dislike a film with kids as the main cast but in this case they were not the usual kids making dumb mistakes. It helps that the cast are all pretty decent I suppose. Whilst this film doesn't really add anything new, it didn't matter because it was a reasonable story. Mind you, it was a story In could have written myself so don't watch this expecting anything more than a bit of fun and light entertainment. Well done to the team for creating a worthy film to the series.
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The Out-Laws (2023)
Had To Turn This Off
16 July 2023
I'm pretty laid back when it comes to watching films and will watch pretty much anything, even if they have bad reviews. However this was so dire I had to switch it off and I will not be finishing it. It was neither funny nor clever in fact it was just loud and brash. To be fair it has a good cast but they couldn't raise the level of what was simply a rubbish script. I'm trying to think of some redeeming features but no matter how deep I dig, I can't come up with anything. For once I agree with the critics, so don't waste your time. Don't even bother risking it. Find something else to watch instead.
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Silo: Machines (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Sci-Fi Should have Basis in Science
27 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was ridiculous and implausible with not even the slightest grounding in reality. That generator would have fallen to bits due to that blade long ago. There's no way that blade could be straightened and the fixing was no way near strong enough. The turbine would have been too hot to touch for ages. The Turbine wouldn't have started without the cowlings being replaced first. It's unlikely the steam would have made the door glow almost white hot. There's no way the generator could have run for 140 years without being shut down previously. I could go on.

There is no excuse for poor writing / research. They could have made a similar but realistic story with jeopardy quite easily with only a small amount of effort. Ruined the show for me.
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Invasion: First Day (2021)
Season 1, Episode 10
I stuck with it but wasn't rewarded
20 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well I can't really find any positives to this episode or the whole series to be honest. There was a lot of potential but it was squandered by the lack of any interesting characters that you want to care about. It all seemed very generic and safe. The dialogue writers had an easy time though because what little dialogue there was, came from the cliche book of derivative cliches.

The final scene was incredibly laborious as we all knew what was coming yet we had to watch it in every location so we were staring into eyes looking up for 10 minutes. I was so bored at this point I used the 10 second jump button to good effect. I really found myself not bothered if the whole world had been destroyed. Which brings me to the real issue here.... How come this alien ship could be seen from seemingly everywhere?

Derivative drivel.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Taking SLOW to a new extreme
20 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm one of those people that can enjoy a character driven show providing there is some actual story being told. There were far too many silent pauses with camera pans trying to set some tension throughout the whole show.

The next issue was the lack of depth to the main characters' personalities. I really struggled to relate to any of them and couldn't have cared less if any of them had died..... Well apart from the young Japanese JASA employee Mitsuki, who was the best defined person in the show. Mind you this brings me to the main elephants in the room! None of this made any sense at all. Why would anyone really have listened to Mitsuki in her position? How the hell did all those kids manage to climb to safety? What was the point in the kids story line? How did Cole manage to travel so far and achieve so little? There's no way they could have bought that huge ship down so easily. Why do they keep using bullets when they know they have no effect? Where did everyone go? The population couldn't disappear like that. Why was it so dark all the time? Like so dark that we really couldn't see anything at all in places. I could go on.

On the plus side, it made America look like muppets with the gungho lets shoot attitude.

