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Doctor Who: Arachnids in the UK (2018)
Season 11, Episode 4
Doctor Who's Fall from Grace
6 November 2018
Well wasn't this a load of crap, never have I seen a Doctor Who episode fail so badly not even Moffatt could create an episode this bad and inconsistent. What can I say that hasn't already been said about this joke of a story, well let's start with a little synopsis.

The Doctor and her crew arrive in Sheffield 2018 Yasmin Khan offers the Doctor some Tea back at her mom's place which The Doctor gleefully accepts. The Doctor along with Graham and his son in law Ryan talks to Yasmin's mom who has been fired from her job due to cleaners been unable to clean the hotel rooms which makes no sense as Yasmin's mom is the manager of said hotel so why is she getting fired? To cut a long story short The Doctor and crew find large mutant spiders at their neighbour's house which Yasmin's mom links back to the Hotel that she formerly worked at. They find out that the Spiders have been mutated by landfill which the CEO of the hotel built over, The Doctor lures the Spiders into the panic room of the hotel by playing Ryan's god awful hip hop music and well the spiders basically suffocate, we don't see this happen of course but this is what we are led to believe. Either Chris Chibnall couldn't find a conclusion for the Spiders or he simply just forgot about them, whatever the case it shows just how inept he is as a writer.

The story is pretty flat and boring there is very little things happening to keep you entertain. If it's not boring then its excruciating Chris Noth who plays the CEO is particularly awful as he is basically playing Donald Trump, Bradley Walsh who plays Graham is the only decent actor here and does his best in what he is given. Tosin Cole who plays Ryan is so bored and uninterested that in one scene he begins doing Hand Shadows during a boring conversation between the Doctor and some Spider expert. Jodie Whittaker gives us her worst performance yet, went she meets with the CEO of the Hotel she does these weird facial expressions and keeps calling him Ed Sheeran for some unfunny reason. The rest of the cast are just forgettably dull, even the Spiders are dull.

The Episode is focus more on the CEO who is nothing more than a parody of Donald Trump, if it's not evident that the SJWs (or NPCs as we called them now) have taken over the show it definitely evident here, people do not want to be lectured by political ideologues or been told how bad Trump is, they watch these shows like this so they can escape from reality, so we don't have to think about Trump. Moreover, I fear this maybe the beginning of the end for Doctor Who as it seem to be more focus on ideology and personal opinions rather than good story telling and it's very likely that the show could be cancelled for a second time if things don't improve.
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Officer Downe (2016)
A Literal Letdown
5 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Based on the Comic Book of the same name, Officer Downe is directed by Shawn Crahan who is a member of the Heavy Metal band Slipknot, who has only directed two Music videos for Slipknot to his credit that alone should tell you everything about this movie quality. Trying to explain this film is like trying to explain a fever dream brought on by LSD and it feels like that. The film is about a Police officer who can be brought back to life using psychics at a local LA Police Station, once revived the said Officer becomes a Super Undead Cop task with bringing down Criminals in the most violence ways possible. The show how over the top this film is, the film starts with a sex scene accompanied with an orgasm count, we are not two minutes in the film and we are already off to a good start.

Later on we are introduced by leather tight nuns led by Mother Supreme, a criminal underground cult led by three people who wear animal masks and even a freaking Ninja Squad led by a very cheesy Zen Master Flash. You would think with all of those elements in this would make this film enjoyable and for the most part it is due to its Schlocky nature along with its bizarre editing, but halfway through the movie tries to be serious for some reason by making Officer Downe simplifying with the psychics in a performance that is supposed to be emotional but comes across as a bit inapposite for this type of film. It is also at this point that the film loses its comedic value slowing the pace of the film down, not to mention there are moments in the movie when the acting becomes stale. The worst offender is actor Kim Coates who plays the title character, it's clear that he isn't given any direction for his character resulting with him doing a topsy turvy performance, the film come across as a bit inept trying too hard and failing harder to take itself seriously in a film that no one will take seriously.

