
13 Reviews
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Poker Face (2023– )
Simon Helberg and Natasha together - interstellar chemistry
3 February 2023
I already wrote a review after watching the first three episodes, which were outright smashing. And this one I had to write after watching the fifth episode. Of course, it was apparent that the show is going to be a hit in 2023. Not only Natasha shined like a star, but each guest actor was picked perfectly to fit each respective character. However, the fifth episode exceeded every frigging expectation. First of all, the character twist with two elderly revolutionaries was unexpected, surprising, and brilliant. But, Simon Helberg and Natasha are together is true surprise, what a performance!!! It was a tango, ney, flamenco of chemistry forgive my passionate metaphor. I pray and plead to bring him back to work with Natasha, and use her talents to make a name for himself in FBI. It will be somewhat Sirano de Berjerac situation, also you should reconnect her with the radio girl that solves crimes.

Anyway, please make another episode with them together, I mean Simon and Natasha. Maybe he could fall in love with her, and be hopeless about it, while she will just dismiss the idea as a joke with her amazing smile? So many possibilities.
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Wow, what a chemistry
6 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sudeikis and Evangelista, wow, what a feast of emotions and chemistry. Watch it now, do not postpone. It's probably one of the best acting, stories, and cinematography of the last decade. It's enjoyable, nay, pleasing to the eye with its light and texture. The camera work is also superb. Very comfortable, makes you forget you are watching a film and you slowly immerse into the atmosphere. I wish they make more quality films like that, where each angle, shot and scene are well thought through and remain essential each on its own. Of course, only true cinema lovers will dig what I am saying, but I am confident any viewer even with a semblance of sophistication and sensitivity will enjoy this film immensely.

There is a bloodcurdling scene when Sudeikis's character moves through the house where bullets are directed at him, and he moves like a weird little disheveled animal all hunched and unconventional. It's the brilliant display of a sweet and thoughtful type (he is far from a gunslinger type), pushed to the limit, pushed to defend not himself, but merely a chance at happiness for his dying woman by eliminating the threat presented by a certain gangster. Besides that there are so many stereotypes are broken and reshaped in very realistic ways. I think this film eventually will be seen for the brilliant piece of cinema it is.
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shameful propaganda
23 April 2022
The film is pointless because from the start to the end it lies and misrepresents. Moreover, it was heartbreaking to see such a talented actor as Gela Meskhi play the central character. It is beyond me to understand what possibly induced him to participate in this disgusting propaganda.
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The Northman (2022)
not for an average viewer this film calls for an educated audience
22 April 2022
Lots of negative reviews from aggrieved viewers complaining about plot details not making sense, about not understanding 'silly" scenes, for instance, the king father and son pretending to be farting salivating dogs, or scenes of black ravens cutting men's ropes, strange naked 'vikings' in wolf pelts, a few second appearance of the image of an old man in a wide-brimmed hat etcetera, again prove that large portion of the contemporary audience simply lack knowledge about Scandinavia mythology, lore, religious practices thus failing to recognize imagery and acts portrayed in the film.

Let's start with allusions to such fascinating elements of ancient Nordic culture as induced possession by a spirit of a totemic animal. Basically, a viewer of The Northman should approach this film well prepared in order to recognize and connect the original tales and visual rendering offered by the director.

The phenomenon of berserkers ( bear men), ulfhednars (wolf men) remain documented but little understood practice. With the advent and spread of Christianity in Scandinavia berserkers and ulfhednars become rejected by society and eventually last of them were hunted down. However, some outbursts of strange human illness labeled as Likania (personal delusion of being a dog or a wolf and subsequent behavior) were documented from the Middle ages up to 17-18th century Europe. Apparently, not only Scandinavian people but tribes of entire Germanic areal once practiced various techniques, often involving intoxication with mushrooms, or floral poisons, aimed to induce such "animal" possessions or states of mind. One can easily recognize in father-son scenes those dark tales from the past.

I also advise one to delve into mind-bending and blood-curling Nordic mythological tales of Ygdrasil tree of life and incarnations of God Odin, and of course of his daughter known as Valkyries, strikingly beautiful warrior-maidens riding invisibly among men killing each other in combat and picking worthy warriors to carry them to Valhalla.

