27 Reviews
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Monarca (2019–2021)
Think twice before starting another abandon series.
22 February 2023
I must admit season one didn't impress me all that much until the last couple of episodes. Up until then it was just another Mexican family power struggle. Near the end of season one things started to get interesting and the need to know what was going to happen next became irresistible. With the stage being set, season three, oops there is no season three. With the stage being set season two is just one surprise after another leaving the viewer chopping at the bit to learn more at the ending. But alas, all we can do is speculate as to what could have been. Once again the viewers are left hanging after being tease with the possibility of a third season. This happens all to often and viewers are left with a sour taste by uncaring corporation execs and no recourse. And for this viewers must pay a subscription fee.
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Unauthorized Living (2018–2020)
Nothing less than 10+
20 February 2023
I don't often give a 10 star rating. For this series nothing less then a 10+ will do. The fact that the episodes were, on an average, one hour and fifteen minutes was the first clue that this was going to be an exceptional series. I binged watched the two seasons in three days. I have been watching more and more Spanish shows and movies and this one was the very best. It had all the requirements and to see anything less than an eight is insulting. The characters were well developed and well played. The plot was well thought out and executed. Alzheimer's was an interesting touch. The one thing I have been noticing is shows and/or movies with LGBT+ main characters tend to get lower ratings. Sad. Definitely on my re-watch list.
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Not your typical gay flick
25 January 2023
Going through Netflix looking for something different I came across Alaska... I was surprised to see it had a thumbs up. Don't remember it. However I let it run. It didn't take long to realize I have never watched this. It was/is too remarkable not to remember. Low key and lay back kind of film with the usual homophobic gay basher who is secretly in love with the out and proud young man. I found noting outstanding in and with the movie; just an easy to watch enjoyable story. It's simplicity, if anything makes it a good movie. I always enjoy watching Matt Dallas and he was typically lay-back in this role.
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14 October 2022
Syfy ghost mystery minus the actual horror is how I would describe this series. I liked the story, the characters, and the cast. The story line was steep in social commentary without being preachy; just being a part of the over-all plot. A diverse group of terminally ill older teens staying in a hospice housed at an estate with a questionable past. There was a lot of storytelling by the teens, and it is here where things slowdown a bit. Enough at times that some episodes seem to be longer than they actually were. For me, it was a three-day watch to complete the series and the final episode seemed to be the "end". I not sure what a second season would be like. However, I know nothing about the works of Christopher Pike on which the series is based.
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In spite of...
14 May 2022
I gave it a seven in spite of the fact that the plot is totally unrealistic. It held my attention and did entertain while presenting an unrealistic solution to the problem of over population. Long before things could become so out of control, I believe the first solution to be proposed would be "paid" voluntary medical birth control. Vasectomies are reversable. And though not so with hysterectomies it would be made available. Also, the bulk of the problem lies in poverty-stricken areas. One has to consider the possibility chemical prevention would be more advance and easily obtained. I am sure there are other scenarios to such a plot. But again, the movie itself was well done and the acting was good with a stellar performance from the leading lady.
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10 May 2022
I must state at the start that I am bias. I am a 77-year-old gay male and this wonderful limited series stirred quite a mix of emotions and memories; the regrets of lost opportunities and youth gone so quickly. (San Fransisco was a city I longed to visit but never did.) I watched the entire series in one day. I enjoyed everything about it; the bitter with the sweet. Tales of the City is definitely on my rewatch list.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
27 March 2022
This is going to be short. The movie was long, so very long. I really don't know what to make of it. I kind of like it and I kind of don't like. ("Idiocracy") We are self-destructive.
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You had to have been there
2 February 2022
Motown was more than a reflection of the times; it helped create the times. This documentary did a good job of covering the basics with the time it was given, however that era of our history deserves so much more. So glad to have been a part of it. Volumes can be written about America from the 1950s through the 1970s and the part music played.
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The Chosen (2017– )
Beautifully done but nothing outstanding
25 January 2022
This was a person's/persons' visual telling of a portion of the Bible. It was beautifully told and performed. However, there was nothing outstanding. Believers might be prone to rate it higher, non-believers lower. Either way, I found it time well spent and enjoyable.
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Too long. Too slow.
3 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It took three sittings to finish the movie. A good ten minutes could have been cut, maybe more. Parts of the movie dragged; no pun intended. It ended as if it ran out of time leaving you to wonder what happens to the Congressman. As for the "forty-one" you only learned one died and left the rest to your imagination.

That being said it was a decent movie and needed to be told. We must never forget the good, the bad, and the evil in our histories.