I haven't read the Officer Downe comic books, it seems that it took ideas from Judge Dredd and Robocop and both of which were remade at a time when superhero cop films were gaining popularity again. Officer Downe (the Movie) came out at a good time when the superhero cop trend was still relevant. It is somewhat of a shame that the movie didn't work out the way everybody wanted it to, there was a plan for a sequel but after the reception that this film got the sequel idea was immediately put down. If the film stuck with its goofiness, over the top action scene and didn't take itself seriously then the film would have work as a "so bad it's good" type of film.
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Power Rangers (2017)
A forgettable film based on a stupid kids show, advertising donuts.
14 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The 2017 Power Rangers film based off the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TV show which in itself is based off the Japanese TV Series (Super Sentai) is a bit of a letdown to say the least. The film is partly inspired by the 2015 short film of the same name which was a gritty and dark retelling of the classic TV show. The 2017 version does start pretty similar to the 2015 with nearly all of the rangers getting killed off by Rita Repulsa with Zordon hiding the power crystals from Rita's grasp. This scene is then ruined by the next scene when our main hero (Jason later the Red Ranger) sneaks a cow into his school only to then realize it's a bull and then shows us (the audience) that yes this is indeed a bull by flashing the light at its genitals. The indecisive tone of this film is one of the many problems it has, in one moment it's trying to be serious but because it's aim towards kids as well as a PG-13 rating the seriousness of the scene is altered. Not only that but the Power Rangers are barely in the film, you only see glimpses of them until the climax of the film, most of the time we are focus on five teenagers whom stumble upon five glowing rocks things which will morph them into Power Rangers (once you get past the boring training montage). The only redeeming quality that this movie has is the cast, they do pretty well with what they are given however their backstories slow the film down to a snail's pace.

It doesn't get any better once the five of the main protagonists become power rangers, as the next 20 minutes becomes a commercial for Krispy Kremes as Rita Repulsa is creating her giant monster made out of gold using a power crystal conveniently located underneath a Krispy Kremes store. I was struggling to hold back laughter hearing the rangers along with Repulsa repeatedly saying Krispy Kremes. You know this film is bad when the film becomes a commercial. I wasn't expecting a masterpiece when I watch this film at the cinemas last year but I was expected this to be at least entertaining. Say what you like about the Mighty Morphin TV show but at least that had more to do with Power Rangers then this film and also didn't become a stupid donut ad at the end. The film fails in every single way, from the confusing plot to the bad pacing to the clunky combat scenes. It's trying to appease to both Children and people like myself who use to enjoy the TV show, however I don't think anybody would enjoy it, as one Reviewer puts it "Too stupid for adults, to boring for kids." In conclusion if you're a fan of Power Rangers and want to see, watch the Mighty Morphin TV show it's dumb but it's charming unlike this which is forgettable.
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Doctor Who: Twice Upon a Time (2017)
Season 11, Episode 0
The Worst ending to a beloved but neglected Doctor.
3 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A little bit of backstory in the writing of this episode, Chris Chibnall (who is now the showrunner and Executive producer of Doctor who) was originally supposed to write this episode however decline, so Moffat was left to write this episode and it really shows. I watch this with my dad on the day after Christmas and within ten minutes of the show my dad fail to sleep, that's how exciting this episode was. The story is non-existent and the plot is paper thin, I don't think I can even explain the plot to you it's that weak. Basically the story involves the two doctors (12th and 1st) they get abducted by a ship run by a glass-like holographic computer, they escape to another planet where the 12th Doctor gets information from said computer from a Dalek of all things, they return to 1914 Earth and say farewell to each other before regenerating in their respected tardises, that the story in a nutshell.

The Characters are no better, we are introduce to a WWI British field captain whose name isn't even reveal to us until the end of the episode and the First Doctor played this time by David Bradley. I like David Bradley in this, he plays William Hartnell's Doctor really well, however because Moffat is a complete Jerk he decided to make the First Doctor sexist which is pretty disrespectful to a man who has been dead for 42 years, not only that but William Hartnell never said or did anything sexist on the show. The whole thing comes across as a bit mean-spirited and should have been left out. Bill the Lesbian makes a comeback and her reason on why she has returned only makes sense through the eyes of Moffat. First she turns into a Cyberman, then she turns into a puddle girl, now she is made out of glass and we don't know if that's really her. Humpty Dumpty look alike Nardole comes back only to say farewell to the Doctor as do Bill and Clara (a Character I hate).

