
2 Reviews
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Benedict Cumberbatch only plays villains
8 November 2013
As I walked into the theater with my wife, she asked me again what this film was about. I said, its about Wikileaks. I told her about Assange and the mission of Wikileaks. I had already had my own formed opinions about Assange, but refrained from sharing it with her. I was curious to see what her reaction was and what her opinion of Wikileaks and Assange was after the film.

The film was not bad. It was sort of an attempt to make a Facebook style film about Wikileaks and although it nowhere measured up to the quality of "Social Network." Its attempt was commendable and all-in-all, it was not a waste of the 18 Euros we spent to see it.

However, what really bothered me throughout the entire film was Cumberbatch's portrayal of Assange. I could see he was trying very hard to mimic Assange to the best of his ability, but I either don't think he had it in him or he was purposely playing Assange a lot crazier than he appears in real life. I have seen lots of interviews with Assange, who in my mind, comes across a bit like a mixture between a politician and professor. Cumberbatch, on the other hand, came across as a sort of eccentric nut.

The next thing that bothered me is where the film decided to stop. Basically, it skimmed over the current scandals, making Assange sound like more of nut than Cumberbatch's portrayal. The last five minutes especially sunk into me the feeling that the film unfairly portrayed Assange.

And my suspicions were confirmed. I asked my wife what her opinion of Assange was as a good or bad guy, and she seemed to indicate she was leaning towards bad. The last few minutes of the film, basically sunk that message in loud and clear.

My conclusion is, that, this film is a good example of the new way of being critical. Pretend to be fair and at the last minute, throw up a bunch of negative facts.

I believe that combining the positive portrayal of the U.S. state department with the crazy portrayal of Assange, was neither fair nor accurate. History will probably judge this film as just another propaganda piece of the corrupt powers that be.

If I were to write this film, I think it would have been much more interesting to concentrate on the incidents of human rights abuses rather than on the Assange himself. It would have also had the positive effect of encouraging, rather than discouraging whistle-blowers. This film does not seem to inspire anything.

Assange was right about the film.
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Looper (2012)
Good, but with problems
6 October 2012
Like everyone, tastes vary. I am a scifi fan and generally enjoy most films of the genre which I finally decide to see, however I also expect that these films bring in a semblance of believability into the plot. Time travel movies are inherently problematic: You have the difficulties of time lines, multiverse theory, the grandfather paradox and so on. In my mind it doesn't even matter sometimes if every lose end is tied up. I even enjoyed the back to future trilogy, simply because the film didn't try to be serious: We obviously knew it wasn't possible to disappear slowly from a picture and simply come back because your dad kisses you mom.

Although I agree there are many things about the film worthy of praise: the acting, the dialog, special effects and directing, somehow the film left me in the realm of incredulity, because it tried to be serious, yet failed miserably on believability; the dynamics of time travel was never really explained, and even if we assumed one of the paradigms which are commonly out there, nothing made sense even from one of these points of view. This left us rather confused as to what was really going on. It had the overall effect of making the film seem as though it was going off in arbitrary directions simply to fulfill a plot point or make a dramatic effect.

I left the theater wondering if I could have spent my money on a better film and all-in-all, given how picky I am probably would have opted for a different genre. So, I am saying, although this film is given high ratings, don't go see it necessarily based on these reasons. Tastes vary. If you like serious well crafted dramatic movies with special effects but not much logic, then you will love this movie, if not, it will probably leave you disappointed.
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