
2 Reviews
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Eye Candy (2015)
better than I expected
13 January 2015
I was expecting a totally PG series, considering that Victoria Justice is involved. However, this is a completely different role for her. Justice has shed her good-girl image in this new series and in all honestly it's pretty impressive. With a collection of bad-ass digs and dark lipstick, Justice takes on a darker role than her previous ones.

Sure, the show doesn't have much of a star-studded cast and doesn't showcase any incredible acting, but then again one of MTV's most popular shows "Awkward." started off the same way.

In my opinion, I would give this show a chance. It may seem like the typical cliché teen drama that Hollywood seems to dish out so often nowadays, but there's something else that has yet to be seen. I believe there's potential in this series; there's definitely somewhat of a uniqueness since it revolves so much around modern technology and pop culture. Plus, the show has so many interesting story lines within one episode and there are so many plot twists that will leave you sitting on the edge of your couch.. literally.

So I don't know about anyone else, but I will be sticking with the show and seeing where it goes from here.
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Gone Girl (2014)
Bravo to Flynn & Fincher
6 October 2014
Excuse my language, but I feel the only way to describe this movie is as follows: unfuckingbelievable. That being said, I've yet to get around to reading the novel, but am trying to get a hold of a copy!

Let me just start with this: what makes this movie so amazing isn't just the acting and the incredible direction of David Fincher, but it is the fact that Gillian Flynn, author of Gone Girl, wrote the screenplay. That is something rarely seen these days, or any days for that matter. Now I know me saying that might not make sense considering I haven't read the book, so I have nothing to compare, but let me just say this: I could give less of a sh*t about the book at this point. There is zero chance the book has a tenth of the effect the movie has on the viewer. From the dry humor, to the total awkwardness of scenes, and the eeriness of it's characters.. the only way to get the full effect is through the film itself.

Ben Affleck is incredible, as always, and his co-star Rosamund Pike, who was basically unknown to me before this movie, was absolutely breathtaking. The two mix together like oil and water, but somehow a harmony is made somewhere in-between the opening credits and the ending. Each and every second of this movie has you on the edge of your seat questioning the characters, their motives, their desires. With each passing minute you feel as though you know the answers to all of the questions evoked from the film, only to find yourself changing your mind as soon as new information comes to light.

In all honestly, there was not a dull moment in this film. It is a long one, 2 and a half hours, but unlike when I saw The Wolf of Wall Street (3 hours), which had it's boring moments, Gone Girl never left me wondering "when will this end?!" It was as if I watched a 2 and a half hour movie in 5 minutes; it flew by.

Now all I can say is go see this movie!! You won't be disappointed, trust me.
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