
11 Reviews
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Ragnarok (2020–2023)
I see the negative reviews and...
31 January 2020
I see the negative reviews based on some gayness and the 'tired subject' of climate change and all that does is make me want to watch even more of what I've seen of it already seen and enjoyed.

A 1*??? ..Means the worst possible movie. That must come from people who have only seen about 4 movies in their entire life. Anyone who's seen an actual movie deserving one star, turns it off in about 3 minutes. Watching an entire movie you think is the worst ever is pretty stupid and per usual, is always about they're not liking a certain political point or gay people in them. Those aren't movie reviews and I feel obligated to add a few extra stars to a 1* rated movie because of that...which isn't right either. What all of that does is corrupt the integrity of reviewing movies. * This is my second review of Ragnarok because I wrote the first one after watching only 2 episodes. I'm now, after finishing it, adding another star because the series deserves it. The low ratings are ridiculous and obviously from those who didn't watch much or they wouldn't make such ridiculous claims like..It's just left wing climate change propaganda or It's just another teenage soap opera, or I didn't like that the main guy who never smiled, etc. There was nothing in the series that was anything like that and the guy didn't smile for a reason.

By the third episode, you start to get what's going on, if you hadn't already, and by the fourth, I couldn't stop watching it. The last 3 episodes, nearly an hour and a half, seemed liked 15 minutes to me. Maybe because people aren't used to an intelligently made series that doesn't shove car chases and ridiculous fight scenes in your face every five minutes but unfolds into a well defined story about social justice using every day issues and ancient folklore involving gods and giants. That's all you get. You'll get it if you watch the whole thing. Seriously impressed.
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The Laundromat (I) (2019)
WEALTH movie that comically uses facts to show why.....
26 October 2019
Anyone giving this movie a low score simply doesn't understand what it's about. It's based on the book, Secrecy World, which has high ratings...and the Panama Papers. ...the discovery of 11.5 million leaked documents from corporations, shell companies and billionaires and off shore banks where tens of trillions of dollars are stashed by them to avoid taxes. The movie is done in a sort of comical way, but is based on facts found in the Panama Papers exposed by a whistleblower...and what's depicted is all true. I'm not giving anything away as those things can be found in the description of the movie. It's a movie that everyone should see and try and understand the message.
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The I-Land (2019)
Come on, a 1 star??? Not even close...
17 September 2019
The immediate string of 1 star reviews look like a conspiracy from people who auditioned for a part in the movie and didn't get it. The movie, not the best put together one, probably due to the budget, kept me entertained throughout the entire film. I think most of the 1 star voters did not watch the whole movie as it got more and more interesting as it went along...full of twists and hints of explanations. Every episode left you wanting to see the next one. And each one gave you a new perspective you didn't see coming. The entire concept of the movie was original and interesting, once you understood what it is, and you find out early.

To give a 1 star rating, means it's the worst movie possible. If you've watched more than ten movies in your life, you know there's many many much worse movies. To put a movie like this in that category is ridiculous.

It seems now days that if you simply didn't like a movie (or it had have a certain political agenda you don't like), it was only worth a 1 star no matter how many others liked it. (If they use words like 'liberal agenda', you know where they're coming from and their reviews are pretty much worthless) What happened to 3, 4 5, star ratings? When someone gives it a one star, it prompts people who enjoyed the movie to give it 10 stars to average the ratings out. That's not how it's supposed to work.
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What I give a 1 to, is....
26 May 2019
What I give a 1 to, is all the reviewers that gave this movie 1 star. Do you know how bad a movie has to be to give it a 1...the worst possible rating? Maybe, if you've only watched 7 or 8 movies in your entire life could you give this a one. And.. this is happening all over the user review site here these days. Many movie reviews have a lot of 1s and a lot of 10s. Does that make any sense?

If you actually watched this movie, you'd understand that it knows it's over the top corny and unbelievable and that it's on purpose. It merely adds another dimension to the fun. Apparently that flies right over the heads of many here who seem to have expected a Spielberg, Tarantino or Scorsese film. This movie is a nice departure from a whole bunch of today's big Hollywood productions that, even after spending hundreds of millions to make them, still suck. How some of them become major hits is beyond comprehensible.

If someone hated this movie so much, why didn't they just move on, turn if off right away and find something else?