You would be mistaken to think that this was written by multiple people as the episode doesn't have any real purpose other than for the 12th Doctor's companions to say goodbye which was done in The Doctor Falls which if you see my review wasn't a great story either. Everything that you see in this episode is unoriginal and has been done before though much better. Even the regeneration is unoriginal, the whole combustion whilst the Doctor (or whoever) holds his/her arms in a cross like position has been done so many times now that it's beyond tiresome not to mention destroying the Tardis whilst regenerating which was done far better in the End of Time. I like that they use the morphing effect on Capaldi's eye as it transitions into Whittaker's eyes and the use of the Bad Wolf theme not use since the End of Time, 7 years ago. The last three minutes of this episode is probably the best part, the Doctor (now played by Whittaker) presses a button and the Tardis blows up and then she falls out of the Tardis, I don't know why but I found that whole scene amusing especially the way she's falling.

After watching this episode I rewatching previous regeneration stories in DW and I noticed a glaring error with this episode, the Doctor (mainly the 12th Doctor) isn't heroic. In all other regeneration stories the Doctor is always heroic despite the odds that are against him, we saw him face his fears in Planet of the Spiders, save the universe in Logopolis, risk his life to save Peri in Caves of Androzani and stop his own people from destroying the Earth in The End of Time. Here not only is the Doctor withholding his regeneration because he doesn't want to, but he also sends the WWI captain (yeah did you forget about him?) back to Ypres so he would die, fortunately for the captain he doesn't die because of the Christmas truce. Ohh as for the Captain's reveal it turns out his the Grand Uncle of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart which is just shoehorn in.
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Very authentic to the original but could have been better
16 October 2017
I just want to say right off the bat that I quite enjoyed the first Blade Runner film it was the first of its kind, a Neo-Noir tale that take place in the future. The film (which came out in 1982) was so influential that the theme, style and setting that Blade Runner establish was use in other films like A.I, Judge Dredd, both the original and remake of Total Recall and Ghost in the Shell (which has been recently remade). However despite been a fan of the original, I couldn't get into this film, it was overly long and both the story and plot were very weak.

Going through the story as spoilers free as possible, the film takes place 30 years after the events of the first film. A Replicant by the name of K who is also a Blade Runner task to hunting down other Replicants like himself, after one mission he finds a box hidden under a dead tree which leads him to a bigger investigation about Replicants as well as finding out more about himself. Of course there is more to the story but that's as far as I can go without spoiling it.

The problem that I find with Blade Runner 2049 is that it has very little substance in its story add this along with a paper thin plot and lack of proper character development and you have gotten a pretty boring film. It also doesn't help that the trailers for the film makes it look like an action heavy film when in reality is more of a poignant film a poor one at that. Speaking of misleading trailers Harrison Ford who is show prominently in the trailers is barely in the film, he doesn't even show up until the last 30 minutes of the movie serving only as a Damsel in distress for K to save.

Everything else about the film is great from the special effects to the ambient music to the sound design. It feels like you are watching Blade Runner and doesn't feel like another movie with the word Blade Runner slap on it, it's very faithful to the original. The cast for the most part are really good in their roles and work well off one another. The only actor I thought was miscast was Jared Leto who I am starting to hate as an actor. He does nothing in this role other than giving us bland dialogue making a somewhat interesting character dull, kind of like what he did with the Joker in Suicide Squad. Having said that I do give the movie high praise, in an age in which nearly every movie is been rebooted this doesn't feel like a cash grab.
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A Film of its Time
24 August 2017
Howling 2: Your Sister Is a Werewolf also known as Howling 2: Stirba Werewolf Bitch is a 1985 Horror Film directed by Philippe Mora whom has directed the Communion starring Christopher Walken and the sequel to Howling 2, Howling 3. The film is a direct follow up of the 1981 Howling film however the Dark Tone and Realism is nowhere to be seen. The Werewolves themselves don't look near as real nor as scary as the 1981 version, in fact when you do see them up close they look rubbery and fake, most of the time the werewolves are just people with added hair and latex which looks very goofy and inchoate. The film is credited as the Worst Sequel to a Horror movie and after the release of the abysmal Howling 3 all other sequels to the Howling series were made direct to video.