The show had Heart but it just beats too slowly.
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29 May 2023
What an absolute pointless waste of time. I've watched all of the films in the franchise and will no doubt watch Fast X but boy are these films just ridiculous. What started out as a fun and semi believable few films has turned into a parody of itself. Contrived cookie cutter plots with no sense of real physics make this painful. I'm really only watching (through the corner of my eye) out of curiosity for what lame shootout or car chase will come next. Even flashbacks seem to be there just to increase runtime. And don't even mention Han's unbelievable survival that doesn't make any sense. Tripe!
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Black Ops (2023– )
One Trick Pony
11 May 2023
I really wanted to rate this higher but it really is rather lame. I can put up with the over the top acting because that is part of the comedy. The music is really really annoying and doesn't add anything to the show. I laughed a few times in the early episodes but as it went on I started to loose the will to live. The show is one trick and not a very good trick. It relies on our two protagonists being as dumb as you can get, which doesn't add up because they were supposed to have held a job that relies on them having some brains. Anyway I was about to give up when I realised there were only two episodes to go, so I persevered. Not sure I'm the right demographic for this shallow comedy. Oh well never mind.
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The Cleaner: The Statue (2023)
Season 2, Episode 5
Reflects The Mess We Live In
26 April 2023
This episode is about everything that is wrong with society today. We are governed by self-serving zealots whose only interest is to be seen to be doing something good but in doing so or creating something bad. It had me giggling from time to time put some of it was a bit too close to reality for me to be comfortable. It does make me wonder what will be thinking about the this time when we look back in reflection in 20 years or so. I for one I'm a bit embarrassed to be living in this period of time. Anyway, this episode is the best of the season so far and I really enjoyed it. It's been a bit hit and miss for series 2.
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Overly Long and Overly Tedious
9 February 2023
I'm sure the backstory is supposed to be interesting but I just found it slow tedious and boring. I really struggled to find any emotional connection with the main characters. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised because the original black panther movie was very similar, in that it was overly bloated with tribal dancing and posturing. It takes away the pace that was needed to keep my interest. Some of the backdrops and scenery were pretty but some of the CGI was absolutely dismal. You would think with the budget of these films that they would make the CGI a bit more convincing. I'm hoping marvel phase 5 takes us somewhere more interesting because phase 4 has been dull overall.
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Yellowstone: Going Back to Cali (2020)
Season 3, Episode 4
Starting to feel like the characters are my family
28 January 2023
I'm really getting into this show now. I really liked the first two seasons but season 3 has really gotten under my skin. The story telling is top notch and I'm looking.forward to seeing where we end up. I read that people are complaining because there isn't as much violence, but for me this season is infinity more believable because there is less violence. Let's be honest you can't go killing dozens of people a year and keep getting away with it.

Yes there are some minor pacing issues but compared to many shows these days, I can happily see past them. Enjoyed to slow build up to the final biker scene. Some fantastic dialogue.
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Far Too Slow
15 October 2022
This show (and especially this episode) is far too slow and meandering. I can only wonder as to where all the budget went because I'm sure most of the scenes could have been shot in front of green screens with CGI backdrops added later. We would be no wiser. I'm sure we are all supposed to listen intently to the dialogue and soak up the atmosphere but for me it's all very meh! I couldn't care less if everyone died of the flu because I've been largely unable to form a bond to any character. Sad really because I really wanted this to be the pinnacle of Lord of the Rings storytelling. Oh and while I'm on a rant, why is every scene so dark? Even daytime scenes look like dusk!
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
11 October 2022
Why didn't I start watching this sooner? I avoided watching this show for so long thinking it would be cheesy and shallow but I was so pleased to find this is a well observed and cleverly scripted show.

Every 30 minute episode crams in more story than most hour long shows. Even the less entertaining episodes are better than most other comedy dramas. I take my hat off to the whole team for producing such a feel good series that is best savored.. No line of dialogue is wasted and no scene is there just as a filler. Definitely a premiership effort from all involved. Pleased there is a 3rd series in the pipeline.
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The Most Rudiculous Film Ever
19 August 2022
This is my first ever 1 star rating.

Poor CGI, Poor plot (was there one?) Poor dialogue, poor acting.

After 5-minutes I said this is going to be stupid! I wish we had agreed to turn it off at this point because it was stupid. Enough said.
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From: Oh, the Places We'll Go (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
Oh, the questions all remain unanswered
14 August 2022
I've enjoyed the series as a whole but I'm disappointed the final didn't answer a single question.

It's quite rude to leave so many breadcrumbs without a single reveal.

Wondering if I'll bother watching the the next series until I've read some reviews. Life is too short to be have spent hours of viewing without a single answer.
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Extraction (2020)
Worth a Watch
28 July 2022
Typical action movie with a non typical ending.

Worth a watch for the action and cinematography but don't expect a realistic plot.

I just wish the sound mixing was better. Why do we have to strain to hear the dialogue?
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Resident Evil (2022)
21 July 2022
It showed promise early on but there is no denying this is a slow drawn out affair. The scenes with the sisters in the past were not interesting at all and were all too predictable.

The present day story was also too slow and predictable with me having little interest in Jade's survival. I made it to halfway through episode 4 before I gave in. I really wanted to enjoy this but alas it was a waste of my life.
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