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"Hollywood Heights" Summary
8 November 2012
The most exciting and unpredictable t.v. series is "Hollywood Heights". "Hollywood Heights" is infused with romance, jealousies, and many events that people never see coming. This show was directed by Noel Maxam. Whenever you think everything is tremendous something dangerous happens. Some events that made the show exciting and addictive is when Loren gets a her big break to become a singer. Meanwhile, other events is when Eddie gets in the car the crash, when Phil is extremely close to getting thrown in jail, and Chloe's scam on Eddie.

In addition, the actors that play in "Hollywood Heights" do a breathtaking job in this show. However, the two main characters are played by Cody Longo(Eddie Duran) and Brittany Underwood(Loren Tate); they do a marvelous job at acting and they really know how to play the part. Nevertheless, in this show there a lot of actors. Ashley Holliday(Melissa Sanders), Haley King(Adrianna Masters), and Brandon P Bell(Jake Madsen). There are numerous actors and they all play a great role in this show. Lastly with out the actors the show is nothing.

Furthermore, "Hollywood Heights" has everything you would want a show to have. The have romance, jealousies, and so much more. Ultimately, the romance is in every episode, ever corner they round in the show there is always romance right there. What is a show without jealous girls in them. Jealousies starts when Loren meets Eddie, there is a spark but most girls do not correspond to that well. Typically, in every t.v series there are always events that no one see coming. This show boils with events that are everywhere; there are behind every door in every episode. Finally, "Hollywood Heights"is a fantastic and addiction show that has many twists and turns in it.

On the other hand, the directer could have made it a little bit more infused with drama and Chloe's insane plans to get Eddie back. Even though, this movie has so much drama and romance, there could have been more to make it more interesting. Although, of there more drama, romance, jealousies and s much more it would make the show even more addictive then it was before.

Whenever, I would watch this show it was amazing and I got hooked on it after watching the first, two, or three shows. Eventually, in the middle of the show it gets so intense because you never know what will happen next. Meanwhile, you have to wait to find out what is going to happening next on show when the new episode comes out; but luckily it came out the next day! Finally, once you get hooked on this show it is ever hard to desistance yourself from the show!

In conclusion, is "Hollywood Heights" a unpredictable and exciting show? Yes, because everything is intense and you never know what is going to happen next! It is kinda hard to look into the future because "Hollywood Heights" is only a one season show, but I hope that the director see's that a lot of people are hooked on the series and that they make another season and more to come after that. Lastly, "Hollywood Heights" is a great and amazing show , the actors play the parts marvelously and they should make a another season because the show is addictive!
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