Despite the films falls it is actually very entertaining, hence why I gave it a high score. No other film would show a woman ripping off her dress seventeen times to show us her boobs, have a awkward Sex scene involving werewolves which would make Furries run for their money, a climactic battle involving disco rays and a small puppet dragon. Not to mention the fact that they get Werewolves and Vampires mixed up in this wonderful train wreck of a film, examples including stabbing a werewolf's heart to kill them and werewolves been allergic to garlic along with the fact that they have a character call Stirba who is the equivalent of Count Dracula and live in a castle in Transylvania. Oh, and she is also a Witch who has magical dark powers, yeah this film has everything.

The story is convoluted it begins at the funeral of the girl who was killed in the previous movie who was investigating a secret society of werewolves which she was briefly a part of. Lee meets up with the Brother of said girl and tells him and his love interest (Annie McEnroe) that she was a Werewolf, later on the trio meet up again and after showing proof that the dead girl was indeed a werewolf they go to Transylvania to hunt and kill the Werewolves' Queen Stirba, and the movie just get sillier from then on.

Christopher Lee looks annoyed throughout the film in fact if you look carefully you can kind of see that he really doesn't want to be in this film. Sybil Danning who plays Queen Stirba is clearly enjoying herself with this film overacting to the max. Annie McEnroe acts and talks like a Baby always wondering what Christopher Lee's character is doing or where he went to, he's probably suing his manager for making him star in this film. The extras who are supposed to be Romanian are actually all Czechs, interesting fact they couldn't film in Romania due to the political problems they were facing at the time so they instead filmed in Prague hoping no one would notice that many of the extras are speaking Czech and not Romanian. What can I say the film is pure Entertainment it never slows down or becomes boring, it is the perfect film to watch on a drunken Friday afternoon with friends.
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Doctor Who: The Doctor Falls (2017)
Season 10, Episode 12
One Word: Disappointment
14 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was written entirely by Steven Moffat and unfortunately it's not his last. He really doesn't care for the source material, as this Episode which follows on from the Epic "World enough and Time" is a letdown to say the least. Despite this I knew that it would be a letdown seeing how it was written by Moffat himself so I went into it with apathy. Saying that I didn't think this episode was nowhere near as bad as that god awful Hell Bent from last season, funny enough both were directed by Rachel Talalay.

The episode falls flat on its face, for instance they brought back John Simm as the Master but instead of making him the main bad guy whom control the Cybermen he is instead made to argue with his future Incarnation (Missy) throughout the episode on whether or not they should help the Doctor or Escape. This conflict leads them to kill each other by the end and the Master is seen laughing as he regenerates into Missy whilst Missy herself is unceremoniously killed off with no chance of regeneration, and you're left thinking to yourself why? The episode would have been better had Missy either join the Master against the Doctor before betraying him at the end or helping the Doctor to defeat the Master's Plan either one of those ideas would have made this episode good.

The rest of the Episode is kind of boring, we see ton of Cybermen been blown up by the Doctor as Nardole (played by Matt Lucas from Little Britain) escape with the villages to these upper levels in a large ship they are living in. A massive explosion destroy all the Cybermen except Bill whom after been turned into a Cyberman last episode turns Human again after her old body dies and live eternally with Heather (that Lady from the start of this season), a weak end to a weak character, they really need to stop with the Deus Ex Machina trope.

Speaking of machines the Cybermen are a little inconsistent in this episode, they use three different type of Cybermen including the Russell T Davies Cybermen, Moffat's Cybermen and the Original Mondas Cybermen from the Classic Series. I would of like it better if they just stick with the Original Cybermen from Hartnell's era as we were promised. Adding the Russell T Davies Cybermen and Moffat's Cybermen ruins the Cybermen Mythology for me.

