
11 Reviews
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28 June 2019
There's not much to say that hasn't been said. The art is beyond incredible, worthy of being put on walls, the story is dark and feels weighted. They don't make movies like this any more.
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Soylent Green (1973)
Ahead of it's time in so many ways.
14 June 2019
I would liken this movie to Ridley Scott's Alien, in that it's so ahead of it's time it feels like something that came decades later. Going in knowing the ending, you might not expect the film to take itself seriously. That would be an underestimation. Not only does it take itself seriously, but it contains the character and gravitas to to be gripping in it's developments. 10/10. A classic is a classic for a reason.
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Literal propaganda
19 December 2018
Even the main character comes off as abrasive, because you can't be a nice and identifiable character who also says "The holiday season can only be all about me and my beliefs and traditions". It's propaganda, plain and simple.
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Mama Medium (2018– )
Below the bottom
19 November 2018
The bottom of the barrel just got lower. Cold reading professional looks directly into the faces of living people who are unable to speak while the victims family asks mundane and rehearsed questions. Don't watch this. Do not spend any of your energy on this. Let this go away. This is the bottom of the barrel, and I guarantee you that you, reading this, are better than that.
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Evil Dead (2013)
Just as useless as you should expect
6 November 2018
What could a modern re-do of Evil Dead be? Not scary. Not interesting. Not provoking. Wooden acting, characters that are props, and needless tensity that doesn't let your guard drop for a second all serve only to tarnish the Evil Dead franchise. Relying on every cliche of the past ten years of horror movies doesn't help. Skip it.
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Dallos (1983–1984)
A veritable feast for the senses.
10 August 2018
The plot is not the focus here. You should watch this if you enjoy 80's anime and 80's music. The action scenes and the animations are top-notch for the time. The plot could possibly be interesting on some level if you were to pay enough attention to it, but again, the plot is not the point, in my opinion.
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Not without issues, but provoking.
26 April 2018
The good in this documentary is really good. The interviews are compelling and interesting, and tell the story of Dahmer from perspectives not only not shown before, but not often shown at all. The bad is almost just as bad. Why do I need some unmemorable actor playing Dahmer in an over-the-top "Look how weird I am" performance? It adds nothing and comes off as pretentious hipster rebranding of a "character" that anyone should know isn't accurate.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Drone (1998)
Season 5, Episode 2
26 April 2018
This is Voyager firing on all cylinders. I'm still going through episodes, but I'm certain this will end up high on my list of favourites, not just of Voyager, but all of Star Trek.
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The Mist: Show and Tell (2017)
Season 1, Episode 3
Mystical Meandering
28 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Power lines and rules are drawn in the third episode of the television adaption of "The Mist". The two settings mirror each other because that's how writing is made easy. To say the writing is influenced by the likes of The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones would be a colossal understatement. Bad guys are bad because they're bad. Good guys are good because they want to survive. There's a death in this episode, which is as pointless as it is uninteresting. The character, as far as I know, is unnamed. One small bug creature enters his ear. He then convulses in pain, understandably, before the skin rips on his back, eventually forming wings. For some reason, and somehow. And did we mention that he has a large back tattoo of a skull with wings? Subtlety was for the early 2000's, people. What must be several hundred bug creatures then erupt from his mouth. Again, for some reason, and somehow. Also in this episode: gamer stoners are so dumb! Is this mist a mystical ancient Indian curse that defies all logic, or is this a sci-fi influenced story of horror, still loosely grounded in reality? I'd like it if the show could choose.
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American Dad!: Stan's Best Friend (2012)
Season 7, Episode 14
Tries too hard to be different.
3 July 2014
Flying with TV tropes can be a major problem for many television series'. American Dad is seeming to do the opposite. It is flying to hard against them, and if that's better, it is marginally so. The American Dad charm of small awkward moments and character-driven plots is gone in this episode, and in it's place is flat-out uncomfortable and cringingly random events barely strung together to create a story. It tosses the previous seasons under the bus with no respect for itself, and that's sad to see on what was a clever show with it's own niche. It seems to try to hard in these later seasons to stand out from the flurry of adult animated television shows, and in doing so is removing the reasons why anyone would want to watch it.
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American Dad!: Flirting with Disaster (2011)
Season 6, Episode 18
Weak in Comparison
8 May 2013
American Dad! is a show which survives on its characters and their unique paired relations. As such, the characters are what people are going to relate to, and treating them with disrespect is going to create a disconnect between the viewer and the program. This is what this episode does. It begins surprisingly strongly. Its "The Office" application to Stan's workplace, while maybe rewriting the history of the setting, is funny and well done enough to get away with it. The last two-thirds are where the problems lie. The disconnect is instantaneous and leaves the viewer immediately detached from the rest of the episode. Keeping the brutality of it hidden until the end of the episode is unforgivable. Equally as unforgivable is leaving the viewer all alone after solving the episodes turning point in under a minute from the credit roll. American Dad!, while never fantastic (but often good) has done significantly better in past and in future episodes.
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