
6 Reviews
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Mat Kilau (2022)
Unwatchable. shut it after the first 5 mins
20 September 2022
This movie is like a local drama. Have you tried watching one?

The local simple, village folks might love it, as it is made for simple people. It sells the idea of a warrior of the Malay people, which many are waiting to "buy". Even as it is not historically accurate, the least it can have is depth, which it doesn't.

The story is pretty weak. The dialogues are laughable. Its like watching a 10 year old write a script. They wanted to capture an original camera action, but it turns your stomach when you watch it.

I forced myself to watch it (just to see what was the fuss about), and it was a complete waste of my time. I would never again watch it or suggest you to watch it, unless you have nothing except for this show on, even then, I would suggest you to switch off your tv and go do something else.
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The Batman (2022)
Most boring Batman movie ever. If you have problem sleeping, go watch this movie
28 June 2022
I mean, aside from the overplaying of the main theme music (which sounds eerily like the darth vader theme). The mellow music which is mazing if played once, and nirvana is amazing, but once overplayed, can put a man to sleep. Whats the point of Afred? The bat mobile couldn't be appreciated while we only see it in the dark. Its a forgettable batman movie. Years to come, people will not even remember this. Even Batman and Robin is still remembered till today, although for the wrong reasons, it was stupid but entertaining.
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Saturday Night Live: Elon Musk/Miley Cyrus (2021)
Season 46, Episode 18
Elon was selling something, that makes it an infomercial, not a comedy show.
9 May 2021
I do enjoy SNL once in a while. Having comedians like Dave Chappelle, Bill Burr, Chris Rock and others this season. Some who are non comedic actors, did an ok job this season. With Elon, I have nothing against what he does, in fact, I admire his innovation and vission but we are not talking bout that. The jokes seems dragged out and isn't that funny with Elon trying out different accents and trying to hard to sell a crypto, getting his mom to do it too. Miley Cyrus's performance wasn't that great either. Giving it a 4, is the right kind of rating, keeping in mind that he is not an actor.
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Supernatural: The One You've Been Waiting For (2016)
Season 12, Episode 5
Nazi theme is ok, but annoying girls are not
9 September 2020
The episode is fine bringing back an old character only for a brief moment, but still, ok. The most annoying part about this episode was the girl, Ellie. She just wouldn't shut up. The typical damsel in distress that goes and does things you not supposed to do. If their idea was to get a really annoying girl. They got it right.
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Jackpot (II) (2019)
Finally a Really Good Comedy Movie!
7 September 2019
Wow, I really enjoyed the movie. I am a fan of comedy, but somehow, comedies are always about cringy things that makes you get a little irritated and stupidity is often comedy. This is nowhere near that. Anandraj's he can be really funny. From his role in Baasha to this, very talented. Revathy and Jyotika give a stellar performance too. I want more! I was actually Laughing out Loud (LOL) during many scenes.
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A nice tour of Kuala Lumpur
5 September 2019
Step 1: Get a drone and shoot 1 hour of B-Roll aerial footage of KL Step 2: Get untalented/unknown (b-grade) kids of stars Step 3: Get a star to produce it Step 4: Get Vikram to say 5 lines This is the exact formula of this movie. Watch it if you want a tour of Kuala Lumpur.
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