Like I said the story is not god awful but it's not good either it's just mediocre. Seeing how Moffatt usually is very erratic when it comes to writing, this story at least stays consistent. I still don't get how and why Moffat was able to run this show for so long beating Russell T Davies as showrunner for about three years but I digress, We have one more Moffat written episode and hopefully that one would be his last.
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Doctor Who: Sleep No More (2015)
Season 9, Episode 9
Sleep no more will put you to sleep.
18 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first and probably the only Doctor who episode that is told through found footage. It is written by Mark Gatiss who is mediocre at best when it comes to writing Doctor Who Stories though I did enjoy 'An Adventure in Space and Time' which he wrote. Sleep No More is nothing more than a Paste and Copy of Under the Lake but done with less effort. Story begins with a Scientist Dude (Reece Shearsmith) on an abandoned Space Station warning us the viewer not to watch this. However he Contradict himself by aligning footage that he possesses and then showing to us. At the beginning you see a bunch of Soldiers from Triton on the ship Le Verrier (the same ship that Scientist dude is on) who our only there to die and are given little to no backstory to their character other than Grunt who is a bio-engineered soldier with the intelligence of a Dog.

They so meet up with the Doctor and his Companion Clara Oswald, at this point the Doctor mentions that the Triton colonists were originally from India and Japan which merged to become its own Culture along with a Communist Revolution many years later. This is the only interesting part that I found in this episode, I would of love it if they put a story surrounding Triton's Communist takeover and how the Doctor being somewhat of a Marxist himself (in this incarnation anyway) react to it, unfortunately we get this.

After running away from the Sand monster things The Doctor along with Clara and the soldiers from Triton Stumble across some sleeping pods with the Scientist dude from earlier pops his head out of the Pod to see what's going on. It is then revealed that the Sand Monster things are in fact made from Eye Mucus form from sleep and the found footage you're seeing is nothing more than dust. Unsurprisingly nearly all of the Soldiers including Grant (or as they call him on the show 474) get killed by the eye snot monster leaving out the Leader Nagata (Elaine Tan) and the Scientist dude.

Towards the end the plot becomes Non-existent, the Doctor and Clara survive of course but I can't remember what happened to Nagata. As for the Scientist dude it turns out that he is also made from Eye Dust, as he begins to turn to dust and fades away ended the Episode. This isn't a bad episode it's just plain forgettable. I wasn't kidding when I said it will put you to sleep, it nearly put me to sleep when I watched it. Everything about this Episode including the characters is dull and bland, nothing really add up, though it does feel like a Classic Doctor Who with the campy Monsters there is no real story to keep you engaged.

If you are watching the Season ninth of Doctor Who on your DVD or Blu-ray box set, give this one a miss, you won't be missing much.
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The most inaccurate prediction of CSA
31 January 2016
This is one of the first mockumentary movie I saw when I was a Teenager at a time when I was very interested in the American Civil War. The idea of a parallel reality was very new to me at the time so when I watched this film in early 2010 I very quickly became interested in the concept of an alternative reality in what would later become a genre

known as "Alternative history" and C.S.A: The Confederate States of America was the Spear of what captivated me into that genre. However, as I got older and started to look into the film in great detail I realize that the film has too many factual, historical and some global errors. The one that stands out the most is the Confederate takeover of the United States. At no point in the Civil war did the South wanted to conquer the United States and replace it with the Confederate States. The American Civil war was a war of Secession, the south wanted to become Independent from the union due to the north's abolishment of slavery in 1861 which was a source of income for many southern states.

Even if the South did subjugate the North it wouldn't hold it for very long. The North hated the Confederacy believing them as traitors to the people who fought and died in the American Revolution, if the Confederates somehow annexed the union the northerners at some point or another would have rebelled against the CSA and reclaim the union. The Movie focuses mostly on slavery which probably wouldn't have lasted as long as this movie predicted and show us a divergent reality in where the CSA has taken over the USA as well as Central and south Americas. The film tells how the Confederates won the Civil War (which ended in 1864 in this timeline) and how they brought slavery back to the North. In this timeline Abraham Lincoln never published the Emancipation Proclamation and thus the Confederacy gain support from Britain and France. By the end of 1863 the Confederacy successfully advances into the Union strongholds winning battle after battle. After a few months a defeated and broken United States eventually surrendered and was force to join the CSA due to their costly defeat. By the end of the War the United State Ceased to Exist and the Confederate Battle flag (not the national flag of the Confederacy) becomes the National flag of America. Towards the end of the 19th Century and the end of the Reconstruction of the North the Confederates begins their expansion into Latin America as well as the Caribbean, enslaving local Blacks in the Caribbean and creating a Racial Segregation System in Mexico and Central America. By the 1920's the Confederates successfully annexed all of the South Americas by divide and conquer. However this put the CSA in a financial derp causing the Great Depression in the 1930's (similar to our timeline). In 1933 the German Nazi Party seized power which makes no sense whatsoever since there was no mention of Confederate aid to Britain and France during the First World War and also the fact that the Confederates were at war with South America.

