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Mag Wheels (1978)
Unusually dark '70s teensploitation flick!
17 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Not as light-hearted as most of the '70s sun-and-sand teensploitation flicks of its time, MAG WHEELS (released on video as SUMMER SCHOOL) concentrates on the rivalries between the local high school van-drivin' dudes and the tough pickup truck-drivin' chicks. When studly van-drivin' Steve starts to get friendly with Anita, the new girl in town, his girlfriend Donna gets really p***ed off -- so p***ed off she's out for revenge. After a long night of waiting tables at the Boogie Bowl, the local skate park and hangout, Anita has to fight off her sleazy boss, only to be nearly run off the road on her way home by the vengeful Donna. Upon her return home, Anita is reproached by her father, who refuses to listen to any explanation as to why Anita is late, and takes away her car privileges. Further angered after seeing Steve with Anita at the Boogie Bowl, devious Donna suggests that Steve should cop some weed from her cousin, then secretly phones the police. After his near-arrest, Steve is convinced by Donna that the only person who could have alerted the police was the waitress (Anita), who had overheard their conversation. When Anita's pickup-drivin' friend, Jill, gives Anita a lift, they find they're being followed by all the van guys -- too many for them to escape! Jill uses her C.B. to radio for help from her pickup friends, but the vans cut them off before backup arrives. The guys force Jill and Anita out of the truck and attempt to rape them before the pickup chicks arrive and start kickin' a**. The next day at school, Donna starts a fight (Catfight!) with Anita, and Anita is expelled. Wanting to get revenge, Jill and Anita challenge the van guys to a "drag-out." When Anita learns that people may die or be seriously injured in the drag-out -- which is a game of tug-of-war using vans vs. pickup trucks over a deep ravine -- she tries to stop the proceedings... But will she be too late?

Poorly acted and made on what appears to be a shoestring budget, MAG WHEELS, sends out a mixed message to its viewers. While it seems to be in support of women's rights, there's also a subtext of misogyny. The tough truck-drivin' chicks are shown in a positive light -- they are able to take care of themselves, beat the guys in a drag race, and kick a** when necessary. And although the guys unflatteringly refer to them as "lezzies," this label is shown to be unfounded in one of the obligatory skin-baring scenes the genre requires. Yet it is the aggression against women (which is not shown to be unacceptable) that is most disturbing. After fighting off her sleazy boss one night, Anita (unbelievably) returns to work. And even though she is angry after Steve and his van buddies assault her and Jill, when Jill makes a slur against Steve, Anita says, "he's not that bad." Huh?!!! From would-be boyfriend to would-be-gang-rapist and HE'S NOT THAT BAD? Apparently Anita's father's constant berating has damaged his little girl's self-esteem.

In spite of its flaws, I actually liked MAG WHEELS. I love '70s movies with a capital L - O - V and E, and though this is certainly not the best of its genre, neither is it the worst. The story of two girls in rivalry over a guy may be played-out, but the van-drivin' dudes vs. pickup-drivin' chicks angle was new on me. On the upside there's an attractive young cast of unknowns, plenty of action, lots of bikinis (and the '70s bodies to fill 'em -- you know what I mean), beach-frolicking, drag racing, van-rockin', cat-fighting, and even a little skateboarding thrown in for good measure. Oh, and for you guys: yes, breasts-n-bottoms-baring aplenty! On the downside the the dialogue is bad, the acting worse, and characters' actions are too mean-spirited for a teen romp. I was also pretty put-off by the lame attempts at comic relief (which are neither comic nor a relief) involving a nerdy pledge being ordered around by the van dudes. Wait a minute... isn't this supposed to be high school? Are the van guys in some sort of van fraternity or secret van society? And if this nerd is really some kind of pledge to join the van club, shouldn't he be driving a van (preferably one with mag wheels!)? But if you like '70s low-to-no budget teen movies (You know who you are!), you'll probably dig this one, too! Others beware.
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