
10 Reviews
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Cinderella (I) (2021)
Love it! Love it!
19 August 2022
I thought it might have been too early to produce yet another Cinderella movie...but I'm glad they did. I watched this film last night and thoroughly love it.

This refreshing modern take on a classic story really has paid off. It's a fast moving high energy film that keeps you captivated right to the end. Modern and energetic it's a film for everyone, young and old.

Great music and dancing, coupled with an outstandingly talented cast takes it to another level. Camila Cabello is absolutely wonderful as Ella; both her singing and acting are superb. So are Nicholas Galitzine and the fantastic Idina Menzel. Piers Brosnan as the King and Minnie Driver as the Queen add even more to the fun.

Clearly the whole production comes over as having been well thought out, produced with love and care, and directed brilliantly.

You can tell I love it!!
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The Split (2018–2022)
13 April 2022
What is it about a TV drama series that can completely take over you mind and keep you glued to the screen; binge watching until you finish all the episodes up to and including the very last one? Then sitting back, feeling lost, wondering what on earth you could possibly watch that will compare with what you have just experienced. The answer has to be: a great story and script, exceptional acting, spot on casting, wonderful directing, strong structure and dialogue, high production values. If this is the case then The Split has all of these attributes and more.

I know that these things are subjective but I find it very difficult to understand why anyone would only give this a 1 marking.; very strange.

The Split has to be, one of the best drama series I have seen in a long time and I would certainly recommend it.
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Trigger Point (2022– )
Mother of God!
23 March 2022
Here is a series that has been produced by Jed Mercurio's prod co and written by one of his Palawan's. It stars Vicky McClure, and outwardly has a resemblance of Line of Duty. So it's bound to get lots of viewers and, as a Commissioner, how can I be criticised; how can it possibly fail?

Well it has. There is no doubt about it. It should have been the hit of the year; sadly no. In terms of clickbait it has, to some extent, succeeded in getting viewers. But at what cost? I doubt if reputational damage comes into the equation. So here's looking forward to the next series...or not.
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Murder in Provence (2022– )
'Allo 'Allo'
18 March 2022
Do you know what? I liked this.

When the first episode started I did wonder what the heck was going on. Why are there so many English speaking people in France? Then it dawned on me. They're not supposed to be English they are supposed to be French, it just so happens that they are speaking English so we can all understand what's going on. This is the same technique as used in the 2011 series, 'Zen' starring Rufus Sewell. Here they were in Italy but spoke in English (including accents).

Admittedly this technique takes a bit of getting used to and a lot of people don't like it; nevertheless it's better than adopting false French accents and turning into an episode of '' 'Allo 'Allo'.

Apart from a few daft casting issues it was, in the main, really good. The locations are warm and inviting and the main cast are wonderful.... I really got to like them. The script and directing are great and the whole show has a 'cosy crime' feeling to it....especially after a few glasses of wine which are most essential when watching this series; makes you feel you are there with them.

Looking forward to another season!
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Showtrial (2021–2024)
I liked this very much...
9 November 2021
... You know you are onto a good thing when you sit down to watch a TV drama and, sixty minutes later, you realise you haven't taken your eyes off the screen because what you have been watching was so good. Well that is my experience of 'Showtrial' (episodes 1 and 2). Can't wait for the next episodes.

Everything about it is exceptional!!
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Dalgliesh (2021– )
Well made...
6 November 2021
.... There's no doubt in my mind that this is a well produced series. Well written, well acted etc etc etc. The only problem I have is that it is based on a 1970's book set in the 1970's and,oddly, feels like it was actually made in the 1970's (with a low budget).

It feels like someone has scoured the archive and found this series hidden away on a back shelf; unseen for years. The only modern attributes are that it is in colour and HD. That's it!

It has a look of series you can find on the Talking Pictures Channel. Not sure why it was commissioned for Channel 5. I would be surprised if it were to attract many viewers; simply because there is nothing new here. 6 out of 10.
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Can be better
29 October 2021
It's so easy to criticise. When you have watched TV programmes over many years, like I have, you kind of get a feel for what is good and what isn't. All subjective of course. 'I know what I like and I like what I know' etc.

