
41 Reviews
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Decent movie with major flaws!
28 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was not a bad movie like some are saying, but it does have some major flaws. It's clear to me that this movie was made to go in a certain direction in hopes of a possible sequel or two. Hence Flaw #1: Damian's mother was a jackal (he was born of a Jackal) as clearly stated in the Original Omen. This movie, The First Omen has him being born of a human mother with some incest & jackal DNA mixed in. Damian was also born with a fraternal twin sister. You'll have to watch The First Omen to understand this more I won't go into it here. It seems some creative liberty was taken to add a human mother and twin sister for possible sequels, hence the ending. On to Flaw #2: As we all know, according to the Bible only the Anti-Christ will bear the mark of the beast (666). However, in The First Omen the human mother and what I guess would be Damian's Aunt also bear the mark. This is a serious departure from the Bible. Those are the two major flaws but there are many more smaller ones and story line inconsistencies.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
24 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Boring film based off of characters from the 80's classic TV show of the same name. One time watch only! I usually enjoy Emily Blunt films but this was "meh" as my title states! Best part of the whole movie was the appearance of Lee Majors (the original Colt Seavers) and Heather Thomas (original Jody Banks) from the TV show during the end credits scene. Also, why change Jody Banks' last name in the movie to Moreno? Scratching my head. I recommend a watch if you have absolutely nothing better to do or just go and watch the TV show. Anyway, that's all I've got..go away now! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
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From (2022– )
Lost 2.0? Maybe!
27 June 2023
This show is not all that bad as others have said but I do feel like it's going down a similar path as Lost. Lost was a great show but like Lost, From is great at adding things that only create more questions and hardly any answers.

Lost did this a lot and and after six long seasons disappointed everyone with that let down of an ending. I'm afraid From will end in the same way since the writers of Lost are also involved in writing From. For me, it seems the writers are a lot like Al Bundy dreaming about and trying to recapture his high school glory days where he scored four touchdowns in a single game. The problem is that the writers of Lost may have scored one touchdown with their show but horribly missed the point conversion with that ending.

So with all that said, I'd recommend watching From understanding may not end well or, Hell, even get cancelled early who knows.
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Not bad but drawn out
23 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie wasn't bad but it was drawn out way too long. It's the type of movie that belongs in one of those horror anthology deals made up of different half hour short stories from different directors. Nothing but dialogue until about six minutes left in the movie (yes, really) where we finally get the horror with some blood and gore. Is it a vampire movie? I guess. There's Mina, Lucy and Nora Murray (Mina Murray was a character from Dracula and there was a Lucy in the novel as well) who are sisters who bite and drink the blood of some poor sap at the end. Don't expect much going in and you might enjoy the movie but probably not.
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A tired out franchise!
2 November 2022
After the original Halloween I & II there really is no reason to continue watching these failed cash grab attempts. Maybe watch Rob Zombie's two movie reboot just to see another take on John Carpenter's Boogeyman or don' really doesn't matter. I do hope Halloween Ends is REALLY the end because at this point all Hollywood is doing is running this franchise into the ground. It seems Hollywood has run out of creativity because all we've been getting are terrible reboots, remakes, re-imaginings or whatever you want to call them. Leave the classics alone! This 600 character crap sucks almost as bad as Halloween was close!
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Thor still not given his due!
9 September 2022
Thor has yet to receive the appropriate portrayal as in the comics and is reduced more and more to a bumbling idiot and not the powerful Norse God that he is. Why does Disney and Marvel feel they have to make every Thor movie a comedy and one with too many jokes that aren't funny? If you're not a "die hard" fan of the original Marvel comics or you know nothing about them, then you'll probably like this movies. All the actors were great but the script was horrible. I could go on but why bother?

What's done is done.

Thor has yet to receive the appropriate portrayal as in the comics and is reduced more and more to a bumbling idiot and not the powerful Norse God that he is. Why does Disney and Marvel feel they have to make every Thor movie a comedy and one with too many jokes that aren't funny? If you're not a "die hard" fan of the original Marvel comics or you know nothing about them, then you'll probably like this movies. All the actors were great but the script was horrible. I could go on but why bother?

What's done is done.
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Nope (2022)
Not too bad...I've seen much worse.
5 September 2022
It wasn't that bad. Don't go into it expecting too much. You've probably seen way better and way worse on the SyFy channel. Still it was a decent watch. The ending was let down in my opinion bit all in all I was entertained throughout! Be aware that this movie doesn't even come remotely close to Get Out or Us. Get Out was great snd Us was good and Nope is the worse of the three. Like I said it still wasn't bad. This 600 character minimum requirement is b.s.!

