
2 Reviews
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An Actor's Movie.
19 March 2005
There are movies that are made because the studios know they'll make money. There are the movies that are made because someone believed they would and they held out long enough to get them made. Then there are the "actor's movies," the ones any actor worth his/her salt would love to make themselves. This is Kevin Spacey's "actor's movie." That's not a bad term in the least. The majority of the movie is set inside a New Orleans bar, but the scenery doesn't get tiresome. This is due to the fantastic performances of the cast. I love it when I can watch a movie and forget that the person I'm watching is otherwise known as Gary Sinise, Faye Dunaway, or Viggo Mortenson.

The film is also a classic tale of inhumanity, on how far people need to or will go to save their own skin, on choices. It sounds cliché, but the movie doesn't come across that way in the least. Overall, I recommend the film for a lazy Saturday afternoon, like it was for me.
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Rubbernecking Barbie.
17 January 2005
This film made me feel like I was watching a 100 car pileup in real time, but - like with such a terrible accident - I couldn't STOP watching it, either. And it is scarier than any horror movie I've ever encountered, because it's REAL.

I highly recommend this movie because: 1) It shows parents how NOT to raise their kids. 2) In some scenes, it is a nearly perfect sociological study of southern white trash culture. 3) It gives a full view of how our society has ensured our "super-model-barbie-culture of beauty" is prevalent among the youngest (all under age 10) of us.

So, be sure to look out for "the great anorexia epidemic of 2010" among these kids. On the bright side, the movie is the *perfect* primer for Hollywood moms.

Some subcultures are constantly under attack for not fitting in with the rest of society. There is no hope for us, however, if this one continues to flourish. Watch this movie and be as frightened as I was.
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