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9 August 2024
I agree with everyone who says to stay away from this HORRENDOUS, ATROCIOUS AND RIDICULOUS movie!!!! I really tried to watch as much of it as I could but I couldn't watch anymore after the scene when the oldest girl is getting ready to go for a better paying job. The music is ridiculously terrible to the point where I had to press the mute button!!! I just couldn't take it anymore!!! The original *Don't Tell Mom thr babysitters dead* is wayyyyyyy better than this crap they threw together!!! The characters and their acting were awful too especially the boy with the gold in his mouth!!! I understand that they had to make changes to be more up to date but this movie was horrible!!! I didn't need to watch the whole movie to know that it wasn't a good movie!!! AVOID AT ALL COST!!!! DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME!!!!
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Enjoyed it!!!! Added to my favorites list!!!!
24 May 2023
I'm soooooooo glad that I watched this movie for myself before reading any reviews because I really enjoyed it!!! Everyone has their own opinion therefore I don't expect for everyone to like this movie and I don't care about the opinions of those who don't like it anyway. I actually didn't think that I was going to like it but I'm glad that I took the time to watch it because it was good. I had never seen nor heard of Jack Harlow before but he and Sinqua Walls had great chemistry in this movie in my opinion despite what others may think. R. I. P. To Lance Reddick who was also a good actor in this movie along with Teyanna Taylor. Watch the movie and judge for yourself!!! I strongly believe that you will NOT be disappointed!!!
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Every Breath She Takes (2023 TV Movie)
Tisha Campbell and the wig!!! LOL!!!!
28 March 2023
After watching 25 minutes of this crap I turned it off and decided to write this review in order to warn others and stop anyone from wasting time in viewing this mess!!! Seeing Tisha Campbell in that wig was HILARIOUS though!!!! She looked like she should've been in an old time group like "The four tops or Yhe Temptations"!!!! LOL I'm glad I got a laugh out of that but the acting from Tamala Jones wasn't good but I guess she was doing the best she could do with what she was given??? I knew after seeing Tisha Campbell and the Wig that the movie was a joke therefore I didn't waste anymore time watching that clown show of a movie!!! The detective who played alongside Tisha Campbell was a clown too!!! Lol.
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Her Affair to Die For (2023 TV Movie)
Typical and very predictable!!!!
11 March 2023
I wanted to like this typical and sooooooo predictable movie!!!! Dumb daughter quickly becomes friends with psycho and stupid girl whom she doesn't know and of course all hell breaks loose!!! Dumb father doesn't notice psycho girl flirting with him as well as all of the things going on around him because hes he's just that stupid and blind!!!! How many movies have been done this way??? Poison Ivy with Drew Barrymore was better than this and so was The Crush with Alicia Silverstone therefore I don't know why this crap was even made??? The idiot father is married to a beautiful woman who loves him and yet he falls for a girl who isn't even cute but unfortunately that's usually how it goes!!! Lol There was nothing new here!!! Been there, done that!!! If you're bored, watch this movie but other than that don't waste your time!!! Go watch The Crush and Poison Ivy, those movies did it first and wayyyyyyyy BETTER!!!!!
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10 February 2023
This movie really makes me miss Whitney even more!!!! I actually became teary eyed when certain songs where being played as well as performed!!! Naomi Ackie really portrayed Whitney very well in this movie!!! She had the lip and Whitney's whole facial movements on point!!! Although she wasn't singing with her own voice, Naomi also portrayed Whitney's performances extremely well to the point where I thought that she was singing the song. After looking up the soundtrack for this movie, I read that 95% of the songs were Whitney's voice in which goes to show what great job Naomi did in portraying Whitney Houston!!!! I was tuned in from the beginning all the way to the end therefore I don't have anything negative to say about the movie because it was excellent!!! If I looked for a reason to complain or to criticize then I could but there's nothing to criticize here. Whitney was perfectly portrayed in the way she performed in concerts as well as interviews. Naomi nailed it!!!! The rest of the cast was good too but Naomi was just crazy good!!!!!
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M3GAN (2022)
Don't toy with M3gan!!!