Although the CSA and Nazi Germany are neutral and maintain a friendly relationship with each other, the CSA decides to go to war with Germany's ally Japan in fear of Japanese expansionism in the Pacific. The Confederates Defeated the Japanese after Launching a Nuclear attack on Japan, and also enslaving the Japanese civilians, not long after Nazi Germany is also somehow defeated and falls to the Russian and British. Years later a Proxy War starts between the CSA and Canada which continued past the 21st century. During the 1950's the CSA build a concrete wall called the "Cotton Curtain" across the Canadian Border whilst an international embargo on the CSA takes place, South Africa becomes the only country to maintain diplomatic relations with America. By the start of the 21st Century the Confederates invade the Middle East in a Moral Crusade to eliminate Islam by converting the populace to Christianity whilst simultaneously taking over Oil productions. Along with the ludicrous back story on how the Confederates came to be, there is also a side story about John Ambrose Fauntroy's presidential election campaign. However his Character seems somewhat pointless and the twist ended in which it is revealed that his great grandfather (John Ambrose Fauntroy the first) and his servant's great grandmother had sex, just went nowhere for me.

The movie barely uses any historical facts other than the Confederates plans to invade South America which was plan during the Civil war, there is also no mentions on the Second Mexican Empire which was established in 1864 nor is there any mentions of what happen to that regime. The CSA's History is too much like the US's history, things like the Great Depression, America's war in the Middle East, the Cold war (though with Canada instead of the Soviet Union), The Political unrest of the 1960's and the Vietnam War (again makes no sense in this timeline) is way too identical to our timeline that it makes the history kind of boring. Realistically had the CSA seceded from the US it wouldn't just have affected the Americas but the world. Example of this would be Mexico be rule by a Monarchy, Europe becoming the dominant power of the world, The United States remaining Socialist, Russia not becoming Communist and so on. To be honest, there are way better stories that tell us what would have happened if the Confederates won the war. Harry Turtledove's Southern Victory series is by far the best one, since it shows the Confederates in a divergent history in a more realistic scenario, unlike this film which seems that the people who made it knows absolutely nothing about Confederates.
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Doctor Who: Hell Bent (2015)
Season 9, Episode 12
Worst Episode of Season 9 and probably the worst story of Peter Capaldi's tenure as the Doctor
24 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
To be Honest I didn't like Heaven Sent, I actually thought the story and plot was rather boring and it just when on and on and on, having said that I was looking forward to its follow up Hell Bent as it shows the Doctor finally returning to his home Planet of Gallifrey, only that it kind of didn't. You do get to see Gallifrey but only briefly and the story is mostly about the Doctor trying to save Clara's life. When I saw the trailer My original thought was that the story was going to be about The Doctor meeting up with an old foe whether that be the Rani, The return of Morbius, The Valeyard (Although unlikely) Rassilon or even Borusa who we haven't seen since The Five Doctors.

It was later reveal that it would be Rassilon this time played by Game of Thrones star Donald Sumpter who unlike many of the other GOT cast who talents were wasted in Doctor who (case in point: Maisie Williams) is really good as Rassilon, too bad he wasn't in the episode for very long.

The story begins on Earth in the US state of Utah or Nevada (I can't be bothered remembering what bloody state it was, I want to see Gallifrey not Earth) when you see the Doctor (Peter Capaldi) with a guitar walking into a restaurant while Clara is behind the counter pretending to write whilst looking almost bored. She asks the Doctor if he wants anything, he replies by saying "I am looking for someone" later he tells her that he is looking for Clara. It then jumps into the Intro and as the credits rolls you see Moffatt's name under writer so you know it's going to be crap from he on end.

