
2 Reviews
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Away (2020)
3 Episodes in, and....
13 September 2020
...and it's just as bad as everyone is saying.

I came to the review boards to see if there was anyone else out there who felt that this Space Exploration show was more like "Dyansty - in Space", or "Falcon Crest Goes to Mars", and apparently EVERYONE is feeling it.

A show about the greatest endeavor human civilization could ever undertake? A series focused on the transition of mankind into a multi-planetary species. What a story that would have been. The technical challenges, the hurdles that would have to be leapt, and the excitement of a professional team of humanity's best working towards the goal of being first on Mars.

Apparently... For the producers, this wasn't enough. We had to have tales of the teenage daughter back on Earth, and infighting between the crew (which was pointed out in other reviews about how THAT WOULD NEVER happen on something as critical as the first human mission to Mars where the team would spend years in psychological reviews and team building exercises).

This could have been a great show if they didn't have to infuse it with so much gossip, and drama, and just huge amounts of BS. One big factor many other reviewers point out is all the damn phone calls to and from Earth. Even between the Earth and the Moon there's about a 2.5 second lag in communications. When the team was repairing their solar array, it showed the moon behind them with the Earth behind the moon. So, they're obviously farther away from the Earth than the Moon is... Yet? Instantaneous, non-laggy phone calls. Almost as if this were a staged production of a fictional team going to Mars where everyone is still on Earth...

Oh well... I wanted this show to succeed, but I don't think the target audience for this show are people like me (or most of the other reviewers)... It's more designed for people looking to see who'll end up admitting to shooting J.R. Ewing in Space.
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A bit of Propaganda to Validate the Concept of every Sperm is Sacred
26 July 2012
Recurring themes through this film would have the viewer believe that this film is all about redemption, faith, and the power of forgiveness. Bull. This entire film is a propogandistic attempt to push an agenda:

Abortion is wrong on all fronts regardless of the reason.

I'm surprised they didn't make the character, Julie, dying from a rare form of ovarian cancer that she endures rather than abort the child to save her life. Perhaps even the film makers saw this as over the top.

Don't be fooled folks, this is a "Right-to-Lifer" film that places a much smaller value on the vessel (Julie) than either the unborn baby, or the rapist (Mike) who slowly is becoming a redeemed character through this heart-tugging drama.

The Christian ladies who see this will definitely have their heart warmed, the Christian men who see this will be able to say, "See - the Abortion Doctor I killed last week was deserving of what he got". The rest of us who see this will be waiting for the setup where Mike gets out of Prison, falls into Julie's trap, and is castrated for what he did as she confesses to aborting his diseased offspring from herself a week after the rape and let's Mike know it was her neighbor's baby she was passing off as her own.

Unfortunately, our happy ending will never come.
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