29 January 2023
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I liked this movie wayyyyy more than I thought that I would!!!! No killer doll movie will ever compare to Chucky(Child's Play 1988) but I'd put M3gan on the same list with Chucky!!! Lol I have watched this movie at least three times already because it has a lot of good parts in it. I love how they let M3gan retaliate on the kid I'm the woods after she saw him hurt Cady. He wouldn't have slapped M3gan that day if he knew that he'd get his ear ripped off by her and chased through the woods by her as well!!!! Lol That part was one of my favorite parts of the movie!!!! There is so much more that I could write about this movie but I won't ruin it for those who haven't seen it yet!!! Do yourself a favor and go see M3gan either in the movie theater or on firestick!!! Either way, it's worth seeing!!!!
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Sick (2022)
15 January 2023
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I haven't even watched a full 40 minutes of this trash because it sucks so horribly bad!!!! It started off okay but even the guy in the beginning made some idiotic decisions that I don't think anyone with common sense would make but hey, it's a movie so of course the decisions will be dumb!!!! Who doesn't lock their door after coming home from shopping and etc.???? How stupid could you be to NOT remember to lock your door??? Then the guy named DJ goes out to get his bag from his truck while leaving the door to the house wide open with the two girls inside of the house!!!! LOL That was just too stupid!!!! I already knew that the killer was of course going to walk into the house because DJ invited him in by leaving the door open!!! I turned the movie off after that nonsense!!!! I just couldn't take it anymore!!!! Don't punish yourself, watch a movie that is worth your time!!!!!
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Old Man (2022)
3 January 2023
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I seriously don't understand how and why there are so many good reviews on this movie???? I mean, were we NOT watching the same movie??? The movie started out as if it was going to be good as well as interesting but it only turned out to be a complete waste of my time!!!! What was the point of having the old man's younger self visit his older self? The old man was mean and rude to his younger self in the beginning but began to treat his younger self nice after telling the story about how he punished the fat salesman. I wish I knew that this movie was going to suck so bad so that I wouldn't have wasted my time watching this crap!!!! Do yourself a favor and go watch *Don't breathe* 1&2!!!!
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Loved the ending!!!!
23 December 2022
I was just getting ready to give this movie a *3* star rating but quickly changed it after continuing to watch to the end!!! I thought the movie was ending once the family was in the car riding down the road, thankfully that wasn't the end!!! I liked the movie but I became angry and annoyed when it looked like the whacky family was going to get away with all of the killing that they had done. I was so excited to see the cop get the dysfunctional family back for all the evil and bad things that they had done to other people. When the tall guy appears out of nowhere, I yelled at the TV because I did not want that family to live at all!!! That goes to show how good the actors were in this movie because I wanted them all dead!!! Lol I've heard of this movie but I never saw it before but I'm glad I took a chance and watch it tonight.
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Triangle (2009)
17 December 2022
What happens could not be explained because it didn't make any sense!!! After reading the description and some reviews about this movie, I thought that it was going to be a good movie but it was just a waste of time. I don't understand why Jess was the chosen person for the reoccurring events to continue to take place??? Perhaps if that would have been explained, my understanding of the movie would be better. I just don't get it??? What was the reasoning behind the boat and what did it have to do with Jess and the repetition of her killing her friends and etc...? There were so many plot holes in this movie that just didn't make sense.
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Circle (II) (2015)
Complete waste of time!!!!
16 December 2022
I regret wasting my time watching this horrendous and boring movie!!! It didn't have a plot, middle nor ending in which made made the movie even worse!!! I kept hoping that it would get better but unfortunately it did not happen!!! The beginning of the movie started off good and it seemed as if it was going to be a very interesting movie but it soon became boring after the first few deaths. I thought that there was going to be a reason for the people being in the situation that they were in as well as the reveal of who was keeping them hostage and why but that was never revealed either. For those reasons alone, this movie was stupid and I truly regret wasting my time watching it!!! What was the point of this movie??? What was the point of the 50 people on the alien ship, if that's what it was??? If it was an alien ship that the individuals were on, why were all of them killed by the voting process??? Nothing was explained in order to make sense of the movie in which made the movie stupid!!!
