
19 Reviews
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The Society (2019)
27 August 2020
Im very upset netflix did a u-turn on this show after renewing it. Hands down my favourite tv series of all time! The cast, acting, plot, script, camera work, EVERYTHING is perfect about it! The only reason I couldnt give it a 10 is because we may never get an ending after that huge cliffhanger! The series highlighted so many real life topics in just 1 season, you become hooked after the first episode! PLEEEASE LET THIS SHOW GET MORE SEASONS <3
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The Fanatic (2019)
The definition of IRRITATING
7 September 2019
I was never a fan of Travolta, but this just made me HATE him and the character he portrayed! It was beyond awful and anything that was supposed to be "funny" was next level irritating. I gave up on this movie half way through, I've wasted enough time on terrible movies, you know when to call it a day!
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
29 August 2019
Season 1 was just perfection! I loved it so much and everything about it was just great. I didnt watch season 2 for a while after it had finished because I just couldnt see it living up to season 1s standards. Well, I was more than right and honestly I wish I hadnt wasted my time on season 2 at all. I missed Jessica Biel immediately, and the whole setting just wasnt the same in any way. S2 is a strange, dragged out affair which fails to capture viewers' attention. Without detective Ambrose, I dont know how many people would have watched it if im honest, because he kept me clinging on! I kept waiting for something significant to happen, but it never did and I was left feeling so disappointed by the end. If you choose to watch this series, dont waste your time on the second season and keep s1 as your only memory of The Sinner!
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Teen Mom OG (2009– )
A past guilty pleasure thats run its course
29 August 2019
Okay I dont even know how many seasons there are of this to date, but its one too many. All of the girls are living a lifestyle one can only dream of, just from being a knocked up teen. Its hard to believe this show is still going, and its gone downhill rapidly. Half of the girls have more issues than Vogue, and most of the storylines are full of fake scenarios just to get viewers or attention. It has glamorized teen pregnancy in many ways because those girls and their children will never struggle like normal teen mums do. I used to watch this show religiously, but it run its course long ago and I'm just not interested anymore.
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One of my favourite series!
29 August 2019
HTGAWM is almost the perfect tv show for me, it ticks all the boxes. Viola Davis just shines throughout and really makes this series, she is incredibly talented and can make you feel any emotion! What makes this series so great, is the fact that theres many surprises and secrets hidden alongside the courtroom action that you just dont see coming. The writing is very clever and unpredictable which is hard to find these days. I was not a fan of season 4, however after watching s5 it redeemed itself rapidly. Im a bit worried for s6 because of that damn Castello family AGAIN, though I will certainly watch it anyway. To anyone who hasnt seen this show, give it a try- it really is in a league of its own!
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It (I) (2017)
A little bit of everything
29 August 2019
IT made for great viewing on the big screen, and was the first horror movie I went to see for years. IT has a bit of everything- scares, suspense, humour and a great cast. I havent watched the original (series) so I cant compare them, but I really liked this movie and chapter 2 is out very soon!
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Truth or Dare (I) (2018)
Mediocre but not a complete waste of time
29 August 2019
Truth or Dare looked scarier than it actually was in the trailer, but I was ok with that. What annoyed me a little, was the fact that it just looked like a stupid snapchat filter on their faces when they were....possessed? I dont even know! It took away the seriousness this movie should have had, and ruined its potential. The cast was great (I love Lucy Hale) and the plot wasnt so bad either, but this movie just isnt very memorable.
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Teen Wolf (2011–2017)
Am I missing something?
29 August 2019
Teen Wolf starts out great, but as the series went on I just found it so damn boring, and at times-confusing! The plot gets very messy and the series loses the coming of age element it once had. Dylan O Brien is probably everyones favourite, which I would agree with. Honestly I dont get the hype about this series, theres MUCH better shows among the same genre. This just wasnt for me!
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Slasher (2016–2023)
It just gets better after season 1! Love it
29 August 2019
Okay so season 1 was nothing to boast about, but trust me it just gets SO much better after that! Slasher is everything I look for in a horror series- blood, gore, who done it, and a really great cast! Season 3 was the best yet, and the writing does the series justice. Each character has just enough depth to them to form a great story and everything comes together to form a logical ending to each season. I really hope Slasher gets renewed for a 4th season, its hard to find a good horror show these days and this one is right up my street!
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Riverdale (2017–2023)
Too much going on at once!
29 August 2019
Riverdale has so much potential, but the poor writing really throws that away. Season 1 was great, then came the musical editions and 20+ episodes per season. Its just uneccessary, half way through you forget who's who and what happened previously! I watch purely for some of the main characters/actors such as Cole Sprouse (Jughead) and Lili (Betty.) At times, Riverdale is cringeworthy and ridiculously far fetched, straying away from the main plot. Im not excited for season 4 as it seems to be revolving around the damn Lodge family AGAIN... ugh! This series needs new writers and it might reach its full potential, the cast is perfect!
