
21 Reviews
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VFW (2019)
Truly kick ass.
26 March 2020
I had a great time with this film...not something revolutionary from a plot point of view, it's basically a remake of Assault on Precinct 13, but and it's a big's executed with such panache you instantly forgive it when the action kicks off.

The film follows a team of old army friends as they try and celebrate one of their birthdays...fate conspires to ruin that however as a young girl in need of help sets them on the path of destiny.

The acting is solid, the violence is eye watering and the 80's look and feel (and sounds) made me feel at home...I loved it.
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Best film I've seen this year (2020)
26 March 2020
Basically a film about addiction, wearing the clothes of a horror film...this film really surprised me, I watch a LOT of films and you don't come across a film this unique very often.

Brilliantly acted by the lead, this man is naturally funny without being smug, which is quite the trick...grungy aesthetics, wonderful cinematography with excellent editing and direction.

The rating it has right now is a reflection of it's refusal to be an easy watch...the rating will grow.
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This review section is biased and quite sad.
29 February 2020
So what it's not like the original and it's all random humour and 'bad''s funny, I'm old so I don't watch kids cartoon anymore (something the many many saddos in these reviews should consider) my children really loved it, it's no worse than Teen Titans Go (another KIDS cartoon that 40 something saddos hate) and it might even be better considering the reaction from my kids.

You'll get a funny cartoon cancelled because you are crying cause you can't carry on watching the same stuff you watched in your childhood repeated forever...'member when you were young? You hated all 'old' things didn't you? Why should todays kids be any different...but no, it's an 'insult' it's a 'slap in the face' and it's 'disrespectful', listen carefully saddos....GROW UP! Stop crying about a cartoon about anthropomorphic cats fighting an age old mummy not being like it used to're literally pathetic.
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Basically a modern western (a bad one)
11 February 2020
Me and my wife spent a good hour of this dreadful film trying to come up with a single reason Guy Pearce would agree to be in this film...we came up empty...with only blackmail a distant option.

Bad film all round, tough small town cop with military background with regrets in his past, stop me if you've heard this one before...facing down a gang of biker thugs with only him standing for law and order.

While a film with this amount of cliche can be good...this gets just about everything wrong....I'd avoid it personally.
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Pointless without Hanneman
15 November 2019
See title, I didn't even listen to Repentless, the idea of a King driven Slayer makes me cold inside.
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IO (2019)
Apocalypse, most important girl EVAR! Snore.
19 October 2019
How many of these films do you think we need?

It's getting really dull don't even need to look at post-apocalypse dramas to see if they feature a young girl who holds the key to the future...they's nailed on.

We get it...women are strong and capable...even in the stone age, do you understand that in about ten years these films are going to be seen as high parody?

This was an open letter to hollywood...the film is mediocre.
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Don't Look (I) (2018)
Boring rubbish.
18 October 2019
Terrible direction, awful acting, naff 'special' fx.

'Dont Look' indeed.
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Bird Box (2018)
A great film...very suspenseful and taut...usual Bullock greatness.
16 December 2018
Bird box is a film that spent it's running time surprising me, from the usually foreboding 'Dur Duuuur' that announces a 'Netflix' film, (they aren't usually the best). as I source my viewing independently shall we say? the sight and that sound never usually means good things, usually.

This is a cool end of the world film...lots of atmosphere and i can forgive the way progressive politics injected into it as it was very entertaining throughout...Sandra Bullock is excellent as ever and continues to be my favourite leading lady.

Good stuff.
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8 Remains (2018)
You will have no idea what's going on.
1 December 2018
This film is has no sense of anything that would go into a good film.

I have no idea what was happening from one excruciating minute to the next, we have actors who either don't act or totally overact...I am having a hard time remembering anything about it and I only just finished it.

The director is trying for a mysterious atmosphere but only succeeds in making the viewer angry and impatient...for its quite brisk run time it's interminably long.