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Fractured (I) (2019)
Good movie
15 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I kinda thought that the main character was going to be a little looney in the head and I'm glad to see that I was right!!! I like Sam Worthington's acting anyway therefore I expected him to do a good job in which he most certainly did. They almost had me going there for a few minutes especially after Ray found his daughter's scarf on the floor in the hospital. I was thinking that perhaps he wasn't crazy and that the staff had taken his family downstairs for some strange reason until the Psychiatrist came in. It started to make more sense to me that everything Ray said was an alternate reality like the Psychiatrist explained. Out of all of the families that came through that hospital that day, what would make Ray's family so special that the hospital would kidnap them? For that reason alone, I figured Ray was crazy and not living in reality. This movie was good and kept my interest from the beginning to the end.
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Run (I) (2020)
14 December 2022
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I would've rated this movie higher but it had too many unrealistic things happening in it that it didn't deserve a high rating at all!!! Starting with the beginning for did the mother seriously steal a child from the nursery in the hospital??? That hospital either had no security, no cameras, lazy staff or all of the above for something like that to happen!!! Then fast forward to the middle of the movie when Chloe finds out that she's been given dog medicine by her mother; How on earth could a person get a hold of dog medicine and disguise it like Chloe's mom did and continue to give it to her? Chloe obviously didn't have a primary doctor who monitors her health by having her get labs done and etc. I know it's a movie therefore something like monitoring her health would be far fetched but when her mother actually took the tube out of Chloe's mouth and tried to kidnap her from the hospital is when I had to really laugh!!!! Lol That hospital wouldn't be open if it were that easy to unhook a patient from tubes and IV'S in their arms and escape past nurses and doctors without being stopped!!! Lol It could've been better if it wasn't for the stupid and unrealistic scenes.
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I knew it!!!!
13 December 2022
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I knew it wasn't going to be good, I just didn't think it would suck this bad!!! I thought that at least it would be okay but geez this movie really was a waste of my time that I can't get back!!!! I should've known that it was going to suck when the black priest or whatever he was, ended up on the floor during the first exorcism of the little girl named Natalie!!!! Lol Why on earth was he teaching the class of upcoming priest when he couldn't even handle a child exorcism??? His nose was bleeding and it took two men to help pick him up from off the floor!!! What a joke!!! The exorcism of God was a better movie than this!!!
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Bad Samaritan (2018)
Bad movie!!!!
13 December 2022
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Some parts could have definitely been better especially the part when Sean is waiting outside of Cale's house until the police comes in his raggedy old car. His car would obviously stand out in a neighborhood like that because of how old and rusty it is and yet he still parks it outside without anyone noticing it!!! Lol Cale wants to be creepy but he's just lame and so is this movie. I was tuned up and ready to watch this movie because I thought it was going to be good but it wasn't. It started off good but went down as the movie continued. Sean was the only one who technically broke into Cale's house to begin with but Derek dies because of Cale breaking into his house. All of the killing and screwing with Sean's family and etc. Wasn't worth it!!!! All Cale had to do was report both men to the police instead of going on a killing spree!!! Same boring ending with the so called bad guy talking a lot, Riley hits bad guy one time then her and Sean runs but of course Cale's not dead and blah blah blah!!!! Lol If you want to waste time then watch this movie other than that don't bother.
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Don't Hang Up (2016)
Finally a movie with a great ending!!!
13 December 2022
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Oh my God, could the beginning of this movie be any more lame??? I was about to shut this cheesy and corny crap off but after the creepy sounding guy called the lame main characters, I decided to continue to watch the movie. I LOVED how the tables turned on the lame prank callers so quickly, I wasn't expecting that at all but I'm glad it happened so soon!!! Sam and Brady thought it was funny upsetting other people but that laughter immediately stopped when they were the ones put in upsetting situations!!! That was awesome!!! I LOVE it!!! It's like the saying goes "what goes around, comes around" and "if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes". This movie is a great example of both of those sayings. I'm glad that justice was finally served in a movie for a change!!! A husband lost his wife and his daughter due to some immature boys and their decision to make prank calls as a way of having fun. They didn't think about how it would affect the people whom they pranked called. Sam and Brady were an example of what can happen when you bully or mess with someone whether it be a joke or prank. The consequences of the joke, prank or bullying can end up really bad. With that being said, Sam and Brady got what they deserved!!!! Good movie!!!!