Flashing through as quickly as possible, the Doctor returns to Gallifrey and demands to see Rassilon who is Lord President of Gallifrey. When the Doctor meets Rassilon he tells him to get off his planet which he does after his soldiers turn against him including The General. The Doctor regains his titled as President of Gallifrey, later he meets up with the High Council as they discuss about the Time War and a half Dalek half Time Lord Hybrid that they were going to use in the war but never got a chance.

Uninterested, he asks them to go back in time to meet Clara. They take him to the moment before Clara's death. He then saves Clara's life and kills the General who was helping him anyway, the General regenerates into a black Woman which feels like they just got her to please the feminists out there just in case they called the show Sexist (Hooray for progress) and the story begins to go nowhere at this point, becoming more complicated and meaningless. The Doctor with Clara tries to escape the time lords and goes to the end of the Universe (for the third bloody time) and meets Ashildr (Maisie Williams). Ashildr tells the Doctor what he should do with Clara, erase her memories. Clara overhears this which leads into the Doctor erasing his own memories of Clara (I have no idea why) and then it goes back to the diner with the Doctor talking to Clara about Clara whilst trying to find Clara (Makes total sense to me). The two leave in their respective Tardises with Ashildr and Clara controlling the Tardis that the Doctor Stole on Gallifrey which is also the diner.You know what would have been better than this dribble? If there was a story where the Doctor has to face Rassilon in a scenario where Rassilon wants to destroy the Doctor in which the Doctor himself has to find some way to overthrow Rassilon.

Hell Bent's suffers from Steven Moffat's ego which has ruin the show ever since he took over from Russell T Davies as Showrunner back in 2010. Since then he has written bad script after bad script and also fires good well respected writers and replaces them with rubbish ones. Steven Moffat is a bit like an egocentric John Nathan-Turner, the only difference between the two is that JNT wanted more fans for the show but didn't care about the scripts, whilst Steven Moffat cares about the scripts but does not care about the fans.

The entire episode can be sum up in three words "It is sh*t". There is not one redeeming thing about this episode that I can find. The Hybrid for example is never explain it's just brought up, the story is all over the place, the trailer is misleading, the characters act oddly and out of place and on top of all that nothing adds up.

Peter Capaldi acts like he's got Alzheimer's and is incapable of being independent without Clara and that's one of the things I hate about her character. Don't get me wrong I don't hate the Actress who plays her but the thing with Clara is that the writers make her the main character in the show and also make her the leader instead of the Doctor which it shouldn't be. The show to me was never about the Doctor's Relationship with his Companion/Companions but was about the Adventures that the Doctor and his Companion/Companions embark on which is what the show should be about.

Not this: Would Danny Pink and Clara Oswald ever get back together again? What would The Doctor do without Clara? What is Clara thinking about? Clara is going to another planet what is she going to wear? NO!! This is Doctor Who, it's a Science Fiction show not freaking Downton Abbey or EastEnders! that's all I have to say about this Damn Episode.
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Command & Conquer: Generals (2003 Video Game)
A decent game but a bit dull in places.
21 September 2015
Command & Conquer: Generals was the last game that Westwood Studios developed as the company was liquidated by Electronic Arts (EA) shortly before this game was released. The game came out at the height of Bush's War on Terror. At the time the game was heavily criticized due to the similarities between the fictional GLA (Global Liberation Army) and the Iraqi terrorist group known as Al-Qaeda, this even cause a temporary ban in Germany as well as a full scale ban in China as the Chinese in the game are depicted as a brutal army that use heavy-handed tactics such as leveling the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and destroying the three gorges dam. Which I find somewhat Ironic seeing how this is the only western game I can think of where the Chinese are actually the good guys in the game. Fun Fact: Command & Conquer: Generals came out in Australia just a week after the US led Invasion of Iraq.

