
12 Reviews
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Smallville (2001–2017)
Catch the beginning
5 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I'll say it right of: the first two seasons rocked; the last two sucked. ( the third one was iffy; it depended on the episode) Now I'll explain why.

In the beginning, everything was expertly portrayed. All characters were multi-layered and complex; and if I may say so, quite convincing. All plots were fresh, original and exiting. Character interaction was of premium quality. You really were able to empathize with the characters dilemmas and problems and points of view. Now I'm not saying it was the introduction of Jor-el that caused it.( though, come to think of it: what the heck was that character doing in a major role) However, the episode with his intro did pretty much mark the downward spiral of the show. Season 3 was pretty much a "superb or slime" situation. The last 2 were horrid junk. No time nor room to go into it here. Suffice it to say: it lacked all that made this show great and turned into a bunch of garbage. Nuff said.
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Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005)
it started out good
5 June 2006
it really started out as a great addition. it had all star trek needed: solid characters, decent character interaction and plots. most story lines and individual episode plots were strong and, as far as st goes, pretty believable. OK, so some episodes were dull, what series doesn't have an occasional lull in it's running? the temporal cold war is a perfect example of how the show plummeted. it started out as a fresh, new look at time travel. by zero hour however it was just a huge annoyance. and talk about a lame ending!

I personally believe that the xindi arc was the strongest point of the entire series. Degra and Dolim were intriguing characters. they were as much a driving force of the arc as Archer T'pol and trip.

speaking of which, that was the problem: the show started out with seven main characters just like it's main predecessors . come third season, it had three, just like TOS. bad move. IMHO whoever came up with this show deserves serious cudos. whoever tried to change it into tos, deserves a serious firing.

with the exception of the augment arc and observer effect season 4 is trash. don't bother with it. 7/10
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Star Trek: Voyager: Living Witness (1998)
Season 4, Episode 23
the best
9 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is hands down my favorite voyager ep. Each character, real or fictional is expertly and quite convincingly portrayed. Most especially the leading performances by Henry Woronicz (quarren) and Robert Picardo are stunning and flawless. I think it's great to be able to see another, darker side of the cast without going into the other universe. Here it's another version of history with many flaws that's the premise for this quite successful experimental glimpse.

The story unfolds like this: a much darker form of voyager and it's crew are shown. Their barbarians and murderers. Come to find it's 700 yrs. In the future and this is the history being taught to the 2 races inhabiting a D.Q. Planet. This version is challenged by a newly reactivated doctor, who is silenced when he attempts to tell his side of the story to Quarren the curator of the "voyeger museum". But after thinking it over, Quarren re-activates the doctor and agrees to hear him out. More things happen. I won't tell you the ending, save that it's quite a moving scene.

Record this download it. Buy the DVD. Even if it's only for the evil scenes, or, if you're like me, the scenes after the Doc is brought back. It's definitely worth it. 5 of 5 stars
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Star Trek: Voyager: Author, Author (2001)
Season 7, Episode 19
the worst of the worst
9 April 2006
First off, I don't like giving bad reviews. This one however, merits an exception. All it is is a bad rendition of other episodes. It made an attempt at Living Witness (which is quite possibly the BEST voyager ep there is by the way) failed all Mirror Mirror aspects, (the alternate versions eps). And the last half of the ep was, to me, an insult to the greatness of TNG's "The Measure of a Man". I won't go into that for fear of spoiling. You'll just have to see for yourself. (shudder).

The problem in the ep, from the characters Point of view is "how could the doctor write anything so demeaning to us?". MY question is how could the actors agree to anything this demeaning to them! Adding this to the other eps around it gives us only one more question. And that is, quite simply, what were these people thinking?! 1 of 5 stars. And that's only because I can't put zero.
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Star Trek: Enterprise: Cold Front (2001)
Season 1, Episode 11
fun and fresh
11 March 2006
OK, so what if time travel is the most over-used plot device in sci-fi, particularly in star trek. This episode gives us one grand, independent, fresh perspective on the whole idea. I must of seen this ep. over a hundred times and I still find fresh ideas and hidden messages within the work. It's well worth the time it takes up. You just need a little patience at the start.

Admittedly this is not exactly Bakula's finest hour. he didn't give the most believable performance, neither did John Fleck for that matter. But the congrats here go to the writers more than anyone. Whoever came up with the idea for this ep deserves serious praise. That goes for all eps in it's line. From Shockwave to Zero Hour that is.

This ep may be a cornerstone. It may be one of the most well told eps of it's time. However, because of the relatively poor acting, I must give it only 3 of 5 stars.
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You never saw it coming
11 March 2006
After all the slapdash, un-inspired junk displayed in season 5 up to this point, I was totally unprepared for the superb craftsmanship this displayed. This episode is filled to the brim with heart, feeling, surprise and even some subtle humor. You can actually see and feel what's happening between the characters. Which is something we're seeing less and less in sci-fi today.

