1 Review
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Range 15 (2016)
Terrible Movie. Not worth the bandwidth to pirate it.
15 August 2016
Imagine a zombie movie written by the crack writing team behind Sharknado 4 (with Ann Coulter and a couple of drunk marines consulting) and you won't be too far off from what you get in this movie. There are some almost-fun raunchy moments and a few things that come close to crossing over into 'so bad it's good territory', but it never manages to clear that threshold because all the fun is sucked out by military in-jokes and "hurr durr libtards, amirite?" meta-commentary.

This movie stays laser focused on a very small target audience. If you're a military vet that owns a MAGA hat and listens to conservative talk radio, this movie is for you (and only you). I can't really recommend it to anyone else.
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