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Pet (I) (2016)
12 December 2022
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Oh my gosh!!! Wow I thought this guy was a pathetic loser at first stalking a woman therefore my opinion of this movie was going to be based on that but after the twist happened within the movie my opinion changed. My opinion was better when I thought Seth was a weird loser. The fact that he kills his partner when Holly tells him to was stupid just like his partner trying to free Holly was stupid too!!! Lol Seth knows that Holly has some mental issues yet he's easily influenced by her and is starting to listen to the things she says in which are just dumb!!!! Why wouldn't he have sense to know that she's playing with his mind??? It was an okay movie though for the most part.
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Bad Match (2017)
It was okay
12 December 2022
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The females in this movie made it so easy for him to get in between their legs!!! Geez!!! They didn't waste no time none whatsoever!!! I wish they would've had at least one of the women date the guy for at least a month before having sex with him!!! He wasn't even a good looking guy to play this type of role. I could see if Channing Tatum, Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth played a role like this, it would be believable but this guy would not get that kind of attention nor sex from women that easily in real life!!!! Lol He's not an ugly guy but he's not handsome enough for the role!!! So he gets fired for some tweets on Twitter??? Really??? I wouldn't want to work for a company that would fire me over stupid tweets that sounds like a 10 year old tweeted them!!! Lol This movie is ridiculously stupid!!! They're trying too hard and too fast to make Riley seem like all of the other movies I've seen with psycho women in them but it didn't work in this movie!!! None of it makes sense because it's all happening too fast especially being that they've only had a couple of sexual encounters with each other without there being any real commitment. I don't feel sorry for the guy at all but Riley overreacted a little too soon!!! If they had of been dating for a while and he perhaps told her that they would eventually become a couple and etc but never did, I would then understand Riley being upset because he didn't commit to her like he said he would. He didn't care about how he used those other women that he slept with before he met Riley so he got what he deserved!!! Although Riley didn't do all that Harris thought she did, I'm glad that all of what happened to him took place. This movie is such a joke!!! LOL The ending was a little surprising but corny at the same time!!!
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Time Lapse (2014)
Time Wasted!!!!
11 December 2022
This movie started out lame and boring with bad acting but I gave it a chance anyway. I regret giving it a chance because that's time wasted that I can't get back!!!! I thought that it was going to eventually pick up but it never happened, nothing ever happened in this dull and boring movie!!! The best part of this crap was the ending!!! They wanted to make this movie seem like a mystery movie or somewhat of a thriller but it was a horror movie because of how horrendous it was!!! The timing didn't match up either in the end when the girlfriend was explaining why she changed the photos and when she changed the photos and etc...It just was plain stupid and awful!!!! Do yourself a favor and don't watch this crap!!!!
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Good movie
11 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a good movie but because of the ending I can't give it a 10 star rating!!! The acting was good especially James Caan!!! The two boys got on my nerves though especially the named Ethan with how much he kept pressuring and bullying Sean to continue with their stupid haunted project!!! There's always that one idiot though that doesn't know when to stop and takes it too far and in this case it was Ethan. I hate that Grainey killed himself in the end because I was rooting for him to kill Ethan!!! I seriously thought that was going to happen and was greatly disappointed when it didn't!!! In the end Ethan got what he wanted, he liked the media attention and etc... I would recommend watching this movie to anyone. Although I was mostly annoyed with Ethan, the movie kept my interest.