Aside from certain conversations I won't risk spoiling, I'd say the ending is definitely the finest thing about it. In my "humble" opinion, it's episodes like this that made this series great. To me it's a definite must see. But I urge you, don't take my word for it! Go see it for yourself. Form your own opinion. Do i need to say it? 5 of 5 stars!
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Star Trek: Patterns of Force (1968)
Season 2, Episode 21
a testimony(major spoiler 2nd par.)
10 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is hands-down the strongest TOS ep there is. Not only because of the great acting, character interaction, a rather believable premise, don't get me wrong; those do contribute. But this episodes strongest factor is that it's a poignant, accurate and strong testament to one of the darkest, most infamous chapters of human history: the Nazi regime.

Here's the story: kirk & spock beam down to Ekos to find a federation historian kirk once knew. They beam down straight into the arrest of Issak, from the neighboring planet Zeon. It seems that kirk's old mentor has implemented a Nazi regime identical to the one of our past, only their bent on wiping out zeons, instead of Jews. No disguise there, but isn't that the point? Once arrested, they break free and take Issak with them to find the underground (and an explanation). Long story short: the federation historian, though responsible for the uniforms and stuff, wasn't responsible for all the bigotry and destruction of the party on that planet. He manages to call off the attack and things go back to the way they were, with perhaps a new acceptance of differing views and cultures. Some final thoughts for you to chew on that are well shown in this episode: "we must never forget or it will happen again" and:"even historians, fail to learn from history."
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BeastMaster: Obsession (1999)
Season 1, Episode 2
it's solid
4 March 2006
A fairly good episode. It has good performances all around, good writing, a fairly good plot. I really recommend it. It seems to have become a bit of a rehashed plot, but that shouldn't take away from the quality of the show. All early eps have their flaws.

Keith Hamilton Cobb is great in his role. everything is believable here. I mean everything from character statements, to their beliefs, motives, actions and reactions. This is something that can be seen time and time again. there's something for everyone. not to mention the trademark lesson and dialogue at the end. It's a really great episode.

OK, i've given the praise, time for the flaws. I can see only one: character development. as far as that goes this may well be considered a stagnate episode. but that doesn't get in the way till near the end anyway. out of 5, this deserves at least 3 stars.
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BeastMaster: Rage (2000)
Season 2, Episode 7
a pointless episode
4 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
pointless in that it's not worth watching. almost nothing at all happens. this ep. was predictable as anything. are we honestly NOT supposed to know their brothers? or however they were related. this ep was slow in progressing as well. it took forever to sit through. not that i'm a fan of huge pointless action scenes,one reason I like this show is that there's no pointless action here, but this is stressing the limit.

i remember very little of the roles played by the ancient one and the sorceress. which to me only helps to suport how forgettable this episode is.*(major spoiler here)* this ep sees , i believe the second imprisonment of the sorceress and Monika Schnarre's temporary removal from the show. I just wish the A.O. had left instead.

Don't get me wrong! beastmaster is a great show! This is just not it's finest hour. 1 of5 stars.
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Smallville: Leech (2002)
Season 1, Episode 12
the best
4 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is, without a doubt a truly great episode. Clark gets to experience a "normal" life free from restraint and secrecy, we see the effect his powers have in someone else's hands, Lex's investigation comes out into the open, and the bonds between all central characters deepen, including those between Clark and Lex.

whoever came up with this plot,(rehashed or not) deserves serious congrats. not to mention the commendable casting of Shawn Ashmore (famous now as Iceman) as the recipient of clarks super-human abilities.

this episode proves once and for all that abilities and gifts are not all that matter and who you are is not limited to what you can or cannot do. the ending is fabulous and I at least will not be the one to wreck it for you.

this is hands down a 5 out of 5 stars episode.
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Smallville: Relic (2003)
Season 3, Episode 6
a star among ashes
4 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Translated: It's good for it's season. we get to see some old familiar faces and learn through flashbacks of his life that clark's father isn't in fact such a bad guy as we were lead to believe in season 2. we again see awesome character development, bonds deepen and find out some interesting history in the process.

again there are flashbacks. not ALL the ep takes place in the sixties. the only real drawback, and this is a personal opinion of mine is that it's too predictable. Meaning It's easy to see things coming. It was still cool to see Jor-el on the farm and it was cool to finally have the ending revelation confirmed in fact.

Some may criticize this ep as being slow and boring but compared to all the other useless junk that was thrown into this season, this is a masterpiece. 3 of 5 stars total.
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BeastMaster (1999–2002)
truly inspiring, the best of it's kind
21 June 2004
Speaking strictly of the first 2 seasons this shows some of the best talent I've ever seen both in writing and acting. Almost every episode was remarkably well crafted. The main characters were very well formed and expertly well portrayed. Especially Dar and Tao. This show teaches us more about the world and shows us how truly human-like animals really are. This summary doesn't speak for the 3rd season because to me the third season simply wasn't that good. The show had lost it's focus both on the animals and the people. At that point it became pure good vs. evil and lost it's appeal. But I still love the show and stand by what i said:this show truly is the best and only one of it's kind!
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