
13 Reviews
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It's just a great show
29 July 2023
Everything about this show is great. Don't pass it up. The story, the acting, the format. There is nostalgia for those of us who were young in the 70's and took the music for granted, and the young people of today should enjoy this too. The acting is great... all of them...and this was a great show for Riley to show all that she can do. I look forward to seeing more of her in the future. I was hoping for season two, but when it was over, I was glad it was done in ten not have to wait months for another season. One season was perfect from beginning to the great end. Definitely worth watching.
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The People's Court (1997–2023)
28 October 2022
Why am I watching a new show in 2022 showing the plaintiffs and defendants on a screen?? Ridiculous. Judge Judy has had her plaintiffs and defendants in person where they should be for some time now. I don't think anyone wants to see faces on a screen, no audience in the court room? I know I don't! I would like to know the reasoning for this...Covid? They can't afford to fly people to where the show is filmed? No court show can really compare to Judge Judy anyway, but I thought I'd give this one a try since I liked it many years ago. I'll stay with Judge Judy on Prime so much better on so many levels.
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Halloween Wars (2011– )
No carving...andArtie...become a contestant!
10 October 2022
Between no pumpkin carving...baking is on Halloween BAKING Championship, and Aartie I'm not watching anymore.

She cannot ever say one good thing. She constantly criticizes whether it's while the people are trying to make their creations under enough pressure already she has to tell them what they shouldn't be doing, or in her constant negative critiques, can't say one positive thing along with her stream of negatives. She's rude and way too full of herself. Be a contestant Aartie and let's see how well you do. The other judges are constructive in their criticism and say say positive things also.
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Night Sky (2022)
Don't Waste Your Time
18 August 2022
Was it good? Yes it was really good, but no second end. Complete waste of time. I'm going to read more books... I have never read a book without an ending. A book without an end wouldn't get published so why do shows without endings get made to waste our time?
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Was okay
19 March 2022
There needed to be more depth in Adam's and other characters pasts, present and future, and more time given to developing the complex time travel science. As a movie it doesn't come close to Back to the Future. That movie kept it simple but had a lot depth and was great. This would have been a good series to binge after watching Disney Channels, Secrets of Sulpher Springs, also about time travel.

Also the language and sex references werent needed for any reason Wouldn't watch it with kids.
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A good story
8 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was a good story...kept pushing "next episode". Liked Vivian in the beginning but by the end had enough of her and her pregnancy. Can't help but wonder if the real Vivian appreciated this portrayal of her and hope her child doesn't watch it. But the show was about Anna and I liked it, not having any prior knowledge of her. The story moved along well. I liked that it went into Anna's childhood trauma if only a little, because that is where she began. It gives glimpses of why she "invented" her new self. I would have liked it a lot more from this angle. I respect Shonda Rhimes talent...she makes good shows, but she needs to understand who her entire audience is.

We want to watch a show for many reasons and get lost in the story for a little while...we don't want political jabs thrown in out of no where for no reason for whatever purpose...and I think that applies to everyone.
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Squid Game (2021–2025)
Was Stephen King first?
4 October 2021
Stephen King would find this familiar...his story The Long Walk was published in 1979 when he wrote as Richard Bachman, about an annual walk for boys from Florida to New York(if I remember correctly) with a large monetary prize for the winner. Those who could not walk at the required pace...were shot.

I like this show so far. I'm on episode 4. It is pretty well made and makes me want to watch the next "chapter" Could it be better? Yes, but the story is good and it's alright the way it is.
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Grey's Anatomy (2005– )
Won't miss this show
7 May 2021
I. Will. Never. Watch. This. Show. Again.

It's become an hour of lecture after lecture after lecture. It's not a TV show anymore... and that's too bad... It had a good run.
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Grey's Anatomy (2005– )
No hope here
2 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's April 30, 2021...Meredith has been in heaven for so long it's become completely boring. No light at the end of the tunnel at Grey/ mention of vaccines, or the kids going to school, or asking if life will ever be normal again, no they're all just happy with the way it is, not wanting it to end.

It's over for me.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Not Enough Story!
27 December 2020
This series has too much fighting, not enough story, in episodes that are too short that vary in length. It is very frustrating every time it seems to be ready to tell the story...another mission, more fighting, then it's over. The eight short episodes are over and nothing for a year. I guess they think people will keep coming back. Maybe they'll be wrong. Tell the story!
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Breaking Legs (2017)
One more thing
27 February 2019
The high reviews here have to come from relatives of the people in this movie. No one else could give this movie a 10.
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Breaking Legs (2017)
Waste of time
27 February 2019
I wanted to like this movie...I really did, but it's not good at all. The story and the acting.... the two things that make a movie were not there. The story was boring and predictable and dumb...too many plots and people and no explanations and it rambled on until I couldn't take anymore and turned it without caring what happened. And the acting...well, it wasn't good. Don't waste your time on this one.
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The Manuel/Emily show?
29 December 2018
I enjoyed the movie from the beginning. I liked Jack and his opening song. I liked Michael and Jane and I loved the kids. The movie began nicely. The wait for Mary was a little slow but it was fine. I liked her. Michael had a wonderful song in the beginning... And then the movie became the Manuel/Emily show! The children, who were all great, barely sang. In the original, in the beginning, the children sang the wonderful song about the perfect nanny. These children's plight was not made clear, as it was in the original, and they did not have a song. Jane didn't get a song, as the mother did in the original. The fantasy segments were okay, not as good as the original, but by the first one I was already tired of hearing Manuel/Emily, and then they dominated those. After the first hour I really didn't want to hear them sing again. It wasn't until the end that the kids get a SHORT solo but as in EVERY OTHER SONG Manuel/Emily quickly take it over. Were they afraid that the children were going to upstage them? The children couldn't get a little more singing time out of two hours and ten minutes? Emily was good as Mary, but I kept imagining Rachel Brasnahan (Mrs Maisel) in the role. I don't know if she sings but she would have been an amazing Mary Poppins.

Anyway...too bad we didn't get to hear more singing from the children...the story is equally about them. I have a feeling their parents might agree.
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