
4 Reviews
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Such a loving couple....
9 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
If i had to sum up Plughead Rewired - Circuitry Man 2, in 5 words, it would be sweet, cool, funny, amazing, stunning, excellent. The film is all this plus a whole lot more. The set up is fantastic - somewhere above Brazil, Plughead plots a sinister plan to find the secret of immortality, and with it, the power to control the world. Vernon Wells deserves at least 7 Oscars for his exceptional performance as the evil Plughead, with great support from Deborah Shelton and the amazing Jim Mitzler.

The acting and music is great, but that isn't where Plughead re-wireds true beauty is, its in the story, especially the end. Kyle, Danner's new lover, finds out that she is also a biosynthetic! Wow, but thats not all, then Plughead takes Danner and Kyle to this barren wasteland with this really sweet fire the background, and tries to take over Danner's mind by bargaining with Kyle's life. However, just as Plughead jacks into Danner's head with this super cool cable that comes out of his head, Kyle reaches for Danner's hand, and he utters 'Now come into my mind...' Plughead is brought into a white room with these sweet stone pillars and him and Danner are carrying candles. Plughead thinks this must be a joke right, and says 'Watcha going to do, kill me with your love?' and as they kiss he gets set on fire, then normal, then shakes and says 'Such a loving couple' and explodes. WOW.

Plughead is rich with endlessly repeatable lines, 3 of which I have mentioned, but there is also 'Why jack off when you can jack in,' and 'Ok, no more foreplay...' It really did affect my life for the better. But probably the best part is the end credits music, the singing and back track are awesome.

Anyway I could ramble about Plughead all day but I have a train to catch, so to sum up, WATCH THIS FILM! Its so good Thank you brother
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Rage (1995)
Gary Daniels = Prince Among Thieves
7 January 2005
'He can run, and he can hide, but he cant escape.... what they put inside him!' After seeing a trailer with THAT line in it I could hardly contain my excitement. My only regret about watching Rage is that now I am constantly plagued by the thought that I will never see that movie for the first time again, yes it is that good!

The tag line says 'Somewhere between sanity and madness there is Rage' and only a true genius could have made this film. As Elliot Carver says, 'the difference between genius and insanity is measured only by success,'and if this is true then Joseph Merhi is the worlds greatest genius. After hitting old school with Shotgun in the late 80s and having a few misfires in the 90s, Coldfire and To Be The Best spring to mind, PM Entertainment really had found themselves by 1995, as in this year they made To The Limit AND in the incomparable Rage.

Alex Gainer, a mild mannered kindergarten teacher with a great singing voice, is kidnapped by masked lunatics and injected with a drug... Rage. This turns him into a mindless killer. Sweet. However he still has a heart, after the police are onto him all he wants is to help his family! Everyone could do with taking a page out of Gainer's book thats for sure. But this movie isn't all philosophy and love, oh no, this movie contains some of the best action, only rivalled by Executive Target. After then scene at the top of the sky scraper I needed to have surgical nail implants as I had bitten all of mine off, it was so tense. There is a great car and truck chase as well towards the beginning, but the final shoot out in the mall was the mad note. The stunts were exceptional and the choreography was breath taking.

Well PM Entertainment proved they were still the best with this film, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did

Good day friend
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To Be the Best (1993 Video)
So bad my head still hurts...
6 January 2005
There was a point, I think it was 3rd January, 2005, at about 11.00 o clock pm, that i thought 'Glow,' the Reef album, would be the most offensive thing I would ever meet. I regret to say that I was wrong. I am a nice guy, and I love PM Entertainment films, just look at my Shotgun review, and so I bought this DVD for more of the same nail biting, teeth clenching acting and violence I expect from Richard Pepin and Joseph Merhi. The film had a good set up, American kick boxing team wanting to beat some Thai ass, a very good looking blond woman and guys with great muscles.

However the film lacks proper violence, it does not contain any gratuitous shootings or cuttings, or even any proper sex, but what it has plenty of is greased up oily men poking each other in a ring of ropes. It replaces blood and gore with grease and sweat. Where some people I know may like this, I had to get a sick bucket on stand by. The scenes which aren't in the ring looks like there would be better suited on Sunset Beach. The acting made me choke with laughter, especially the two pitiful uses of f***, yes ONLY 2!!! Something is definitely wrong here.

Well I have already wasted 5 minutes reviewing this waste of a movie so I shan't waste any more time on it, I mean I could cutting my arms or stabbing pins into my eyes (which I did have to resort to whilst watching it).

I hope this has been helpful fellow PM Entertainment fan, watch Shotgun, Rage or To The Limit, but NOT to be the best.
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Shotgun (1989)
What can I say?
30 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
When it comes to shotgun, there simply aren't enough words meaning 'terrific' 'incredible' or 'simply stunning' to describe only half this films greatness in the way that it deserves. It was almost solely due to ed_rules8, a fellow reviewer, that i came across this timeless classic. This film surpasses The Empire Strikes Back, Godfather part 2 and Rage as the best film ever created. You can tell that director Addison Randall had slaved over the screenplay and casting for months and years to get it bang on perfect. He stayed up all night to form classic lines like ' 'You're a dead man Jones' 'Who the f*** is this' ' and 'Jones, my office, now.'

Not only is the script awesome, but the action and the music take my breath away every time. The guitar wailing and DJ are truly music greats and this film uses them to maximum use time and time again which enhances the impact the film made on me. There is an excellent chase between Ian 'King of the World' Jones and Rocker, in which you can tell that Jones must be an agile athlete, or when he falls into some boxes in the road, or the scene involving the classic JetCopter. Stuart Chapin plays Shotgun Jones with great empathy, he truly understands his characters wants and feelings, and the acting can only be heightened by Rif Huttons thoughtfully portrayed Max Billings. However the true credit goes to Fletcher Rivington and Broadway Joey. Fletcher pumps a lot of iron and is one of the most brilliant defence lawyers in the country, and joey is wasted with a bullet 'between the eyes.'

Enough about the acting however, the true majesty is in the story. Rivington, as well as being the upstanding lawyer, who works with great tycoons like Caparlo, he is also a sado-masochistic psychopath who gets rocker to score with a chick, who he then shows the sharp side of his whip. He kicks out their spleens and gives them hairline fractures of the jaw without a second of hesitation. A great movie villain. However, soon none of the girls will have any, word gets out and the pimps wont deal, they cant afford the damage. So Rivington goes after a so called upstanding citizen. Part time hooker, all time Shotgun Jones' sister! Needless to say between the drugs and the beating there was too much internal damage. He had killed the only blood relative Jones had! After this, and after getting suspended from his work, Jones becomes a skip tracer. And after Rocker jumps bail, he wants it. He tracks Fletcher's hive of scum and villainy down to Mexico, where, with the help of his desert hermit friends, he creams everyone, and in a nail biting finale, he opens Rivington's chest. Wow.

After reading that you must be salivating over the sheer idea of such a film, let alone seeing it. The only way to describe how good this is, is if the mighty hand of God blessed Randall's during hand during his time of writing. This deserves far more than ten stars.

Hope you have found this helpful! Laters
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