It wasn't that bad. Don't go into it expecting too much. You've probably seen way better and way worse on the SyFy channel. Still it was a decent watch. The ending was let down in my opinion bit all in all I was entertained throughout! Be aware that this movie doesn't even come remotely close to Get Out or Us. Get Out was great snd Us was good and Nope is the worse of the three. Like I said it still wasn't bad. This 600 character minimum requirement is b.s.!
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The Batman (2022)
Overhyped, overrated & Dull!
19 April 2022
The problem with Warner Bros and why they'll never make the DCEU as successful as Marvel is the constant reboot of main characters. I mean how many Batman reboots are we going to have. The Batman is very slow moving and lacks the amount of action necessary for a three hour superhero movie. I was very bored watching this and kept looking at the clock and even paused the movie several times to go do other things. Basically, I found the whole movie a waste of time and the high ratings baffling. The "white privilege" line by cat woman was totally unnecessary and stupid but even if left out, doesn't change anything about the 3 hr snoozefest. Just a typical Hollywood "Woke" stamp that they put in everything nowadays.
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Nothing to do with the franchise!
15 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Has nothing to do with the Paranormal Activity franchise and is an attempt to cash in on the "Paranormal Activity" name. The movie is watchable but should have been a stand alone movie with a different title! This movie will sucker many into seeing it just because of the supposed relation to the other paranormal films. The franchise has been dead for a while now. Films 1, 2 & 3 were good but then 4, 5, 6 started veering off into the abyss and what arises from the darkness? Film 7 and all its crappiness. Like I said though, it's watchable but you won't see anything you haven't seen before in other "better" cult movies dealing with trapping & imprisoning a demon and safeguarding humanity through cult rituals and human/animal sacrafice.
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Not worth the time
4 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say? Boring, unoriginal and crappy story. Even in mediocre horror flicks there should be an attempt at some character development but not in this movie. One should go into this as if getting ready to watch a SYFY Channel orginal movie. Your take will be "It's not that good, I've seen it done before, and why didn't I watch something else."
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Not Bad, but not that Good either!
25 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This series was five hours too long with a lot of slow (painfully slow) and drawn out dialogue. Seven one hour episodes to tell a mediocre vampire story drenched in cult like religious fervor & drivel could have been done in two, two hour episodes by cutting all the crap dialogue. This series is very slow and boring with an underwhelming ending in my opinion. Don't go in expecting much and you won't be too disappointed.
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Prey (VI) (2021)
Another Netflix Crapper!
20 September 2021
Another movie with five emasculated men that can't defend themselves. Netflix continues to put out one crap movie after another. It's getting to the point where it's not worth the subscription price to get a decent movie once in a blue moon. Watching this movie will be a colossal waste of your time. You have been warned.
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Old (2021)
Not great but not that bad either
17 September 2021
A lot of harsh reviews for a movie that I didn't think was all that bad. I think people are going into this movie forgetting it's an M Night Shyamalan movie and/or knowing but expecting something great like the Sixth Sense. Like I said not great but not all that bad either. Definitely not worth movie theater prices. Wait to rent it or watch it free at some point on a streaming channel.
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Total Crap
16 September 2021
What a major disappointment! I thought Nic Cage was rising again after Willy's Wonderland and Mandy but what the hell was this atrocity!?!? As others have stated, Nic must owe someone money or lots of favors. To be honest, Nic Cage making a crappy ass movie was not the biggest surprise to me.... Sofia Boutella being in it was one and learning Imogen Poots was originally cast instead of Sofia but dropped out when Nic had the movie moved to Japan! Baffles the mind. Crap! Crap! Crap! Trust me...go watch it and if you can make it all the way through you'll feel like everyone else and compelled to write a review in an attempt to warn others.
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Kate (I) (2021)
I've seen better!
12 September 2021
Not much to say about this other than don't expect much. Other reviews saying this is better than Atomic Blonde or Nikita are smoking some really good stuff and I want some. I will say the the female lead in this is way better and more believable in the fight scenes than the lead was in Gunpowder Milkshake. Just my opinion.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
Pretty good!
12 September 2021
I thought it was a good movie with a spin on what's been seen in movies before. Too many people are expecting Oscar worthy horror with creepiness and jump scares that make you crap your pants...hence the negative reviews. I admit I went into it with high expectations because James Wan wrote & directed it but it wasn't near as good some of his earlier outings (Conjuring etc). Still a good watch though!
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Martyrs Lane (2021)
It was a okay!
12 September 2021
Definitely not a horror movie. Slow (very slow) burn of a ghost story. If you're looking for scares look elsewhere because this has none...and I mean none.
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Superhost (2021)
Total Crap!
4 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Another boring woke slasher flick with two unlikeable victims waiting around to be killed. Definitely no toxic masculinity (real men) in this movie. The male was a complete wimp and no one seems to try or know how to defend themselves against one woman with a knife. Pathetic movie. Do yourself a favor and skip this garbage.
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Falls flat, but still a decent watch!
14 August 2021
As a "Limited Series" I believe this fails hard. I agree with other reviewers that episodes 1-4 were great and I'll even say 5 wasn't bad either, but episodes 6-8 fall flat in my opinion. Some of the scenes felt way too long and there really wasn't any memorable ending. If they continue the series and tie up the many loose ends and unexplained issues the series has the potential to be pretty damn good.
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It was okay!
9 August 2021
A lot of hype around this movie and, honestly, I don't see it. The movie was just okay in my opinion. There was action, some laughs and definitely blood but it does not live up to the hype in my opinion.
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The Power (II) (2021)
Typical Angry Ghost...
22 May 2021
...gets revenge and makes bad people pay for their crime. Decent film but nothing really new here.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
24 April 2021
Average movie with a couple good fatalities but other than that...just an average movie. WB needs to wake up and get their act together. This was a poor reboot. People who know nothing about the 30 or so years of MK might enjoy this. It does have decent action and cgi but that's about it. I saw MK on HBOMAX (long time subscriber) and I'm grateful I did not have to pay extra for this.
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7 February 2020
If you don't go in expecting too much it's enjoyable. Just as good as anything The Asylum puts out.
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Awesomely Creepy!
19 October 2019
Season one was freaking awesome! Loved every creepy moment of it. Well done. I am curious to see how Season two "The Haunting of By Manor" turns out. Go watch Season won't be disappointed.
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Eli (I) (2019)
I liked it!
19 October 2019
This was not a bad movie at all and some of the negative reviews on here are way off mark. It's not a scary movie, in my opinion, (unless you scare easily) but it is interetsting and entertaining. I like twists and this one had a decent one. If you like TV Shows like Supernatural or others like it then you will probably enjoy this movie.
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