
3 Reviews
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The Storyteller: Hans My Hedgehog (1987)
Season 1, Episode 1
23 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw this again for the 4th time, and its amazing how beautiful a story/episode this is. From the sad beginning when the mother is heartbroken that her son leaves her, to 20 years later when the princess (all loveliness and pie) is forced to marry the "grovelhog". And the final chapter when she walks around the world, wearing down three pairs of iron shoes to look for her husband. So much story and depth in less than half an hour.

And of course, our good friend the story teller, who tells the story in a way you can't stop listening, and manages to put himself inside it (a handsome storyteller was in the court...)

A story that starts will hello and ends with goodbye and is very beautiful
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Toy Story 2 (1999)
Pixar makes the world a better place!
11 July 2009
I just saw this movie for the first time 15 minutes ago. I'm a big fan of Pixar films, but I somehow missed this when it was in the theaters. Then I got married, and my wife wouldn't allow me to see it until she had seen Toy Story 1, and we could see it together.

Anyway, we saw Toy Story 1 a few weeks ago (first time for her, tenth time for me - I used to babysit a lot), and today was the big day - Toy Story 2. I had a lot of expectations, and was not disappointed. I am 30 years old, and this movie made me feel like a kid again.

Thank you, Pixar!!

Next year, Toy Story 3, which I will definitely see in the cinema.
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2 April 2008
I saw this short cartoon in Ron Diamond's Show of Shows in the Jerusalem Cinematheuqe on March 9th (which was also my birthday). Show of shows is basically a showing of about 15 animated shorts from around the world, from the Oscar winning 'Peter and the Wolf', to works done by animation students. Most of the people that where there were involved in animation, with a few people who just really like cartoons/animation, such as me. At the end of the evening I thought for a while what was my favorite short, and although there were a few amazing pieces, my hands on favorite is without a doubt "Ujbez Izbeneku Has Lost His Soul" by Neil Jack. The film itself is about 5 minutes long, so let my try to explain about it without revealing too much. Basically, Ujbaz (what a name!) is very good at losing things, and has somehow managed to lose his soul. He is sent to a devil (or the devil) to report it. The rest you will have to see for yourself, but let me tell you that the animation is amazing and it is very very funny. Even a few weeks after seeing this I still think about it and laugh to myself. I'm not sure where you can get a copy of "Show of Shows" but it shouldn't be to hard to order a copy from the web. I know not a lot of people see these short animation films, but if you have a chance to see this and the rest of the "Show of Shows" you won't be disappointed!!
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