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Chicago Fire (2012– )
Is this for ratings?
21 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Update: My roommate just alerted me to this - Why did Kidd get promoted ahead of Hermann on truck. Although they are both lieutenant, she is head over everything? Ok, there was a situation with Hermann when he covered for Brett and was told by Boden that it was a permanent mark and he will never get promoted, but he has been there 20 years and nothing more was said about it by Brett. When Casey left, Hermann wanted his office, at least. Then the new guy comes and Kidd, a day late, takes the Lt position around Hermann. Is this for ratings? Did anyone else notice this?

The comments about Brett might be spot on. I feel like the innocent doe eyed girl is kinda played out. Who is that character for? Grown women don't act innocent.

I completely disagree with some that Dawson was only out for herself. Dawson wanted a family and kids, plain and simple. Casey wasn't prepared for it and tried to accommodate. In the later seasons, he makes a move to take on a family role. It's at that point I realized that Dawson had a very good affect on him. I don't know why having Casey yell at Dawson that she cannot have kids is acceptable behavior and is justified, because she was selfish and stamping her feet. Why would anyone accuse her of this? She is a grown woman that knows what she wants. If I want children and my husband does not, then that may become a breaking point. No one to blame, no one owes anything to anyone. My roommate actually commented that she was only thinking of herself when she left, to make a difference in the world, at that. It's obvious it was a break-up. Does she have to get permission to have a break-up? Some of you are just too much. We all only have one life and everyone of us has the right to say no. More should have happened to Casey for shouting such a thing at her!

If we really want to talk about missing someone, it's Shay. Also, I think it's a guys club show anyway, because they show the guys kissing, but they didn't show Shay, but describe her as a girl that takes her clothes off in front of the men, to show she is one of the guys.

Here is my contention - every time there is a first response, Brett says, get the Fentanyl. Chicago is on the rise for having the worst amount of deaths due to Fentanyl. We are in an opioid crisis. If they don't have an episode that shows how lethal it is, killing several people that will be missed in real life, I will be giving the show a one star and never watching it again. I won't support it.

I have looked everywhere for why this is happening and Johnson & Johnson makes the s!@# and has been making money on kickbacks from the cartels. I think maybe J&J is the cartel and still pushing the drug. Be smarter.

Overdoses involving fentanyl increased more than 700% in Chicago between 2015 and 2018, according to Chicago's Opioid Overdose Surveillance Report.... The spike in opioid deaths worsened after the pandemic broke out and stay-at-home orders were issued in 2020. The toll in Cook County was 1,840 for that year, compared with 1,295 the year before.