For forty years or so I cursed my birthdate but was thankful for these last thirty-seven.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Slow burn
27 September 2021
If it wasn't for how agonizingly slow this story is I would have rated 10. I almost rated it 8; that's how slow it was at times. However; every thing else was perfect. Without saying too much this was a fantastic twist to an age old story. (And no sex scenes to cheapen it or spoil it.) Pick a time when there is nothing pressing to distract and stick with it. You'll be glad you did.
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Elite (2018–2024)
4 Seasons: Loved it, warts and all.
23 June 2021
I originally gave it a 9, however, after watching season 4 I upped it to ten, what the heck. :-) Be forewarned. This series kind of waffles between X and XX rating; just shy of going all the way. I have never seen so many really good looking actors in a single series; and the guys were to die for. That being said, I did, as I always do, have a problem with age appropriate actors in "teen dramas". But you get use to it, kind of. Of course, age appropriate actors would not be allowed to do most of the scenes. Anyway, the acting seldom disappoints, the story line moves at a good pace; slow and easy, quick and exciting when needed. My only major complaint was the voice changes in the dubbing. Especially with Omar in season 4. After getting use to Omar's soft lazy voice the new voice was so out of place and altered his character slightly. Do I have a favorite character/actor? Well, for various reasons it is impossible to choose. As for my least favorite, you will have to watch season 4 to find out. I re-watch each season before starting the newly released season. In this case seasons 1 through 4 took all of three days and I'm almost tempted to do it all over again. Some day I will make a list of the series and/or movies I have re-watched more than once. When I enjoy a series/movie that much, warts and all, it deserves a "ten".

PS: The LBG community is well represented and portrayed.
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Goliath (2016–2021)
Season 1 Nine; after that down hill fast.
6 June 2021
Season one was right up there with Bosch. Season two I gave 3 stars, being generous since I made it to the end of the season. In short season two was macabre and perverted with a heavy dose of adult X. Not for the faint of heart or pure of mind. As for season three I am not sure if I want to attempt it. Such a shame to take such a good story and cast and turn it into what might be an adult macabre cult classic...that is not a complement.
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Rectify (2013–2016)
Wow! 10+
26 January 2021
I found the first episode a bit slow but pushed onto the second, and then the third, and then before I realized it I was watching the last episode of season one. Aden Young is amazing playing the lead roll and has an excellent cast backing him up. I am not going to rehash what other have already said; just contemplate what I just watch then get some much need sleep to start season two as soon as I get up. (retired).
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Occupation (2018)
The not so good, the bad and the ugly.
27 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Starts out OK. Just another story getting started and set up but not very well thought out. Why a small town in the middle of nowhere? The back stories are watchable if your not expecting or looking for the next great Oscar winner. Then it gets melodramatic and way over the top with unimaginative alien's. You know, the kind with big heads and huge all black eyes. REALY! The final is all action and no reason with penny-dreadful melodrama. BUT saved the very best of the very worst to the very end. Hand shake and all is well that ends well.
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If you don't like musicals, don't watch them.
5 October 2020
This is about ghosts. Therefor it is a fantasy, so don't expect reality. To be honest, I wasn't sure about the show based on the first episode. But I kept watching and finished all nine episodes in two nights. Sure, there were a few low points yet by the time it ended, and oh what a ending, I loved it. I found it clever, original, and totally enjoyable. The casting was well suited, music better than average, and a nice twist at the end.
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Gossip Girl (2007–2012)
A six season roller coaster
25 June 2020
It's 2020 and I finally got around to watching this series. From start to finish there is so much wrong with it and so much right it left me loving it and hating it. At one point during my binge I felt enough is enough is enough and almost stopped. But, and there is always a but, I just had to know how the series ended, having no fore knowledge. The first two seasons showed me why it was such a talked about series. Then the roller coaster ride started. Same old stuff over and over only with a make over. The scheming, betrayals, and back-stabbing was getting on my nerves. If not for the occasional surprise to breakup the predictability and add new characters I might have given up. Fortunately, the guys kept it together enough to keep me interested. Not that the young ladies were not fantastic in their collective rolls. It was just that their characters were getting soooooooo annoying. The concept alone was great and even the worst episode had it high points. In short my rating started with a 10, bounced between 9 and 5 and was saved by the ending with 8 as the result.
