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A few comments on spring night summer night
11 January 2023
I believe this is a beautifully filmed movie, with the actors who are said to be inexperienced giving perfect performances.

I was involved in the production and on the set most of the time, and there are a few comments that are misleading or incorrect in reviews and other comments.

At one place it states that the bar scenes were filled in Columbus Ohio. In fact at least one of the bar was shot in in Athens Ohio, with the bar closed to walk ins. I seem to recall the bar scene was shot late at night long after regular closing hourrs. Some regular patrons, and other people were acting as extras given a few dollars, to drink and dance in a perfectly normal and unrehearsed way while the actors performed their scenes.

At least one scene done is a test was shot in Columbus Ohio, with the actors on a city bus without the bus driver or the best patrons being told in advance that the scene was going to be shot. The actors in the cameraman just paid their fair and got on the bus. I'm not sure if this scene was used in the movie or not.

One place states the movie was shot in Caanan 0hio, but only part of the movie was shot there. Some of it was shot in Athens Ohio and much of it was shot in the woods and farm country surrounding Athens. Part was shot on a farm that was in the highest point in Miegs County ( near Athens County) overlooking the Ohio-West Virginia border. Locations were carrfully scouted to be perfect, and were not all centrally located. One town not far from Athens Ohio, a town that had fallen on hard times when the coal mines were exhausted, and this matched the town in the story of the film. Well the film was being shot there, an incorrect room is circulated among the townspeople that the film was about a rich woman who like to go into these Appalachian towns and pick up Appalachian men because they were the most fun. When a couple of people ask me if this was in fact the story, I told him I could not discuss it, although I knew that was not the story.

Athens Ohio itself was a University Town so it's not entirely suitable as a location for some parts of the film.

One of the reviews tells that the daughter of a film distributor named Joseph Brenner found that the word pregnant had never been used in a film title before, so she suggested the title be used as Miss Jessica is Pregnant. A somewhat chopped up version of the film with gratuitious nudity added was released on this title. However this title along with many others was suggested by the crew while they were shooting the film and trying to come up with a title. I think some considered a possible serious title. So the title was not entirely the idea of distributor Brenner's daughter, although she may have advocated for it. Someone on the set suggested the title Appalachian Apple would leave the film open for a sequel to be called She was Rotten to the Core. I do not recall the title Spring Night, Summer Morning being discussed on the set, but in some ways it is a perfect title evoking the mood and artistic progression of the film. The film was made on a staggeringly low budget with some equipment such as dollies and lighting reflectors manufactured by hand from available parts rather than being rented along with the cameras etc. Everyone in the cast and crew was dedicated and worked hard. The work was much harder then it would have been in the studio film with money to burn and every imaginable accessory. I think the results are astonishing astonishingly good. Naturalism is perfectly achieved without a hint anywhere of amateurism or any sign of I have restricted the budget. 0ne thing in in the description of the film I read on Internet movie database is totally misleading, and I wish it could be changed. The two characters do not have a "fling" in any sense. They are not partying for being mischievous or having fun. They are drawn to each other as by a compulsion which they resist with all the power that is in them, in which they do not even acknowledge to anyone. There's no sensations in the film on the surface. Done entirely with restraint, at times wasn't apparently slow pace like the best films of Bergman well the audience knows heavy things are happening under the surface. As a result, when confrontations or other passions break out, these moments carry a far heavier impact. At the same time without slowing the story, there's a picture of rural farm life, life in the depressed towns of Appalachia, moments of humor, and wonderful black and white imagery of the area. There's no shot in the film I think which is not carefully composed.