Either you're part of the problem or part of the solution.
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Wonderful, eye opening show
19 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not every tv show about drugs needs to come out of the gate running. This show is informative on what is really happening and how people get caught up in things. It seems some are forced into crime to prove they're not narcs. That's not just in jail. I could really see how poverty makes you do things, evidenced of the two undercover in jail. It's an either you're in or you're out attitude. If you're determined not to be a narc, they want to know what they can get from you, like sex. To survive you have to be like the others. I just kept thinking, if these people were given the same money and the same chances, their life would be different although I understand there are a variety of circumstances that cause addiction. People don't really look at things as their fault, their not responsible, but we're all responsible for the amount of poverty in the U. S. There are ways to be a part of another person's life to make each other feel important and heard. People in the U. S. are trapped in individuality. We don't like people in our business, but we miss out on being close to each other. Also, this is the only country in the world that pushes our kids out of the home to survive on their own at 16 yeas old. How can we possibly survive and be well adjusted caring people?
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Funny or die
15 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Omg. That was really like stupid good. I like my thrillers/slashers to be like this, but the look on Angela's face the whole time and the very end were priceless stupid. The one guy's fake mustache was underwhelming, but also humorous. It's a very homophobic approach, but people didn't address the issue as much in the 80s. Over all, I loved the humor. I think that's what redeems it.
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Disney or Lily Rabe?
1 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I wish imdb would allow us to edit once we've posted. There are other shows I wish I could change my review. That said, I loved this series. I've always loved Lily Rabe. She has raw talent. We should see more of her! 😉 I noticed the critics reviews made the case for immoral characters and glamorizing rapists. I don't know whom would fantasize rape, maybe there are those that do. Maybe we should all be watching Disney, perpetuate the morality of sexism. There are definitely women, who love serial killers/rapists, some women even becoming accomplices. I wish the writer/director would really dig in, make it even more gritty. I love the mystery in this so much!
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Ófærð (2015– )
Watch in one sitting
31 December 2020
I think if I would have watched in one sitting, I wouldn't have lost momentum. Now, nothing makes sense. I think giving the characters a little more backstory would have helped me connect a bit better and the characters more memorable. Also, there were so many plotlines it was hard to remember where I left off with one or the other. I liked the connection the characters had with Icelandic weather as the events unfold mostly in the Icelandic nightime. I thought Colorado was cold!!
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
I've lost the wow factor I began with.
25 September 2020
I don't know what happened. Maybe it's that every time I pick up a storyline, it turns out to be a lie. Idk. Maybe that's the point. He can't trust anyone and neither can the viewer. I think I have resigned myself to being wrong every time, so what's the point, I guess? I really love the characters though. I really love the premise, seeing both sides and that many things don't work out when you think you have it all worked out. I like the portrayal of someone living with D.I.D. I have similar symptoms. I am often afraid to ask where I am or if I know the person I'm talking to. I don't want people to figure out my weakness and exploit that. I have also arrived places and didn't know how I got there and why I'm not appropriately dressed - club wear at work. It's all very disorienting, so I like how that is portrayed. Oh - my favorite - trying to introduce a friend to another friend or at work and I've known them for a while and can't introduce them, because I forgot everyone's name and then I start to almost cry and stand frozen. Gotta practice that more. :) Walking into Walmart and stuck at the door with friends and I can't remember why I'm there and how I got there. People have just called me dingy. That's unfortunate, but what do they know??!! Crying spells, because I'm lonely, because I can't relate to people, because I don't know if I met them before...or was it a dream...? Or, how I don't wanna let them know off the bat that I don't know how I got there and then wonder if I'm being rude or stupid. So, I am a perfect target for a power monger.
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20 June 2020
I fell in love with all the characters. I understood why all those little fires were there. I even realized that I have created my own little fires. I loved it!!
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Condor (2018–2020)
Oh dear!!
5 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I might be alone in my low score. I see that many of you are saying it's the best thing on tv in a long time, but what about Jack Ryan or Spy? Bodyguard? Blacklist? I guess I'm not sure what is meant by "on tv." I'm usually not too much into spy shows, because it divides issues too starkly. There's always a good guy, which is patriotic and a bad guy that is usually another race, who is also patriotic. It's too predictable, but after the first episode it looked like the entire show would be the main guy being chased. They needed to elevate it. It's not that exciting with a lot of filler and people debating plots. We all know the debates, we've already decided terrorism is wrong. The lead guy's perspective isn't new or original.
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Happy! (2017–2019)
13 April 2020
So well rounded with storyline and characters. It's all over the place and doesn't pander.
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Similar to Sabrina Series
6 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Same friend dynamic in both these tv shows. I almost can't keep it straight. (pun intended)
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Leslie Jones: Time Machine (2020 TV Special)
Leslie Jones or Sam Kineson
23 January 2020
She reminded me so much of him. He screamed everything. People went to his shows for that purpose. Obviously she is her own person and not Kineson, but her comedy is spot on!!
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The Director Has Surely Taken The Easy Way Out!
9 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There should be a separation between the events happening in Simone's life with her illness. These are not the same thing and one thing does not determine the other. Simone may have had a difficulty coping with the racism, sexism and bigotry of the times, but that was not because of the illness. It was because of the hypocrisy of the times. Things and people make us depressed. It's not accurate to say Simone was unhappy because she was bipolar, that's letting her abusers and bigots off the hook. Simone was unhappy because during the times she was the one to blame for the beatings she took from her husband, for living in a time of racism where it was not even permitted to discuss trauma, for being turned down to go to a school because she was African-American; only to be acknowledged after her death for her political involvement with civil rights movement, which has always been considered taboo; for being poor, for living in fear of a lynching, for not being permitted to be a mother - just for living in fear. The daughter vilifies her mother's inability to cope with trauma and further perpetuates the stigma of an illness. It's as if one can just write her out of the movie all together and just say that people who suffer manic depression are inadequate. There are so many bigots and hypocrisies defining people based on their survival. They sit in judgement and blame the individual for trying to get by in an economy that saw black people as trash and leaches. It seems also that the director wants to say that Simone's career was too much for her because of her mental illness, running away and living on the streets undercover. We love that story! A woman can't take care of herself or pay the bills. Maybe she could escape avuse of she let her husband handle her career and make all the money. Even in her final moments, I don't think Simone has received any kind of redemption. She is not heard and is misunderstood. Everything she tried to accomplish in her life can be overshadowed by people's new use of the word bipolar, which informs a new generation that persecutes people with an illness in a different and acceptable way. Nina! I feel you! They're not listening! They can't hear you! They gave you the pills so you could just keep playing, without looking at the society that makes us sick. It's three strikes and you're out - African-American, woman, mental illness! Also, I can't imagine a place anywhere and in anytime that a woman like Simone was not spotted on the street and cared for. Was that the state of mind during the civil rights movement? No, it wasn't. You are telling me not one person, not a friend, family or fan came to take care of her. It seems as though you want to say that she disappeared because of mental illness. That's far from what an illness is. Simone was running from the beatings, from the lynchings. Manic depression is not new although the psychologists think by giving something a new name might make it fashionablel to get therapy again to make money. Manic-depression has been around quite a long time! Centuries! There has always been people who have it and those whom have been around to treat it. It didn't just happen in the last ten years! I'm sick of the big finale of bipolarism/mental illness as a reason for uncompromising behavior. Whatever happened to blaming God or the nearest scapegoat? What's trendy now is to blame the woman, African American, illness and poverty. Why even mention a mental illness? So those of us who suffer can say, well that's why we'll never be an important part of society! Or those of us who don't suffer as much can button it with, oh thank heavens she got help! Maybe a better ending might be triumphant? The husband is put in jail, finally justice served! The daughter forgiving her mother, which is what Simone deaerves. By the way, since we are airing out the dirty laundry, what about the husband? What was his mental illness diagnosis? He didn't have one. Times were different? He gets a pass? The daughter? Anyone with the correct information knows that it runs in the family. How about tieing things up with a prompting of intolerance? Or don't women, African-American and those suffering with mental illness deserve some tolerance? And don't think I didn't miss that you are quick to label an abused woman as bipolar, which is why I asked the question at the beginning. Isn't this what the movie was about? Creating more intolerance! That is why they smacked the mental illness label onto Nina and the ending of the movie: so we could all feel like we belong. We can feel we're all on the right side, but it suits as a mirror of our intolerance. It's just an easier explanation than and less taboo to just say she lost her fame because of bipolarism and easier to diagnose as she is a woman. Whatever, bravo to the director for an ignorant message! I loved seeing the original footage, but the director should be cremated! Nina you're not alone. You were never alone. We women are all still dieing silently - African-American, or pathetically diagnosed with a mental illness - for all our tries.
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