
1 Review
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Amazing Movie
30 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was an excellent movie. The actors were amazing as well. The movie shows the disturbing effects that child molestation has on the child and on the child's family.

The young boy in this movie, Brandon, was like every child filled with happiness and innocence. However, his childhood and innocence were stolen from him from a sick and perverted man, Daniel. The once happy little boy became angry at the world. He no longer took pleasure in things that had once filled him with joy. This disgusting man had destroyed his once happy life. His mother realized his change and did not know what to think about it. So who did she go to for advice??..She went to the man that had done this to her son. She thought she could trust him because he seemed like a nice man. Little did she know that all the time this man was betraying her trust and hurting her precious child. Brandon was terrified to tell anyone because Daniel had threatened to hurt his mother and baby sister if he did. So Daniel kept his dark secret buried within him until he could no longer deal with it. He finally told his aunt who helped him tell his dad and you would not believe his father's reaction. His father told him that stuff like that happened all the time and that he would be just fine. Great father he was right. So he later told his mother, at that point she flipped out because she had been molested herself. So in a sense you could say that she snapped at that very moment. From that point on she tried everything to get that man in jail, but he ran. Brandon no longer felt safe. He became a recluse. He even tried to kill himself, but his mother got home in time. Atthat point she snapped again. Finally when the man was caught they had to go to trial. Other children including Brandon had to testify, but Brandon couldn't he was so scared that he became sick. Then the mother learned that Daniel had done this before and had gotten out with just probation no jail time at all. When she looked into the courtroom she saw him laughing so she took her gun and shot him and continued to shoot him until her bullets were out. I think she did nothing wrong. In fact I think she did the right thing. It was like a lion with her cub if anyone tries to mess with it she will attack and that is exactly what Ellie did. In fact I applaud her for her bravery. Some may think it makes her sick but I think it makes her a parent who saw her son in pain and did the only thing she knew how to make him feel better. The effects of the molestation were longer than that. Ellie did go to jail, but Brandon himself went to jail for crimes that were not let out to the public. Obviously Brandon is permanently damaged from what happened but he can sleep safe knowing that Daniel is dead and will never bother him again.

All of the actors were great. They really made you feel for the characters. I was crying my heart out when Brandon tried to kill himself and screaming with joy when Ellie killed Daniel. In the end it is all a matter of opinion but I recommend this movie to everyone.
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