And if you're complaining about it being too 'adult' for 12 year old kids, you obviously haven't been around very many of them in recent years.
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The First Thing You'll Notice ......
1 May 2019
The film is already winning awards around the country, including the Festival Favorite award at the Sundance film festival, and every professional review seems to be praising the film and the people in it....however...even though politics should be avoided in film reviews.. it's impossible to do here because that's basically what the film is about and it's used constantly by reviewers who give the film low ratings.

This isn't a fictional story, it's a documentary about women who worked and fought hard from the bottom up and became a big part of the political system and as women, for the first time in a very long time. Ocasio Cortez, who went from a bartender to the biggest voice and most outspoken person in Congress, heard in the media almost every day. Cori Bush, an African American woman from Missouri near where unarmed teen Michael Brown was killed by police officers in 2014. Paula Swearengin, a West Virginia woman whose community has been destroyed by fracking. Amy Vilela, a woman who went from being a single mother on food stamps to having a position whose core issue is healthcare. (Her daughter died after being refused treatment by her insurance.) These aren't political hacks, they're people who have personally experienced what's wrong in the country.

And...they're now in the House, the branch of government that has oversight of the executive branch and the powers to do investigations to keep a president from acquiring too much power....that the founding fathers intended for them.. it's their job. For a few decades, that power has all been in the hands of Republicans.

The First Thing You'll Notice Here.... is the right wing and Republicans coming out in droves to give this movie a low rating right off the bat...the very first day and in the very first hours that the film is available to the public. (I doubt they even watched it) And...if you'll notice, their reviews are filled with a lot of name calling and irrational unsupported opinions of what Alexandria Ocasio Cortez stands for and not much, if anything, about the movie. They're just trying to get you to not watch it.

Here's the thing, nothing she or others say in the film or their agendas can be proven wrong or that would have already been done. The agendas are about things we once had.

The reason Cortez's policies seem radical and far left is because she and the Democrats in Washington have had no voice or power in congress for a long long time and now they finally do. What's changed in the country during that long time is losing things we once had as a country and Cortez is merely explaining that and trying to bring back to the people in the country the things we all had from the nineteen forties to the nineteen eighties, a time when America was number one in the world in everything, 4 decades until Republicans started taking them away one small step at a time. It was like farmers not noticing their corn growing until one day it's over their heads.

So....bringing them back all at once seems extreme to those who forgot or are too young to remember that we used to have these things ...things she's trying to give back to us that every other developed country has and we now don't. We are not number one in the world like we used to be except in some very negative aspects. In every study, poll, etc. we've fallen further and further behind because we lost all the things, programs for the people, that used to make America the envy of the world.
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For The People (2018–2019)
A show everybody should watch.. understand the issues in the country...
12 March 2019
Some here ask "why are these issues, blacks and whites, gays, etc shoved down are throats.? 'Why can't they be relevant to today's news?" Those happen to be topics, among many others on the show, that are in our news every the name of discrimination and racism. This show is one that finally deals with them, and so many other topical issues, in such an intelligent way..everybody should watch it to understand them better than what we see in the news. Both sides of every legal issue on the show are shown so well they're very visible. I saw no bias in their presentation, but instead, logic and common sense arguments from both sides that show why conclusions are found.

Me thinks...some just don't like most of the conclusions they come to.

It is T V, but the acting is decent and the characters are diverse and with enough exposure to attach yourself to.
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Tomorrowland (2015)
The planet is in enormous danger..
17 December 2018
I was blown away by this movie and was incredibly impressed by those who made it. The planet is in enormous danger and this is one of a few movies that warns us of what will happen if we don't pay attention.. Others were 'The Day the Earth Stood Still' (original version) and "How it Ends'. I haven't seen it but 'Mother' did the same thing but most didn't understand what it was about. It was an entire metaphor. 'Tomorrowland' did it in an entertaining way with characters we liked but the message wasn't realized until the very end. When some say they didn't like the end, it's because it was so simple, just like the end of "How it Ends'.....we didn't listen and it's now too late. It's difficult to make a movie that entertains everybody but is actually a warning of what's to come. This movie and the ones listed above did good jobs of doing that. However, most people still aren't getting it.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
The best season of any of the Netflix Marvel series..that says a lot..
28 October 2018
I've liked this series from the beginning but this new season has kept me glued to my seat. There's so much suspense and and so many twists, I can't stop watching it. And the one of the worst ever. You don't have to be a Marvel superhero lover to watch this. It's the suspense and characters you become involved with that make you care about what happens to them. You probably have to see previous seasons to understand the characters but it's well worth worth the watch. I do not like the Marvel movies but love, all but one of the Netflix marvel series. They're nothing like the movies.
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How It Ends (2018)
14 July 2018
....When the climate gets warmer....every nuanced strange little thing to every disaster in the movie is what happens. I'm so glad I ignored the reviews from so many that didn't seem to get it. This movie, in my opinion, was next to genius, and with a bigger budget and something that would have made it easier for non thinkers to understand the message, it could have been big box office...but the writer didn't compromise by using the usual Hollywood ending with a muscle bound hero and everybody saved. I'm impressed.

