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An excellent film about a TRUE hero
23 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This review will be two parts, film review and backlash for the unnecessary hate. First and most importantly, what you should think about before you watch the film. Clint Eastwood delivers his best film since Gran Torino. Direction A. Bradley Cooper's portrayal of the American icon should have won the Oscar. Acting A+. The general movie score/props/cinematography is solid, points off for the fake baby though. B+. Overall rating, 9.8. Now for the Liberal badgers of the film who didn't see the flipping thing. You DARE call Bowe Bergdahl a hero and call Chris Kyle an abomination to the country and racist?! Chris Kyle did his job. He killed EVIL people, in the act of war, who did evil despicable things and you dare call this man a monster?! I'd like to see every Liberal who bashed this film under fire from RPGs and AK-47s and see if they think that 150+ kills he tallied was unjustified. As for him calling the Arabs savages, he's right. Call me racist I don't care. The Arabs have done one thing their entire life, and that is butcher their own people and the Jews. Don't believe me? Look at history and Lawrence of Arabia's struggle to get Arabs to work together FOR THEIR OWN GOOD, and they couldn't. I realize not all of the Arab people are terrorists, but there's obviously a gigantic amount. He called the Arabs savages because of what they do to their own people. We would be savages too if L.A. decided they were going to run a genocide of Oakland. The bottom line is, if you kill your own citizens to the point you cannot be safe, you are in a savage land. Screw political correctness, express yourself. (To a reasonable extent) I am appalled by the hate for Chris Kyle. You are indebted to that man for his service whether you AGREED with the Iraqi War or not, and being glad he's dead is just unfathomable. Michael Moore and his left wing buddies are the reason why the Korean, Vietnam, and Iraqi Wars were failures. They were reasons that soldiers didn't want to fight. Why? Because they didn't believe that what they were doing was right. The belief that you are on the winning side in any war is essential to winning it. Michael Moore and his beliefs are what is poisoning this country. We need more men like Kyle to bring it back around. Men that are courageous, loving to their families, willing to what is asked of them by their country, and kind at heart to give a helping hand. If more people were like Chris Kyle America would once again be the greatest country in world.
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Noah (2014)
Epic with one real mistake
28 March 2014
Noah is a phenomenal movie that stars the amazing Russell Crowe and a dynamic supporting cast that consists of Jennifer Connelly, Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, and Anthony Hopkins. With that being said, let's start with the bad in the movie.

Accuracy: I believe Noah's story should never be made into a movie because Noah gets 5 chapters in the Bible, and even then you don't get a lot on him. So there is a LOT of blank to fill to have a movie. I didn't like somethings because they weren't as I pictures or entirely accurate to the story. And don't get me started the fallen angels. That was just ridiculous!

Now for the good.

Acting: The cast is AMAZING! Crowe owns Noah, and everyone else nails their parts as well. Emma Watson and Logan Lerman get their scenes, even though they were limited, and they steal them. Jennifer Connelly was as good as ever in her limited screen time, and so was Anthony Hopkins.

Effects: The effects will get an Oscar nomination. They were amazing. They looked real, and I mean really real! Nothing more to tell about them.

Directing: It was great! The dream sequences were perfected, the landscape shots were awesome, and the way the film was shot was great!

As a whole, it was a great movie, but it wasn't fully accurate. But no one knows what happened in Noah's story outside the Bible telling us, so we fill in the blanks like the director did. It was a great movie, I recommend it. It's a good time for both believers and nonbelievers. Go see it!
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Son of God (2014)
An honest opinion
1 March 2014
The Son of God is a powerful true story about Jesus Christ's story from his birth to his resurrection. It has been called a TV movie that got a theatrical release. That is true to a point. The effects and acting could have been better, but if you are going to see effects or acting then I suggest Gravity or American Hustle. The reason you watch a movie like this is to get a vague idea of what it was like to be Jesus or a disciple. The story was a bit jumpy, but it had about 30 years to cover in 2 hours. The center of the movie is about Jesus' last trip, to Jerusalem. The story itself is very moving and touching. It is a must see or Christians or anyone of faith. Diogo Morgado, Jesus, was phenomenal and a gem in this movie. All in all, it is gripping, heart-breaking, and captivating that will be sure to have you in tears.
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Non-Stop (2014)
Taken on a plane with a mysterious tone
1 March 2014
Taken on a Plane, or Non-stop, is an action thriller that stars the Liam Neeson as Bill, an Air Marshal, on a international flight. It's not as action packed, but the who done it feel is well played and surprised me. Neeson kills his role again and it's no surprise either. It's like his agent is trying to find him roles like this constantly because Neeson is a superb action star and always brings his best to every role he gets. The supporting cast was alright, but Lupita Nyong'o was disappointing. I hope she is much in 12 Years a Slave (I haven't seen it yet). I loved the little girl and Julianna Moore in the movie. They are the high points in the supporting cast. There are actually touching moments in the movie, like when Neeson talks about his daughter, that got me choked up. All in all, this a must see. I would and will recommend it and buy it on Blu-Ray when it comes out.
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Better than the harsh reviews seen
16 February 2014
The Monuments Men is torn apart by and ridiculed by critics and common people alike and I fail to see why. It's a great story about the little things that drive us in life and remind us who we are and where we came from. It seems that most people find this movie to be boring and drawn out. I can see that point. I felt like if art, history, or true stories don't appeal to you then stay away from this movie. If any of those three interest you then go see it. It was boring in a few spots but most movies do have their dry spells. The only reason this movie is torn apart is because it wasn't an action packed war movie. That is the reason why people aren't happy. So ignore the people who are hating on this movie for what it isn't and go enjoy this story about saving the past while fighting for the present and future, and don't expect a Saving Private or a Platoon you'll just end up in the majority that is disappointed in this movie.
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If it's broken, why fix it? (Two possible spoilers, depending on what a spoiler is in your book)
2 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
You read the top right. If it's broken why fix it? Meet The Fockers is the continued story of Greg Focker and the unique family he is trying to marry into. Only this time, Greg is introducing his parents to his in-laws and they are more dysfunctional than his in-laws. Now don't get me wrong, this is still a movie I would watch once and leave to oblivion. The same form of comedy is used as in the first, it's awkward but better performed I think. It's the best of the Focker Trilogy, which is garbage as a whole. However, Greg's parents are brilliantly cast and are the best part of the movie. Just saying my favorite part of the movie was either when Greg is drugged by his father-in-law or when they flush Mojo, the Fockers' family dog. They were the high points in a very mediocre/bad movie that can be forgotten with little effort, but this movie is still way better than the first. Do not go out your way to watch it or rent it, it's not worth it.
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Utterly disappointing
2 February 2014
I have heard nothing but positive things about Meet the Parents, and I watched it, boy was that an epic waste of time. I'm not one for ranting on a movie that I think is atrocious so I'll try to be brief. Let's start with the positive of this movie.

