6 Reviews
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Tom Holland (way before Spiderman) proved he's an actor
12 November 2023
I had no idea Tom was in the movie when I started it, nor did I realize what a big role he played. His acting was better than many adults, and I cried and cringed all the way through this movie. His fear at thinking his whole family was dead and then his utter relief at seeing them again still brings tears to my eyes. When the water rushes everyone away at the beginning, you don't see what Naomi's character, Marie, goes through. Not until the end, and I was on the edge of my seat. This movie is sad at points and tragic at others, but I breathed a giant sigh of relief as it ended. Such a well done movie and well worth the watch.
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Jennifer must get better scripts than this one
7 November 2023
Jennifer's character is hard to like most of the time. She lives in a tourist town and absolutely hates the tourists. Considering her main sources of income are as a bartender and an Uber driver, not sure how she stays employed. When she gets the "job" of dating a rich couple's son, it's never quite believable that he would want to spend any time with her. She's a nut, and he seems like a very nice, quiet and shy guy who would be best suited with a nice girl. I almost stopped watching after the naked beach fight. I really hope that was a body double and that Jennifer didn't let that be her first full nude scene. YUCK! I kept watching and at least the movie ends on a positive note. It's mostly a waste of time.
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Hidden (I) (2015)
A bit boring at parts but the surprise twist makes it worth watching
29 October 2023
It's hard to review this movie without giving away the ending. Many things will cross your mind as you watch and wonder about the "breathers" above, but it's doubtful the truth will occur to you. Many times twists are dumb or obvious, but this shocked both me and my son. The only drawback is the very slow buildup, and the sparse flashbacks that reveal very little each time. It's like opening a present only to find another present within and then another. Opening that last present elicits a gasp of surprise, much like the ending of this movie. Best of all, it has a happy ending, at least as happy as a movie like this can have. Well worth the watch.
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Ridiculous plot
21 October 2023
I only gave this about 15 minutes before giving up. The whole idea is to take a pill to go one day forward into your future self for an hour. One day! To set up some caper to steal company secrets or whatever, it didn't really matter. There isn't much you can do with only an hour just one day ahead. Going back a day might be useful to stop a loved one from dying in an accident, but that's not this story. And why go to the trouble of stealing secrets? When it hit me that it would make far more sense to go one day into the future to get the lottery results and become a billionaire, I decided it wasn't worth watching this ridiculous movie any longer.
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Us (II) (2019)
What a mess
10 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While I liked the idea of this, the actual story was a mess. It felt like a bad joke that I kept listening to, hoping the punchline would save it. It didn't and actually made it worse. Don't read any further if you haven't seen the movie and want to be surprised.

Whenever Red spoke, it was so irritating that I almost gave up on watching. I think her speaking took away from the horror aspect, and the ending made the whole thing very implausiible. If she wasn't the clone, why did she stay underground? Why was she having to mimic the clone's actions? The whole story falls apart when the "twist" is revealed. Instead of saving the movie, this joke's punchline ruined it, and it amazes me how well it did. I'm glad I watched it for free and definitely won't give it another look.
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Black Panther (2018)
Was unsure what to expect...
22 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know what to expect from this movie. Was honestly a bit hesitant to watch it, since I didn't really care for the Black Panther in the Avengers. But after hearing that this site claims that the movie was the best Marvel movie ever, I had to at least watch it. I'm white, so going into a movie with a mostly black cast, I knew it might be a challenge to be unbiased in my review; however, with only a very few exceptions I could almost forget the predominant color of most of the stars. I am going to try to ignore those few exceptions for the rest of this review.

One thing that is very clear after finally watching the movie is that both the 1 star reviews AND the 10 star reviews are clearly wrong. Maybe one happened to offset the other, which is probably the case. Clearly the 10 stars were either people who wanted it to be the best movie, and the 1 stars wanted to balance them out. Whatever the case, this is a middle of the road type of movie. It's not the best movie made, nor is it the worst. If I could have rated this 5.5 stars, I would have. It had such potential to be a very good movie. Had they trimmed about 30 minutes of the more boring (and unnecessary) aspects, it could have easily been a 7.

The good: I liked just about everyone. The action scenes were pretty good. Even the CGI was better than I expected, since the one they show here on this site is awful, but it looked much better in the actual movie. I liked the futuristic city of Wakanda, and T'Challa's sister WAS the highlight most everyone talks about. She should have her own movie. Heck, she could be the Black Panther.

The bad: I can see why there are comparisons to the Lion King. Wakanda is the most developed country in the world, but they actually allow others to battle the heir to the throne? And if they can beat him, they become King? Seriously? So if someone stronger than T'Challa, who is son of their King, beats him, T'Challa is a nobody? And this person who just happens to be stronger now rules the most powerful and developed country in the world? Seriously? I mean this happens not once, but twice in the movie. I actually rolled my eyes when the 2nd one occurred. So this crazy a-hole has a chance to be king, just because his father was brother to the king? Well, I'm pretty sure the guy was a traitor, so that would sever all ties to the kingdom, but I guess that doesn't count? Anymore than Scar killing his brother to become king? This right here lost them a star or two. Having the people of Wakanda, especially their General, agreeing to follow him lost another star. It seemed the only ones who had any sense were T'Challa's mother, sister and his ex-lover Nakia, all three of whom were smarter and more loyal than the lot of them.

Like I said, it had the potential to be at least a 7 star movie, but as it stands, it's no where near as good as any of other Avenger movies...or any other action movie. I could say more, but I think I've made my point.
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