I suppose the female audience might get something out of this...but I'm not a female audience and I thought it stank.
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Halloween (I) (2018)
Lies Lies Lies and more Lies
20 October 2018
This is the best horror film of the year and probably all time, hell this baby will probably cure's just that's a real sequel to the original and in no way is it a direct insult to the other films, one such film is basically the same plot as this one but who wants to watch a film named after water? No-one that's who.

This film is so scary it will make your sinking dread about nuclear war seem like nothing...Myer's is back baby...and he will scare your pets.

!0/10 nothing to beat this sheer cinematic gem....

Comments like this you will find on this review section and they are all downright insulting lies.
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Blood Prism (2017)
One of those films you'll way or another.
6 June 2018
It's an odd film Blood Prism, while most of the acting is of a poor quality I truly believe this is intentional due to the overwhelming positives this film contains in spades in other areas.

The lead actress delivers in my opinion a stunning performance that is so unbalanced yet essentially charming...robotic yet organic, it's truly something to behold, the other actors in the film fail to keep up with her, again maybe by design.

The horror elements are the strongest though and the director has a real ability to stage an atmospheric sequence, with great Argentoesque lighting in some scenes.

It also contains a compelling and atypical soundtrack...with some Lynchian elements...this extends to some of the dialogue to be fair.

I really liked this film although I was unsure if it was going to end well, it did better than most horror films.

A future indie horror cult classic.
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Terrible, awful, unwatchable dross.
21 February 2018
A film with a title like this can go one of two ways.

It can be quirky and inspired, not afraid to poke fun at itself and deliver a self aware dose of horror fun.

It could also be bottom feeder 'appeal to the kids' effluent.

Guess which path this film took?

The horrible latter that's what...there's nothing really wrong with any of the surface elements and especially early on in the film you could sort of see some effort put in, but this doesn't last as the ludicrous plot and motivations come to the fore.

Nothing really wrong with the lead actress who does try and make the best of what she's been given...but all the other actors are not convincing in the slightest and only sought to worsen the already broken atmosphere.

Plenty of really loud jump scares...none of which are in the least bit alarming.

When this inevitably appears on Netflix I would avoid it like the plague.
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Confusing mess with some redeeming features.
5 February 2018
It's a frustrating watch this one, it has effective moments of horror which immediately separates this film from 80% of modern horror...but and this is a huge but...the WHOLE PREMISE IS LUDICROUS.

You'll have to watch it to find out just how risible it is, but rest assured, it's reaching like a dwarf in giant seems like the whole premise was a bit of a reshoot...see what you think.

Some really nice acting in there, especially from the extremely well put together Esmé Bianco.

I do recommend it to horror fans.
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Way worse than anyone expected.
31 January 2017
Can't believe someone gave this a 10...he must be incredibly hard to please, this film is just bad, predictable nonsense with horrible embarrassing acting from everyone but Christopher Craig...there are no surprises, none, what you expect to happen in the first ten minutes is literally what will occur, it's a really pointless, needlessly gratuitously violent grubby little film, I didn't like it at all.

It certainly isn't worth a ten off anyone and I can only assume this person has a vested interest.

