
3 Reviews
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The Terminal (2004)
14 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Most unexpected…..

First of all I have to confess that I am deeply in love with most of Mr. Spielberg's movies and therefore I was expecting something really special from this movie, plus with Tom Hanks in the main role. But unfortunately it turned out a complete disappointment!! The whole story is so not real, artificial… The Hank's character is a 100% nice person with no bad sides, kinda 'angel'. As for the woman character, performed by Zeta-Jones, this character is absolutely predictable and the movie wouldn't lose anything without her! She's only appears so the movie is longer and even more typical, predictable, sticky, sweet, serial Hollywood-made movie, the one that never lasts, nobody is gonna watch it even in 10 years!! Nobody will remember it. It so happens that lately, the movies that are made by great directors, with great actors turn out to be 'much ado about nothing'!!! And those movies, that nobody expects to be good – are really nice and you wish to watch it over and over again!
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THE BEST movie about love!
14 July 2004
For the first time I saw this movie when I was about 9 y\o and I'm keep watching it over and over again. Yes, maybe the story itself is nothing special, but it's 100% real!! It's not a Spider-Man, neither a Stepford wives or Terminal or any other artificial blockbuster that mainly are made these days! Of course, this movie wouldn't be as great as is without DeNiro and Maryl Streep! Mainly it is her part! She is not only natural and brilliant, but you even don't think that she's acting! She's lived this whole life through! That is acting!! We are forgetting what is the meaning of the word acting, unfortunately! The way she's hesitating whether she should stop the affair with a married man (DeNiro) or just let it all be. The way she struggles herself and this new feeling that doesn't allow her to lead her normal life anymore! You really believe Maryl Streep the way she's going through all this. You won't doubt a minute that she's feeling all this! It's just brilliant! The main music theme by Dave Grusin is just amazing! If you still haven't seen this movie, you really must do it! Go to the nearest Rental and take it!!! You gotta see it!!! It a real movie!!!!!! Just BRILLIANT!!!!
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Very touching musical
14 July 2004
This movie is a good example for the Old Classical Hollywood pictures! It has a lot of funny moments, nice, good-looking actors, incredible Durbin's charming voice and really nice and touching story! O.k. maybe it is not an high art movie, but people come on! These days we don't have high arts almost at all! Neither we have relaxing, touching with GOOD TASTE musicals!! Because, who's going to sing the way Durbin did??? There is nobody as gifted as the old actors! I mean, take just Astair, Garland, Crosby, Sinatra, Kelly! These days we don't have such in-every-way talented actors! They could do everything: musicals, comedies, drama. This movie is for everyone, who enjoys Classical movies!! It's worth seeing!
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