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2012 (I) (2009)
7 December 2022
I remember thinking that this movie was so good when I saw it yearsssss ago after it first came out but after watching it again, I couldn't believe how crappy it was!!!!! LOL I don't even know where to begin with this train wreck!!!! I know that it's a movie therefore some decisions and actions are gonna be DUMB but geez some of the actions and decisions of these characters were just plain STUPID!!!! The mother and her new boyfriend or whatever he was to her are in the supermarket when a earthquake puts a big hole between them while they're in the store. However, when John Cusack calls her and tells her that he has a plane arranged and is coming back to get the kids, she proceeds to tell him that everything is fine and that the government says everything is fine!!! LOL Then before she could hang up the phone, the whole neighborhood begins to go into pieces!!!! LOL HOW DUMB of a mother could you be to go through what she just went through at the supermarket and then think that everything is PEACHY afterwards???? STUPID!!!! Then there's two old ladies driving slowly in the neighborhood that's going down in shambles in front of John Cusack and his family as if that would really happen!!!! LOL There was sooooooooo much STUPID AND UNREALISTIC THINGS in this horrendous movie that it was just ridiculous!!!! I don't know why or how I liked this movie when it first came out!!! I probably was drawn in by all of the effects, without the effects the movie would really suck!!!!
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Troll (2022)
6 December 2022
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I knew that I wasn't going to love this movie but I thought I'd at least like it!!! I think it could've been better had someone else wrote, and directed this crap!!! The troll was visually okay but the script sucked!!! I don't care for movies that aren't in English all that much but I've seen some that were pretty good therefore I decided to give this one a try and was disappointed. Why did the father die after being pushed by the troll??? Lol I could see if the troll pushed him into a tree or something but he dies just from a shove??? Then on top of that, the stupid prime Minister and others continued to doubt that they were dealing with a troll even after seeing live footage!!!! Just a dumb movie!!!!!LOL Once I saw that first footprint in the sand, no one would have to convince me that we're dealing with anything natural nor normal on earth, but hey it's a movie!!! Lol.
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The Shaft (2001)
Nice try but NO!!!!
30 November 2022
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The lift did it first and much, much, much, much, MUCH BETTER!!!! I like Naomi Watts and her acting but she even she wasn't good in this movie. The part with the teacher talking down to the kids while smoking a cigarette was such a joke for several reasons!!! Cigarette smoke has a smell that lingers and tends to get stuck on clothing even if you're not the one smoking the cigarette therefore the room that the kids and the old lady was in would have a strong cigarette smell in it!!! Lol She would not have been able to lie her way out of that even if she tried!!! Not only was that bad but the fact that she didn't notice the little girl missing until seconds later was ridiculous as well!!! In reality she would not only be fired but she'd be sued too and never allowed to work with children again!!! Go watch *The Lift* it's much better than this!!!!
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Hex (II) (2022)
The Stupid!!!!
27 November 2022
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If you want to see a movie with good skydiving go watch Drop zone with Wesley Snipes in it!!!! This movie was a total waste of my time watching this crap!!! I am angry at myself for thinking that it was going to get better thus waste my time watching this mess!!! They tried to make the ending look cool but it only looked incredibly stupid and dumb!!! How on earth did the supposedly dead guy haunt all of the friends throughout the movie plus cause their deaths but he was alive in the end and was also working with the old guy??? Then the whole story about the hex didn't make sense either!!! The writers should have thought carefully before making this crap a movie because there were soooooo many plot holes!!! Why was Sarah the last to die??? Why did all the other friends have to die or why did anyone have to die in the first place??? What was the purpose of the deaths??? I definitely wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone even if there wasn't anything on TV or if they were bored out of their mind!!!!
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Margaux (2022)
Not great but not horrible
26 November 2022
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I thought that after reading the description of this movie that it would be better than what it was but it wasn't. It didn't completely suck but it definitely wasn't good at all. The beginning of this movie started off good therefore I thought that the rest of the movie would be somewhat like the beginning but ended up being disappointed. Some parts didn't make any sense none whatsoever especially the part where the imitation friend that Margaux created went looking for the other friend named Lexi but couldn't find her yet she already knew just about everything about everyone and where everyone was so why didn't she know where Lexi was hiding??? Lol If you don't have anything to do nor anything else interesting or entertaining to watch on TV, I'd say watch this movie.
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