...... Yea that's about it. There isn't much. There is very little that satisfied me, but it's a matter if preference with this movie. Here's why.

Everyone was essentially a miss on casting, in my opinion. They did their job, but other actors could have done it better. For example, this is a comedy movie that relies on awkward comedy. It is exactly that. 100% awkward. If that's the comedy you like, this is your movie. I'm not a big fan of awkward comedies like this, so they have to be really good comedies for me to enjoy them. The cast does their job, but it could have been done better by other people. I feel like I'm starting to rant, but I'll conclude here. It's a great movie if you like this style of comedy, if you don't this movie will not win you over, or even come close.
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Frozen (I) (2013)
Warning! I'm probably going to over hype this movie
1 February 2014
I have written a slew of reviews for multiple newspapers and online websites but this is the first for IMDb, and let me say this, Frozen is a Disney masterpiece that is unmatched by Disney's past. You heard me, unmatched. Frozen is Disney's greatest movie, animated or live action, and here's why.

Cast: Frozen's cast is not an All-Star heavy hitter like The Lion King or Toy Story or Monster's Inc. it has a bunch of people I bet you haven't heard of and they just kill their roles! They are magnificent beyond belief! And they do a better job than The Lion King and Monster's Inc. (Toy Story is impossible to beat with Tom Hanks) But you end up loving the characters you are supposed to and hate the ones you are supposed to hate. Bell, Menzel, and Gad (Anna, Elsa, Olaf) are amazing and the best trio of characters since Luke, Leia, and Han Solo.

Plot: It's perfectly written! Really no holes. I think Frozen is the first Disney movie with a love triangle, if I'm not mistaken. And it's a feminist movie! This movie is great for young girls to watch, and for guys to learn how to treat girls. It has brilliant lessons, character development, minimal or no plot holes, and several twists.

Score: The score was perfect. (for those who don't know, score is music play during scenes without singing) It matched the mood in harmony and helped transition to new moods smoothly, and it's really catchy too. It's a rip off it's not Oscar nominated!

Animation: Holy crap this was the best out any Disney movie! The snow and ice look animated but the texture of the snow and ice look completely real. Disney even sent people to study snow for their animation! And it gets a solid A+.

Songs: Frozen has the best in any Disney movie I can remember. They are masterfully written and composed. You can tell from Frozen Heart and Do You Want to Build a Snowman at the beginning the songs will be brilliant! I have only two complaints. Fixer Upper (song with trolls) should have been either scrapped or completely redone. It served basically had no purpose and made the whole scene seem too long, and a few lyrics could a flowed better, but overall a great job, and Let It Go was so deliciously perfect! If it doesn't win the Oscar for Best Original Song, then I will never watch the Oscars again, the same if Frozen doesn't win Best Animated Feature Film.

Message: Frozen's message is just so heart warming. I'm as manly as a man can get, but I bawled like baby during this movie. Something I never do. (I didn't cry for Old Yeller, Mufasa, or Bambi's mom) but man this movie got to me! There's a deleted scene online of Elsa singing to Anna after a very important scene. I looked it up and I was an emotional wreck. It's called I Want to Build Snowman. And it's so good!!!

If you couldn't tell, I love this movie. It's Disney's best and possibly my favorite movie, ever. It certainly surprised me, but it was a pleasant surprise at that. It gets the highest rating I can give and a go watch ASAP if you haven't already! Why are you still here? I'm going to go watch it again.
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