One must try to understand how men of those distant times were emersed in those beliefs from early childhood and how terrifying it was for them to fail and lose passage into the afterlife. Many scenes and interactions of characters will suddenly stop being 'silly' and will start making sense.

One thing is for sure, this film is not for an average viewer. Also, if one is not into the medieval Scandinavian culture, the lack of references will prevent one from enjoying and recognizing many fine elements of it inserted and used by the director. This is where the director had failed. To many not-so-sophisticated viewers, this film will remain an enigma or a weird compilation of gory "pagan" scenes with obscure meaning.

I gave it 8 out of 10, but must say some scenes definitely deserve 10.
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Reacher (2022– )
Perfect cast !
5 April 2022
First it must be stressed that Lee Child's novels bring to light a very American in many ways hero, yet the one standing apart from commonly perceived image. Jack Reacher is a man without home by choice. As he himself declares there is a blood of a wonderer running in his veins. He is constantly on the move, no luggage, nothing slows him down. Plainly dressed, not rushing anywhere, Reacher slowly makes way through American landscapes. His journey is without destination it is almost like a form of meditation. Landless and unattached to earthly goals or vanities Reacher, in a certain way, is in fact a modern version of a medieval traveling knight. In comparison to overbearingly sophisticated and self-reflecting characters of modern adventure literature and cinema adaptations Reacher's stoic figure emerges as a refreshing sight. He is not a mere version of a Hulk while he may appear to some at first. Judging by his physical look people at first miss signs of his mental astuteness and wit.

Reacher is often underestimated by villains and especially those masterminds behind various schemes and criminal ventures. He is often dismissed by good people also mislead by his appearance of a simpleton. Such premises creates a wonderful spring of contradictions and misunderstandings allowing our character to navigate through traps and mazes of unfurling evil plots. It is always fun traveling with Reacher through American small towns, hamlets and big cities, learning about diferent parts of USA, peculiar customs, traditions, and manners of people from diferent walks of life.

This TV series is based on "The Killing Floor", one of the best novels about Reacher's adventures. You will enjoy the ride. First of all, the cast is perfect. Perfect! Incredible chemistry between all characters is evident from the start. More importantly, the adaptation was not infected by Hollywood wokeness that seems to find its way in every production nowadays. Therefore, the final product is pure and genuine. Enjoy!
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Antebellum (2020)
Fantasy of a garbage mind
19 February 2022
Total waste of space, time and effort. The core concept is not new, but it got potential to keep audience guessing about either heroine fell back in time or ended up in parallel reality. However, atrocious scene writing, dialogues are below mediocre. Acting is at it's most primitive. Basically it's a series of sceenes imagined by someone with lots of issues. The imagined story afford nor probability nor a presently relevant message. Ridiculous writing could have been saved by goid acting, but it did not happen. The film remains a garbage to be ignored.
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Ruined potential wasted effort
25 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Full of platitudes, artficial dialogues and terrible acting this creation anountvto sensless yet pretentious visual atrocity.

And the core idea is simply idiotic and impossible to buy. To start with idea of multiplying water. It is an insult to vewers well aware that water is a molecular structure and not a living organism. Do not sell an idiotic sci fi novelty especially half concocted and unsupported even by a semblance of a theory.
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Sandra Bullock's best work
10 December 2021
Sandra Bullock delivered stunning dramatic performance. Allow me to point out how her stony cold reserved and on guard face , gray and lifless slowly comes yo life as she is being awaken by small yet persistent gestures of care and warmth from a male coworker ( another stunning performance by the way). And then in one second of assumed betrayal her face looses all the color it gained and turnes back into a stone.

I can write pages of praise for many scenes, performances, the story arch and heartbreaking surprises that lets be honest happen in life so often. The film reveal misteries of hardcore life, consequences of everyday choices from a crusial to a seemingly benign.

Great film. Undoubtedly 10 out of ten. Ladies and Gentlemen, enjoy. I personally woll watch it again in a little while.
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
Good solid acting compensate for a mediocre screenwriting
25 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The drama plot choosen to explore moral choices and sacrifices in a tight space under conditions of life and death is promising and full of potential. However, the writing team was not qualified to explore it in depth. From the moment the stowaway is introduced into the plot writers choose to cast aside a need to explain how !? The man ended sealed behind the panel in a vitally important section of a ship. The stawawy himself seems not to have a natural rage or desire to know how and why his life was jeopardise by someone's negligence or malice. This is the main inconsistency that cannot be ignored. Viewers must suppress bewilderment in order to proceed with the offered plot line.