We have been warned by scientists for a few decades about the planet being in big trouble and there's evidence all over the world. However, it's mostly ignored ...and pretty much only in the U S because of current politics and a no information media. There are millions of displaced people already suffering from it around the world that we don't hear about here.

How It actually how it all could possibly end and is what this movie is about. It's the culmination of different possible events and what could happen to people going through them...fighting for resources and survival, thievery, loss of a moral compass, etc.

It's a perfect title and perfect ending that should leave people with a sense of dread about what is happening and could happen to all of us...but instead people complained that there was no ending. Because the end wasn't given to us with a pink ribbon around it and everybody saved with happy faces, people didn't understand it and called it a 'no ending'. The whole movie was showing you the end using real people scenarios of what could happen in real life. The acting was good as well as the special effects.

When you saw the compass going nuts and the unusual aurora sky, those are signs that the magnetic poles are changing. What that causes is a major loss of electricity, satellite feedback, cell phones, tv/radio or lights, etc., as you saw in the movie.

The writer did not specify what type of disasters we may face because of the climate warming up so he used different scenarios...earthquakes, lack of fresh water (a big one already happening in the world), fires, tsunamis (caused by large displacement of water from volcanic eruptions, underwater explosions, landslides, glacier destruction, etc.) He used them as general possibilities of disasters and we should all be paying attention.

We need more movies like How It Ends.
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Miss Sloane (2016)
IMDb star wars....
18 December 2016
This was not a movie about left vs right or agendas. The advocates for gun reform and background checks vs the gun lobbyists were merely the format for showing what a rigorous process it is to get bills passed in Congress, the price you have to pay for it and how broken our entire system is ... that most people are unaware of. It even left out the most important fact that 70% of Americans want stronger background checks to purchase a gun, so it really wasn't a pro or con movie.

It's obvious that those one star reviewers, who only talked about the movie in terms of liberal and Republican or the left and the right, never saw the movie and only wanted to discourage people from seeing it. I've seen literature from the right that tells people to go to movie and book review sites and down vote any of them that appear to have a liberal bias. They're told that they don't even have to watch the movies or read the books. Just bash them if they sound liberal. I'm not taking sides here, just showing how one side works.

After looking at the one star rating reviews, I gave the movie an extra star to offset their obvious political agenda driven star ratings. They had nothing to say about the actual movie.

There isn't any way, after watching the movie, that you'd think one star is all it deserves. There wasn't one second when the movie drags or that you would want to miss...unless you have no interest in politics at all (a serious problem in American culture) but in that case, you probably wouldn't go see it anyway.

This was one of the few much better movies I've seen this year after being lured into so many that have nothing to say, are all computer flash and bang and are forgotten the next day.

The acting was great all around but especially from Elizabeth Sloane (Jessica Chastain) who was incredible, and the ending was a total surprise.,

We need more people to see movies like this and IMDb should be wary of this problem with the ratings. I've seen it before (there's tons of them about this movie) and it destroys the credibility of the whole rating system.
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A breath of fresh air...
4 November 2012
I watched this movie on Netflix where it got a much better rating than here and I think for good reason. A simple movie about an adult subject that couldn't have been more entertaining and finally ...without any big Hollywood input of any kind. The movie was over before I realized I had watched the whole thing without being bored for a minute. The characters were all likable and again..played very simply and well. I watch lots of movies, one a day at least, and am a tough critic that usually finds fault with most of them, especially big blockbusters, but this, for what it was, had no flaws really. It was good to see Garret Morris from Saturday Night Live of old too. was a simple movie with a nice message.
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