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Bad Match (2017)
Saved by the bell!
29 August 2019
Bad Match is your typical psycho/stalker theme, but the ending separated it from other movies of its genre. Both lead actors played their characters very well, and whilst it was mostly predictable, the twist made it worth watching. Dont start this one with huge expectations and its more enjoyable.
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29 August 2019
I see from prevuous reviews that you either like this movie, or you dont. I enjoyed A Simple Favour, I was surprised to see a female Ryan Reynolds appear! Blake Lively has definitely met her other half in real life because her humour is exactly like his! She portrays a completely different character to that of her Gossip Girl days, and she done a great job of it. Im not a big fan of Kendrick, however, her acting was on point and I liked her role in this. I wasnt quite prepared for the whole dark comedy thing, so it took me a while to adjust because I believed itd be a serious tone throughout. Dont go into this expecting a full on thriller, it plays with your emotions and gets very silly at times. I cant compare this to anything else, it was very light hearted and im not into dark comedies so this was totally different for me. The lead actresses make this movie, definitely worth a watch!
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The Purge (2018–2019)
Surprisingly enjoyable
29 August 2019
I haven't seen all the Purge movies, and I was unaware it was a series as I found this by accident! I was interested in some of the characters more than others, (the whole Penelope thing was ANNOYING) but overall, this was worth my time. The Purge actually forms a pleasant twist, and isnt as predictable as some tv series of a similar genre. Cleverly written, and the acting was actually pretty good throughout too. Im waiting for season 2, which begins soon!
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After (I) (2019)
Yes its cringey but that was to be expected!
28 August 2019
I think a lot of the reviews are very harsh on this title. This is a romance film, so yes it was clichè and a bit cringey (especially Tiffins voice/accent) however, I was not disappointed. I got what I was pretty much expecting, and (for me) it most definitely beat the likes of the Twilight and 50 shades' series! I think After succeeds more for a younger audience, as the plot was very simple and it revolved around college years. Its your typical coming of age romance movie, but im totally ok with that!
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The Intruder (I) (2019)
Simple, but worth a watch
28 August 2019
As many before me have said, Quaid really made this movie worth while and his character was super creepy! Meagan Goods' character however, is just plain stupid. Could anyone REALLY be that gullable!? Although The Intruder was predictable, I still enjoyed it and I have definitely watched far worse titles!
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Into the Dark (2018–2021)
Mediocre at best
28 August 2019
If you decide to give this series a try, DO NOT watch the 1st episode "The Body" it is one of the weakest of the entire series! It was full of awful acting and poor script with an even worse ending. Only about half of the episodes are really worth your time, each with a lesson to be learned. Whilst fairly predictable most of the time, I did enjoy some of the weird ideas Into The Dark brought along with it. I would say that the majority of these stories could and SHOULD have been wrapped up within 45-50 minutes. There was a lot of unnecessary filler added which only dragged them out and took away from the real plot. If you're looking for a real horror series, this isnt it, and it has nothing on series such as Slasher.
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Informative and unique
28 August 2019
This movie really raises awareness about the severity of CF and how it affects peoples everyday lives. I myself wasn't very clued up about what CF was before I watched this, so I thank the writers and cast for portraying the disease in such a sensitive way and helping to educate others. The acting was spot on, but it was also refreshing to see Cole Sprouse take on a very different role to that of his "tough guy" character in Riverdale. He has proven that hes very talented and I hope he appears in more movies. There aren't many films about CF, and this is the first one I have watched, but its a good title.
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Ma (I) (2019)
After watching Us....
28 August 2019
Ok so I was a bit skeptical at first, but this movie rinsed all of the sour taste away that "Us" had left behind. Yes, it was predictable at times, but it was right up my street! The acting was great (shes a crazy mofo!) I really enjoyed it from beginning to end, though I do wish it was wrapped up better. 5 more minutes would probably have earned 10/10 from me! This is definitely worth a watch, just dont expect too much as its a very simple plot.
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Us (II) (2019)
What a waste of time
28 August 2019
I dont know where to begin, this movie was just plain BAD. I knew it wouldnt be as good as Get Out, but this really done a 360 instead. I was so excited to watch Us after seeing the trailer, but what I actually watched was a hot mess. I laughed a few times, and it was due to complete cringey moments. There were too many plot holes to even keep count, and the script was also pretty poor at times. None of the characters are all that likeable, and the "twist" ending failed to phase me, I just thought it was such a cheap explanation. I sat waiting for something to happen but the film was very dragged out, it did not have to be so long. Im SO glad I didnt pay to see this one in cinemas because im gutted enough that I wasted 2 hours of my life watching it as it is! The critics overhyped this title majorly, AVOID AVOID AVOID
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