Furthermore, there are other points not well thought through such as lack of contingency planning and lack of backup systems expected in space mission of such magnitude. All those are sticking out and it takes effort to ignore them.

Pscycologicaly intricacy is kept to a minimal. It dies not delve into the deep and dark of a human soul, which is definitely was a possibility here. Having said that, such simplicity is not nessesserily a minus. In good dramas the less is more as they say.

On a bright side, the acting is absolutely wonderful. And there are many scenes acted out with such raw intensity and honesty that will make many viewers want to go back in a while and revisit those scenes. I will watch it again, but it's due to talented actors and their dedication to otherwise poorly written story. There is an obvious crisis with intelligence level among majority of writing teams in the Hollywood. But I guess good enaugh to be salvaged by a good acting. Still, it's a shame. Could have been a masterpiece.
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Creep 2 (2017)
Deepening as you watch
30 March 2021
Wow. I want to keep saying it after film ended. Another round of applause to Duplass and his wonderful colleagues. Most successful of all creepy horror films are watchable twice at best. This You will want to go back to it again and again. This is kind of film you will revisit at least once a year. Amazing cinematography, writing, and of course brilliant, brilliant acting. This is a juel of a film. Ok, guys stop reading this raving of mine. Don't waste your time. Lit your cigars, light your pipes, pour your whisky or whatever yo drink, and push the button. Enjoy guys and gals. Enjoy!
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Chunks of director's mediocrity
30 March 2021
Ok, film is almost unwatchable. If you are an intelligent, sophisticated viewer or cinema aficionado please do yourself a favor and brace yourself for mental pain and visual torture, because its bleak photography, unpleasant angles, wonderful actors acting out array of insufferable characters, and of course slow unjustified pacing. Whom to blame, one may ask? Definitely not actors. Those did their best. I guess this film is a summary result of "talented" script writer and equally "talented" director. Pieces of a woman ? No, its rather chunks of cinematic mediocrity.
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In the Dark (2019–2022)
Not mere disappointing but utterly repulsing
21 December 2020
How in the world a good, promising idea/plot/premises so full of potential is turned into this pitiful imitation of human drama. What does it take to repulse a viewer to a point of no return? Where to start ? First of all, it is a "politically correct" ensemble of characters defined be their race, sexuality, power, etc. It feels like all the tropes of an obsessed social justice narrative are slumped together and shoved down a "viewer's throat". Main character is impaired and conflicted person, ok , I get it. Does she have to be also a lazy, obnoxious, ungrateful, promiscuous, dirty, alcoholic, pot smoking, egoistic character? Why her roommats should be a lesbian couple? Why both cops must be dirty, one sleeping with and aiding a drug dealer, and another one working for a criminal boss in order to cover medical expenses. Yes we want to watch stories full of conflict and struggle and immersed into realistic setting, but if main characters are artificial and shallow, while a main undercurrent is constant, repetitive amorality , one gets a plainly repulsive product of a show.
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Stalingrad (2013)
Worthy effort by Russian director , yet short of success
1 December 2013
Bondarchuk is quite famous film director in Russia. This film of his obviously is a little step forward for post Soviet cinema. Some German characters, especially main protagonist are depicted in a human way in contrary to familiar image of a German solder as animal, coward and rapist.But Soviet solders in the film remain as in old Soviet movies. They are all brave, unstoppable hardcore yet loving, tender warriors. Battle scenes are professionally recreated, shot and edited and used mostly to glue together the rest of the film, which are mostly long monologues or dialogs of the various characters and landscapes of covered in ash ruins of the city. Cast is great. Great faces, costumes and prop installations. Much effort to make this film great fails however short of success. Story lines runs unevenly and very weak at times. Message of the film is unclear.And what really brings it down are unnecessary comments by voice over telling us of horrors committed by German solders. old habits of Soviet propaganda never die ?? Pity really.
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