
2 Reviews
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Where did the rest of the movie go?
22 October 2004
Visually this is a very good movie. A film where care has been taken in the production. Experienced and skillful people made this movie. The Predators and Aliens look and move well. The individual scenes all work well when taken in isolation.

But what happened to the rest of the movie? The one I saw was less than 90 minutes long. IMDb attributed 101 minutes to AVP at the time of this review. Something is missing. Several things are missing. The most obvious are character development and the blood and guts of humans. Who cares about the humans dying when we don't know their names, don't know anything about their lives (except that some of them are parents) and they speak American with funny accents (for example Scottish, English and a Scottish-European hybrid). The version I saw had a UK 15 certificate: the predators and Aliens were killed with acid/green blood and body-arts flying everywhere but the humans all died off stage. There is no red blood. There is also no explanation why the previously extra-hot weather loving Predators are now suddenly playing in the ice.

Perhaps all these missing things are on the cutting room floor and another special edition DVD will reinstate them and their synergy. Aliens and Predator are diverse multi-media franchises and they are big enough to absorb the damage caused by this failure.

The movie also features a pretty but historically inaccurate whaling station.

For a good frozen wastes movie you should watch John Carpenter's The Thing instead. In this form AVP is for the completionist only.

Final Score: 3/10
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Funny & clever time-travel movie
16 August 2004
I too saw this as a young teenager one night on BBC2 in the very early eighties. Over twenty years later I still remember it. I would love to see it again.

All I can remember is that it involved time travel, eastern Europe (aka the Communist countries), a balcony, a sequence of going back to the same moment and place in time repeatedly and a cup of tea getting spilled on someones hand (perhaps more than once).

It was very clever, very funny and had a happy ending.

That night on BBC2 must have been the only time it was ever shown to a wide audience. I'm amazed that it seems never to have been screened again. Is it because it only appealed to 13 year-olds? There are things I've grown tired of since that age but, right now, there is nothing that I recall having completely changed my mind over. So I would probably still love it!

Find it! Watch it! Again!
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