To be fair this series has good intentions but it falls short in terms of structure, dialogue and characterisation. Plenty of basic script errors.

The problem here is it struggles to know what it wants to be. Is it a thriller or a comedy? No way can this series be described as a thriller, as Channel 5 triumphantly boasts. Perhaps a 'comfy crime'?

I am completely bewildered why Channel 5 commissioned it, for it does nothing to enhance the channel's reputation. Surely it can't be because Sally Lindsay is in it? She might be a name in soap opera land but in this she is the main protagonist, for goodness sake! The principal character that carries the show. Except she doesn't. She just walks about looking totally bewildered. Considering she is the writer of the series you would have thought she would really given this character some oomph! But no.

If you want an example of an iconic character, who deals in antiques, take a look at Ian McShane in Lovejoy (a great series that you can watch time and time again)

Then we have Dom Hayes (played by Steve Edge). This is a good character and there is some spark when he and Sally are together on screen, but really his character is just an English version of Spiros in 'The Durrells'. So we have sort of seen it all before.

Next we have Judith and Jeremy Lloyd (played by Sue Holderness and Robin Askwith). They are the comic elements. Reminiscent of the old 70's television series 'George and Mildred'; so corny for today.

So who is this series aimed at? Who is the demographic? Why is it being broadcast at 9pm when it is clearly more suited to daytime scheduling? Older viewers will have seen all this in the 70's 80's and younger viewers won't look at it at all. I think this series would have been better suited as a BBC commission; where they can afford to spend more money on programmes of this kind. However, when they already have series like Father Brown and Shakespeare and Hathaway I doubt they would have seriously considered it.

Still, on the whole, it's not harming anyone and it passes an hour. The colourful locations and sunshine are great but I've only given it 6 out of 10, hoping it gets a bit better further into the series.
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The Pact (I) (2021– )
Realy Good!
19 May 2021
I wasn't sure if this was going to be any good when I started watching. How wrong could I have been? Only a few minutes into the first episode and I found myself totally hooked.

The acting is excellent, the casting spot on and the direction first class. Great cinematography and editing and a good strong story and script. All these elements makes 'The Pact' a must see drama.
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Intruder (2021)
What can I say?
8 April 2021
Good news, Channel 5 continues its move into commissioning great original drama. Bad news, 'Intruder' doesn't come anywhere near meeting the requirements to satisfy the adjective,'great'.

This must have a detrimental effect on the broadcaster's reputation for providing quality programmes.

Having watched just the first two episodes, it's clear to me that the problem with the series comes down to 3 main things:

1. The budget is too low (or appears to be). Channel 5 has teamed with Irish Television for further funding and as a consequence the series has to be filmed in Ireland, doubling as England. The result gives the whole thing a strange look. It's a bit like seeing the Hollywood Hills in the distance on the outdoor London set in the Austin Powers movie.

2. The screenplays have not been rigorously vetted during development or pre-production; as a result there is a lack of structure, dialogue and characterisation.

3. The directing is below par. There are sequences where it is quite clear that there has been little or no blocking or rehearsal; as a consequence the actors appear as if they don't quite know where to stand or what is going on. This usually happens when there is an inadequate shooting day schedule; brought on because the budget is too low. There is no directorial 'flair' so the whole thing comes over as drab; no clever camera movements or inspirational lighting.

The overall effect of these problems has resulted, sadly, in an amateur feel to the whole thing.

To be fair , though, there are some very good scenes and story twists and turns, but these are overwhelmed by the bad ones. They have a very competent cast but they are under directed and, as a result, are susceptible to over act.

Let's hope the next drama series from Channel 5 brings about more positive reviews.
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Oh dear!
13 October 2020
It is said that no one goes out to make terrible television drama, but Channel 5 has managed to do it. I feel sorry for all the talented cast and crew who have done their best to try and make this a great programme; alas to no avail. It reminded me of a low budget stage play. Channel 5's foray into original drama needs to produce something better than this. Better luck next time.
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