I don't know what it is with this new fad of a 'young couple with a new house that hides a terrible secret' thing the film industry is doing, I think I prefer ghosts.
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26 November 2010
This is an ugly little film, I watched it because I wanted to see a balanced account of the state of world power and the insanity of the mutual destruction doctrine, what I got was a piece of propaganda that Goebbels himself would have been proud of. I watched open mouthed as the political bias of the makers was laid bare for all to see, they must really think we are moronic. If as I suspect this is just a 'psy-op' to make the world believe that is 'woz the Arabs, wot dun it' when a nuclear device is exploded on US soil, then you will see the truth in what I'm saying soon, I hope to the pit of my soul that I am wrong.
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Borat (2006)
This film is disgusting tripe.
2 March 2007
I'd heard the hype but having seen/suffered S B Cohen's previous work I just couldn't buy it. Needless to say its really awful, dire at times, and just plain boring all the rest, this is supposed to be a fly-on-the-wall style documentary, its all so staged and obviously so. It has zero plot and is severely lacking in laughs. What it doesn't lack however is hate, Sacha Baron Cohen really hates Muslims, his previous 'creation' Ali G was dripping in derision and bile but was on the right side of criminal, just. Borat is different, to portray a whole group of people as casual rapists and backward is wrong and the fact this film got made in the first place is a testament to the all round wrongness of our world. Its a hit-piece with a sly smile. Disgusting X 1,000,000.
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Quite brilliant thriller.
27 July 2005
Wow I didn't expect it to be that good, This is a classic revenge tail, Paddy Considine is a revelation as Richard, a man on a grim mission, without giving anything away, some low-life drugs-types have been hassling his mentally handicapped brother Anthony (Toby Kebbell), and Richard isn't very happy at this. What follows is what could only have been produced in Britain. The locations are great with sunny Matlock looking lush and green, this is contrasted against the grey counsel housing and the result is very nice to look at. Final mention for the music, good mix of country music and choirs, very operatic.

One last line because IMDb says I must, If you like grim revenge tales and are fed up with trite Hollywood pap (I know I am), this is the antidote.
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Boogeyman (2005)
25 July 2005
This is a warning, this film is dire. Its storyline is vapid and thread-bare, It appears to be three scripts cobbled together, very very badly. The 'actors' are weak, the lead looks like a cross between Daniel Beddingfield and Mathew Rose off Eastenders, he's poor and often looks bemused. Cant honestly remember what the female was like, was there one? This is how good it was, I stayed with it right till the end, but with hindsight that was an error, as the resolution was VERY poor and not surely what the script writers had in mind, as all signs were about something very different. Its like the director had a dream where he thought he was David Lynch and then woke up and wrote a film, but halfway through writing it he decided to watch 'celebrity wrestling' and got a bit distracted. Don't WASTE YOUR CASH.
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A very cool film
25 July 2005
This was a delayed viewing for me, took four years but I got there in the end. I heard all sorts about this film, most of it negative some people even claiming ''. Well it isn't that, and reading the other views on this film, you've got to wonder if they got the angle of it, and if they had considered this....

Its a lot funnier than your typical Hollywood pap, and that folks is a solid gold fact, and you've got to think that in twenty years time this will be regarded in a whole different light. Actor wise, Rip Torn is great, TG is fine but a little restricted. Good soundtrack too. Don't believe the hype kids.
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We bow to George.
24 October 2004
The third in the series, and we have the darkest in the series, both in terms of lighting and mood. This film is regarded as the worst of the three, but I put this down to the tone of the film, which is as I mentioned, dark. Not many people are equipped to deal with utter despair. The dialogue is strained with frustration and fear, on both sides of the divide the film presents. We have the scientists on one side and military personnel on the other, the majority of time is spent on this dynamic and its clear that this bunch of people are in REAL trouble and that's before any zombies crop up, this is what puts most people off.

And it shouldn't because when they do attack, it's all the more shocking for it. Solid end to the trilogy. 7/10
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12 October 2004
This film is an insult to the previous film. Firstly its more of a 're-imagining' than a sequel, this is arrogance in the extreme when you consider the dross that was produced. It takes everything that makes the original great and just abandons it, its almost like the 'film-makers' responsible thought, 'Gosh, all that atmosphere and tension has got to go, and that Freddy love hes just soooooo mean and scary, lets change him from a child killer to a homo-phobe'. The films homo-erotic undertones/overtones are very strange to say the least. Puzzling almost, you wonder what they thought they were making. It shatters the very cool premise of the original into a bazillion pieces, breaks EVERY rule set down. The acting is third rate, even Englund. For an example of what a proper sequel should look like watch Wes Cravens New Nightmare.
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