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Toy Boy (2019– )
In defense - Toy Boy
25 April 2020
First, the ending is the setup for season 2. Get it? If viewers found it so bad that they had to trash it, why did the finish watching it? I wanted to rate this 10 stars because I enjoyed it so much, but truth be told it had it's flaws, which I found easy enough to over look. After all, I watch videos to be entertained. If they don't do that I simply "stop watching". There's lots of male eye candy, murder, mystery and suspense, dysfunctional family feuding and a love story or two. The quality isn't great but good enough to get by. One thing to remember, this is a "Spanish" production and should not be judged my American standards. Looking forward to Season 2.
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In defense............
19 April 2020
This series was yet another variation of a theme that has been done many times; some better and many worse. I'm not going to nit-pick this to death. All I know is I started this Saturday morning and completed the 10 episodes 13 hours later. No story is faultless and no visual production is perfect. There are always inconsistencies and breaks in the continuation; how did they get from point A to point C or D. If one chooses to watch science fiction one has to be ready to accept a different reality. I watch movies and series mostly for entertainment/escape; not to dissect. If what I am watching is so bad that I would rate it 3 or less then I simply stop watching!
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Baby Driver (2017)
So enjoyable
14 April 2020
OK, so it was over the top and completely unrealistic, however it was completely entertaining and over way too soon. Top of my re-watch list. Before watching a movie I have to rent I always check out how it is rated. Seeing 8 stars with the highest percentage I was pretty sure I would like it and rate it about the same. I never thought I would end up rating it ten stars. Movies like this are for escaping and I was total lost in it.
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Greenhouse Academy (2017–2020)
From eight stars down to six.
30 October 2019
I started this not knowing what to expect from a 20 minute or so per episode series. I was pleased to see that a lot of the cast appeared to be age appropriate unlike most "teen movies/series". The main story line and sub stories were interesting and somewhat suspenseful. Only a few episodes into season one and I was hooked. It only took three days to finish seasons one and two. Then along came season three. By the end of season 2 I wanted to give Greenhouse Academy ten stars but that would have been over rating it based solely on enjoyment so I settled for 8. Sadly, just after two episodes of season three I was ready to shelf the series. Changing cast members in the middle of a series is often fatal. Usually it is better to find some way to write them out. Brooke gained 10 years when they replaced her. Emma went from a cute little shy girl to one who comes across older and more worldly. Then there is this one girl who is totally annoying from the very start. (Worse than Aspen) The main male roles stayed the same and the supporting guys were but shadows. As for the story line, it went from mysterious, exciting, and suspenseful to "where do we go from here?". I hope season three gets better since I noticed that there is a season 4 listed.
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Dynasty (2017–2022)
eye candy
21 October 2019
I'm only on season 1 episode 5 and this is so bad it is good.........but it is getting better. For now it's the eye candy.
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Roswell, New Mexico (2019–2022)
Pleasant surprise
3 June 2019
I was/am addicted to the original Roswell. Lost count of how many times I have watched it. Truth be told, I was all set not to like this reboot. The pilot did little to change that but I pushed on mainly because I liked a couple of the actors. Having made it through Season 1, episode 4, I can honestly say I was pleasantly surprised and look forward to watching the rest of the series. It is not the cute teen version with comic relief but an up-to-date dark version steeped in secrets, intrigue, and government cover up.
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Much better than expected
4 May 2019
OK, first I started watching the TV series, then started reading the books (on #2 now), then the movie. I was hesitant after seeing the ratings and reviews and being exposed to the outstanding series. I mean who likes to spend four bucks on a movie they are prepared not to like. I am so glad I did. The movie was more like the book; storyline and characters. I have always been able to separate book from movie/series. After all they say "based on ........" for a reason. Yes, while reading the books images of the series do pop up and I visualize the actors from the series as the ones in the book. The older version of them just seems to fit better than the young teens. Even in the movie they chose to go with the older look. Of course having seen the series and read the book the movie was easy to follow. Not so much without previous knowledge. Being able to compare the three was an advantage and a joy. Leaving one out is like leaving part of the story out. I strongly recommend the movie, however watch it with an open mind. As to which I liked best; the series comes first, then the movie and the books third. However I am only just finishing the second book.
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A-X-L (2018)
KEY WORDS: Enjoyable entertainment
9 April 2019
I never go by the negative reviews simply because 9 times out of 10 they are wrong. Were I to rate this movie on how much I enjoyed it it would be a 10+. Rating it on its overall technical merits I would give it a 7. The story is a SiFi fantasy and as such doesn't have to be realistic. I feel sorry for those who have to tear what ever movie they are watching apart. Try to see through the eyes of the story teller. Look for the good, not the bad. Life is too short. This from a 73 y.o. man.
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