
3 Reviews
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12 minutes
28 February 2021
Who knew that 12 minutes was just enough to deliver such complex emotions of love and loss! Its brilliant, sad and painfully haunting.
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The O.C. (2003–2007)
Still feels real
27 February 2021
Having watched this entire series twice. Once when it aired back in 2003 and now in 2021, I can honestly say that they don't make shows like this anymore. The plot line is simple and at times predictable with high volumes of unnecessary drama. But it has a deep honestly rooted in realism. The characters and plot line actually feels real. This is one of those teen drama's that even after almost 20 years feels fresh.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Sometimes bad guys win !
23 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Whats up with all the hate? The movie has definite flaws but has its brilliant moments accompanied by brilliant performances by the cast. Eventhough you hate the leading characters, and can't really cheer them on. But the plot stays true to the goal of the movie. The movie is not about a hero to cheer for. Its about the dark nasty reality that some people are just bad and have no redeeming qualities. The story does have some unrealistic story lines. But then again it keeps true to the plot line. Sometimes bad guys win too. Its dark, its troubling and its brilliant.
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