
4 Reviews
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best game ever
2 June 2006
Baldurs Gate 2 has to be the best game ever made. It has such depth and range you can easily play it over and over again without getting bored. It has a simple, easy to use interface so that anyone can pick up and start playing very quickly. What really attracts me - and, I think, most fans - is the detail of character in the people you meet, particularly the NPC's (people who can join your party). There are tons of banters and even several romantic options. I just haven't seen these features in any other game. Yes, it helps if you have played Dungeons and Dragons before (I played for about 15 years) but it isn't necessary. There is enough information supplied in the manual and in game for anyone to get into it. The only problem with this game is that it is so addictive, you'll find yourself ignoring or putting off all kind of things just so you can play the game and find out what happens next. And the game does take a long time to play. Depending on how many side-quests you do and how often you play, it'll easily keep you entertained for weeks, if not months. It definitely helps that there are heaps of dedicated fans who write add-ons or tweaks to the game (called mods) available free to download, but even without them, the basic game itself with keep you enthralled. If you enjoy games with role-playing, character interaction and detailed worlds you'll love Baldurs Gate 2.
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Darkness (2002)
about what I'd expect from a PG-13 horror movie
13 February 2006
A very average movie. I would have given it a five but some good acting, particularly from Anna Paquin bumps it up an extra point. The story starts a little too slow for my tastes, particularly for an 85 minute movie. There's nothing wrong with building up the tension and getting to know the characters but this movie just drags a bit. It doesn't really kick into gear until right near the end. As for the story, it's nothing you haven't seen in other films. If you like the idea of darkness as the bad guy, I'd try the slightly superior Darkness Falls instead. Apart from that it isn't very clear what the motivation of the bad guys is, it could have done with some more explaining. Also, I thought Lena Olin as the mother was kind of inconsistent and her actions/ responses didn't always make sense. In summary, if it's on TV and you haven't got anything else to do, give it a look, otherwise I wouldn't bother. Admitedly I found this movie better than some other recent horror flicks like The Ring or The Grudge, but then I really didn't like those movies.
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better than episodes 1 & 2 but still a disappointment
19 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the movie today and, much as I really wanted to love it, I just left feeling flat. I'm a big fan of Ewan McGregor, but his acting in this, as well as the rest of the cast, was terrible, if not entirely their fault. From what I've heard of George Lucas's style they got very little direction from him, and with the shocking dialog they were given, there was little they could do. The stuff between Padme and Annakin was particularly cringe-inducing. And that scream by James Earl Jones at the end, everyone in the theater laughed. Also, with basically the whole movie being shot against green screen the actors had nothing to relate to. I remember hearing the actors from LOTR saying how much it helped them that they had carefully crafted sets and amazing locations to help get them into the atmosphere of the place, and their characters. Gee George, just build some @#$% sets why don't you, use some in camera effects. Yes today you can do amazing things with computers, that doesn't mean they're always the best way to go, IMO CGI is much better adding to what's there, making slight changes, not taking over the show. CGI has it's place, it was jut used badly in this film, every scene just screamed, look at what my computers can do. Apart from all that, there was just something missing from this film, a spark. The whole thing seemed kind of hurried, and rushed from one set-piece to another. There was actually too much fighting, to the point where it became boring. This movie did dispense with some of the things that ruined Ep 1 & 2, but one thing that still irritated me, was the jokey nature of the enemy droids, it still just seems out of place. Plus, what happened to R2D2, a lot of his capabilities seem to have gotten broken somewhere between Ep's 3 & 4. O.K, with computers you can make him do all kinds of things now, but as he wasn't doing them (i.e. flying round, springing up out of position on a ship) in Ep's 4 - 6, it's a bit silly to have him able to in these movies. Some of the light saber duels I liked, but the one between Mace Windu and Palpatine was terrible, it was obvious neither actor was comfortable with fencing. Neither of the actors they used for Annakin in the prequels suited the role and there was just no chemistry between the actors, that was one of the many things that made the original trilogy great. However, I'll try to end on a high note, what did I like about the film? The final light saber battle between Hayden and Ewan looked great, they both obviously took a lot of time training and it really paid off, makes the duels in Ep IV - VI look a bit tame, but then again, their characters had been training with light sabers for a lot longer than Luke did. Also, the effects they put on annakin from being burnt etc looked great too. My favourite scene in the movie would have to be the clones turning on the Jedi, it was just brutal. Anyway, that's my rant. In the end, if people haven't seen Ep's 1 - 3, I'd probably tell them not to bother, just watch Ep's 4 - 6 again, watching this movie has certainly inspired me to.
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a BBC sci-fi classic
13 April 2005
I remember watching this on TV when I was little and being terrified of the triffids. I watched a lot of sci-fi but this stood out. I've always liked those survival stories like dawn of the dead or 28 days later. If you like those kind of movies you'll probably enjoy day of the triffids. When I saw it was now available on DVD I ordered it with plenty of enthusiasm and a little trepidation. Often those shows you watch and enjoy as a kid just don't hold up and watching them as an adult kind of takes the shine off those memories. I mean, how good do those special effects in Doctor Who look now. But, in this case I need not have worried. I've just watched all six episodes of Day of the Triffids in a row and I loved it. Yes, the special effects do look a little dated but all things considered, they're not that bad, and they don't interfere with your enjoyment. The story is great, well written and well paced, you never know what's going to happen next. Plus it throws up lots of little ethical questions. Also, the acting by all of the main cast is excellent. Forget about the old movie version, read the book or watch this mini series. 8/10.
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