
9 Reviews
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Who in their right mind would put a dance sequence in a hostage crisis movie?
14 September 2022
Seriously, this movie could have been a 6/10 if it weren't for that horrible and useless dance sequence. What was the director thinking? I don't get the logic behind that scene. I also didn't like the storyline between the soldier and his gf. Again, what's the point of that? As if that soldier is the star of the rescue mission. Totally unnecessary! I wanted action and I expected to see badass delta force like soldiers on this but instead we get to see pretentious, trying hard to be edgy dance sequence. This is definitely the worst hostage and rescue movie I've seen and I blame that dance sequence.
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Quite exciting up until the last few episodes
2 June 2022
Thrillers, Mystery and crime shows are my kind of thing. I think I have watched so many of this genre that I could always guess whodunit. I am always excited to watch these type of shows. Flower of evil was quite interesting at first. It had a nice atmosphere and storyline. I was so into it up until the last few episodes. The overly dramatic scenes ruined it for me. It was just unnecessary and felt so contrived. I guess the writers wanted the audience to sympathize with the lead actors so badly. They were trying too hard! I know this is a melodrama but some of the scenes didn't go well with the initial vibe of this show. It didn't flow smoothly with this crime, whodunnit plot. The writing got lazy and it feels like they just threw all this heavy, crying scenes out of nowhere. This could have been one of my favorite asian mystery thriller. If only the writers were just consistent.
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The Long Ballad (2021– )
Zhao Lusi is the star of the show!
25 May 2022
I initially wanted to give this show a below than average rating but Zhao Lusi saved it for me. She was amazing! This is my first time seeing her and I am so impressed by her acting talent. She is so young but she's got so much potential to be one of the best asian actresses of today. In contrast to the first female lead, she is not convincing at all as Changge. She's a poor casting choice in my opinion. There were many scenes of her that were really questionable. The actor playing Sun is quite good but it's the Yueyan and Hao Du storyline that kept me from dropping this show. They need to do another drama together! Amazing chemistry! Overall, it's a mediocre drama with mediocre storyline and mediocre actors except for Zhao Lusi and Liu Yining.
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Pretty Little Liars (2010–2017)
Just Awful!
24 January 2022
If there is a record for the show with the most number of plot holes, this one wins hands down. It's like the writers throw in every twist they could think of even if they know they're nonsense. The writers need to know the rules in writing a mystery show. I also didn't like that this show glorify predatory relationships. Lastly, the acting didn't help at all. The actress playing spencer is the only good actress on this show. Pretty little liars is definitely one of the worst mystery shows I have ever watched.
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Dragged me to disappointment
13 November 2021
Definitely one of the most disappointing asian drama I have watched. I waited and waited for it to pick up but it kept dragging and instead, it became ridiculous. The story went all over the place and every single character turns out to be the worst version of themselves. I didn't like how they turned into cry babies. It felt like I was watching a mexican telenovela where there's a crying scene for every two minutes. Too much victim mentality and wallowing in self pity. The two lead actors did have chemistry but the writers build tension with so much teasing and bantering that when they finally got together, it felt really underwhelming. Now, one of the few good things of this show is the actor playing emperor. He was outstanding! His facial expressions, his hand gestures, his voice - all of it was on point. Everything is what I imagined an emperor would be like. That is some top notch acting right there! Ning Qi is also good. He was a really effective villain. Ning Yi had his moments but some scenes seemed a bit over done. Feng Zhiwei could be played by any other actress and I couldn't care less. Nothing remarkable about the actor. The set is well-produced. Cinematography is good. Poor writing ruined it. It was quite obvious that the writers were in a hurry towards the end. They kept dragging the story only to rush it towards the last 10 episodes. I usually like sad films and shows (Ruyi and Mr. Sunshine) but this one is such a letdown.
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A good story ruined by poor execution!
30 October 2021
I am sure I heard this was a big hit in its country of origin. So, I got curious and had quite a bit of an expectation. After completing the drama, I am just utterly disappointed. I almost dropped this because of the poor casting choices. They could have chosen better actors in the leading role. I guess they went after who is popular at the moment. The actor playing the King is so wooden and uninspiring. I can't believe they got him to play the famous Qin Shi Huang. He was supposed to be an authoritarian tyrant. He exuded so much power and vitality in him but I couldn't feel it with this actor. He had almost the same expressions all throughout the entire drama. He looked and acted weak. Gongsun Li's character was supposed to be vibrant, smart and outstanding. Again, I couldn't feel it with this actress. She was bland. I like the actors playing Jing Ke and Madam Chu. I like her little facial expressions and the way she talks. She had this irritating persona and therefore, was a really effective character. I prefer Han Shen over everyone on this drama. You could feel his suppressed emotions. He portrayed the character of a man in love with a woman he could never have well. As for the visual effects, they looked like it was done by amateurs. Lastly, there were so many plot holes and inconsistencies with the characters. I really wanted to like The King's Woman but I just can't. It is a good story but ruined by poor execution.
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My favorite asian drama so far!
26 October 2021
During the earlier episodes, I thought Wallace was underwhelming but oh boy, I changed my mind when he started his "I am the selfish emperor mode". He was a really effective villain. I hated his character. I don't understand those who didn't like his acting. He did a good job as a depressed, confused, lonely, abusive, selfish emperor. The best actor awards for me would go to the actors playing Jia and Yan Wan. They are amazing! In fact, all of them are amazing. What an outstanding cast! Everyone played their role perfectly. Ruyi, Rong Pei, Dowager, Consort Hui, the villain eunuch, etc - all of them are memorable. It's a beautiful drama albeit depressing. This perfectly showcases the emotions and life of a woman inside the palace of that era - empty and all consuming. I enjoyed Yanxi because of the lighter and comedic tones but in terms of quality and cast, I'd say Ruyi's Royal Love in the palace wins.
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The Tudors (2007–2010)
Awful and Boring!
22 April 2021
Henry Cavill is probably the one and only good thing about this show. He may not be the best actor but he is fun to look at. The others are forgettable and some were even a miscast. Why they even cast an unattractive actress to play a supposedly attractive Catherine Howard is beyond me. The quality of this show is just not good. Showtime needs to step up the quality of their programs.
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Suicide Club (2017)
Stupidest movie I've ever seen!
29 June 2019
Awful acting. Terrible storyline. Boring. Just tragic.
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