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The Host (2013)
1 April 2013
As a big fan of the book, I found the movie interpretation of The Host fantastic, a must see for sci-fi fans. However, I do recommend reading the book first, as otherwise the complicated plot line could confuse. The Host is a totally different genre from twilight, and should appeal to a totally different audience, with the main theme being an alien invasion from the point of view of the alien, with a little bit of romance on the side. The movie sticks mostly to the plot outline of the book; a few minor details are not mentioned but no major plot changes occur, overall I think The Host is a wonderful example of how brilliant movies always come from brilliant books, and I hope to see a few more sci-fi novels, and perhaps movies from Stephanie Meyer in the future. I really can't wait for the DVD release!
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Love it!
9 March 2013
This movie was the first film for the popular Bratz doll line, and portrays the girls as typical high school teenagers struggling with challenging homework projects and complicated social lives. It promotes friendship and self expression for its main theme, yet is not excessively cheesy unlike some children's cartoons. The simple animation is charming and makes a nice change from the more modern CGI films. It is really suitable for any age, but probably best for girls aged 8-13, but of course adults could love it too. The storyline is simple yet effective, and I would recommend this to anyone who loves girly cartoons, therefore I think it is by far the best of all the Bratz films, and well worth the money.
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