
1 Review
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17 November 2005
A beautifully observed film. Elegant, calm, composed and real. I hope this guy gets to make more movies.

The performances in this film are so complete. The young Callum Keith Rennie is quite outstanding as the son of a man unable to connect, unable to reach out and touch his son. Jane McGegor deserves to have a fabulous career and I have no doubt she will find her way to big things. She is a beautiful young actress with real range. I found this movie way after the event, and I hope many other people discover it to. It is well worth it. I have to have ten lines I've said enough No wonder people write so much rubbish on these notice boards I have to make it up to ten line I have tried all ways of getting to the end with flashes lines and stars. I've said enough already but have to keep going so that the bloody computer will take what I thought would be a simple line review.
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