Distribution problems occurred for the film, and arrangements were made with Joseph Brenner Distributors for a cut up version with added nudity to be distributed as, I think, part of a double feature largely in drive-ins in the South, an unfortunate fate for such a fine work. I later met someone the exploitation film industry who told me Joseph Brenner had a reputation for bad bookkeeping, and this man guessed that the film would have made more money for Joseph Brenner associates then he would have reported to the production company.
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Perfect Harmony (2019–2020)
A Great Comedy better than anything on TV
1 October 2019
I think the first episode is one of the best tv comedy episodes I ever saw. It has genuine wit like something by Shaw or Wilde or Twain, and genuine heart, although in the context of comedy well made (contrived) plot structure. I was astounded when I found not every one shared my reaction
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Logan (2017)
3 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
FLAW IN LOGIC OF THE FINE FILM LOGAN I just saw the film LOGAN about Wolverine of the X-Men in the future which I thought was pretty good but absolutely great at the beginning. It deserves super extra points for doing an original take different from other superhero films with added human drama and steering clear of mere superhero cliches. The beginning which subtly oriented the viewer to how different the setting and characters now were--this beginning was superb! Now I wish to enter a SPOILER warning for those who have not seen the film.t I think there is kind of a flaw in the logic of the films essential plot element. Evil scientists, if I can oversimplify, have created these guys who are sort of clones of Wolverine and just as deadly. Early in the film it is established that wolverine has created a bullet made of adamantiium (sp?)-- the fictional metal that is the strongest of all-- when he contemplated suicide. Wolverine is almost unkillable and only admantium can kill him or those clones like him. The flaw is that Wolverine and his clones have deadly claws made of adamantium and could have killed each in this way, Also a very trivial thing: Wolverines gray hair and beard seemed to vary drastically from scene to scene. I incorrectly thought at first this might indicate different ages in flashback sequence I was not f ollowing, but this was clearly not the case,
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Jack Reacher Never Go Back Film eliminates some of the elements that make the novel unique and powerful
2 August 2017
While a fast moving action film, professionally done, the film jettisons the best features of the novel it is based upon. The protagonist Reacher is in quiet way as smart as Sherlock Holmes figuring out the most erudite puzzles when no one else has realized the puzzle even exists in the novels. The film eliminates most of the this mental dimension, even though the best thrillers--like the Michael Caine version of THE QUIET American, and the film THE SPY WHO CAME IN FROM THE COLD have shown an exciting thriller can render to cinema the most subtle plot twists and characters mental activities. The hero is calm and mentally in the book under all circumstances and does not let his anger take control of him as in the movie. In the novels Jack and the few people he takes as worthy friends, his equals in mind and integrity,stand out as way above the common masses who let the world be messed up by bureaucracy and corruption. This usually involves a woman who becomes the romantic interest. In this film Reacher and the female M.P major are reduced to more common level of emotional upset and petty arguing, perhaps to create more empathy with the common man/woman/movie goer. In addition, this movie has moment that is unintentionally one of the funniest and most entertaining ever. Jack travels a long way over many difficulties to meet the female major who has his old job as head of the 110th Military Police. During long phone conversations, they have grown close and some flirting has developed. When he arrives in D.C. he finds the female major has been arrested on trumped up charges of treason. This woman who has never met Jack, only spoken to him on the phone, leaves orders with her lawyer that Jack is not allowed to see her or communicate her-since she knows the people who have framed her and are going to kill her will kill Jack too if he gets involved. Jack finds a way to break into prison and to break her out. He arrives at her cell just as two men who are to kill her are about to take custody of her for "a transfer." The moment he appears at the door of her cell, she says in huge surprise "Jack!" I found this hilarious because she had never seen him before in her life. She could not recognize him.
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Hamlet (I) (1964)
The greatest vocalization Hamlet's pain and Shakespeare's words ever.
3 November 2010
A previous reviewer misleadingly said, "Because of the fact it was filmed during a dress rehearsal, it does not have the lavish period sets, costumes, etc. of other versions." This special Electonicvision tape was recorded during a live performance not a rehearsal. The play had been running many weeks when this recording was made. The play was staged as if it were done during a rehearsal, but not during a dress rehearsal, because a dress rehearsal would have had elaborate period costumes and not actors casual rehearsal clothes. Of course the actors "casual rehearsal clothes" were carefully selected to enhance and emphasize aspects of the character. Hamelet for example dressed in gloomy black.

The director John Gielgud saw this film and expressed disappointment that Burton had slipped back into his sloppy little boy egotistic expressions at the expense of subtlety. Many critics a the time said that Burton performed self indulgently, emphasizing every moment, ignoring the chances for subtle variation the role allowed;that Burton gave a reading, an indulgence of his virtuoso voice rather than nuanced acting. I saw this when it was first shown to the public in 1964 and I thought it was reading indulging his virtuoso voice and I loved it. Because I think that is exactly as Shakespeare wrote it, indulging his virtuoso voice as a writer. I love this Burton Hamlet more than I can say.
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