Playing it now I can't help but think that somehow this game predicted the future seeing how alike the GLA is to ISIS, the game itself is also base in the not too distant future where the Global Liberation Army a large well-organized terrorist organization declares war on the two main superpowers of the world, the United States and the People's Republic of China. In response the two Nations form a Coalition against the GLA whom controls most of the Middle East, parts of China along with Central Asia and the whole of Kazakhstan. You play as one of three the Chinese, the United States or the GLA and that's really about it. There are no Cut scenes or any story behind the missions you are given and very little backstory on how the GLA came to power in the first place. Similar to the first Command and Conquer game (nickname Tiberian Dawn) is set in a divergent reality, however done in a more realistic setting and style.

Now that the game is 12 years old I found it to be limited compared to its predecessors like Red Alert 2 and Tiberian Sun which had more depth and detail with both the game mechanics and plot. It is no means a bad game but it is somewhat lackluster and compared to Red Alert 2 (release in 2000) it hasn't really age that well.

All in all it's an alright game and I give it a 5 out of 10
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Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 (2008 Video Game)
The Beginning of the End of the Command & Conquer Series.
15 September 2015
After the success of command & conquer 3: Tiberium wars, EA (who took over the command & conquer franchise from the defunct Westwood studios back in 2003) decided to make a third red alert game this time adding a new powerful faction called 'the empire of the rising sun' a militarized and futuristic version of japan. the game isn't a direct sequel to red alert 2 released in 2000 instead it focuses on its own time line. The Soviet Union is falling apart and in one last ditch effort colonel Anatoly Cherdenko (played by Tim curry) and general Nicolai Krukov (played by Andrew Divoff) goes back in time with the aid of Dr. Gregory Zelinsky's time machine. Zelinsky (played by Peter Stormare) tells the men not to touch anything fearing that it may disrupt the space time continuum but anatoly Cherdenko disregards his orders and shakes hands with Albert Einstein which disintegrate him — thus giving the soviet union an advantage over the allied forces in his time line. They leave 1927's Brussels and head back to their time line which they discover that the soviet union and the world is significantly different from theirs. Anatoly Cherdenko is premier that makes Krakov jealous the soviets are far superior in this time line marching across western Europe from the weaker allied forces, all seems well until a message from Emperor Yoshiro (played by 'oh my!' George Takei) threatens the sovereignty of the Soviet Union and masses an army to invade it. Now the USSR has two mortal enemies and without nuclear or atomic weapons their dreams of a socialist utopia is in vain.

The problem that i had with this game isn't so much the game itself (although I would prefer it if they didn't shrink the infantry units to just one rather than what they did in the Tiberium wars where you had 20 or so soldiers in one unit.) No, it's more the storyline which is littered with plot holes, I don't understand why they didn't just continue on from red alert 2 acknowledging the fact that the events of the second game had devastated and exhausted both the allied forces as well as the soviet union, the empire of the rising sun would of come to power anyway due to their counterparts weaknesses and would of taken over the whole of Asia with little response from the allied forces whom are already at war with Soviet Russia. Adding the time travel story done better in the First Red Alert Game (First Game was getting rid of Hitler before his rise of power) so they) can have the empire of the rising sun is really pointless.

The other problem I had was the Characters, they are just so goofy and silly so much so they are irritating. Granted this is a tongue in cheek series from the command and conquer games but when you have badly over acting from otherwise well respected actors like J.K. Simmons (who plays the president of the United States) and Jonathan Pryce (playing as an Allied field Marshall) it's not a good thing. The females characters especially the military advisers are over sexualized to the max, I keep half expecting that one of them is going to bring me a cup of coffee mid game wearing a bikini and high heels. The military advisers for both the soviets and the allies have shirts and outfits that reveals their cleavage as with most of the women characters in the game, Speaking of the costume design, they look fake as hell. The second red alert game the outfits look real convincing and didn't look overdone. Yet in this game the outfits all look like they got them from a fancy dress shop. Examples: The Allies generals and commanders wear bright navy blue sometimes blue camouflage clothing – the Soviets wear an awful black leather outfits with red stripes on it and Japanese wear mostly samurai like outfits with plastic looking armour on them.

I probably sound like I really hated this game but in honesty I actually enjoyed it. there's nothing wrong with the game itself, the quality is good and the military in all three factions are interesting from unit types to technological advancements and disadvantages, but the story acting and even the dialogue is just cringe worthy. Still it is nowhere near as bad as Tiberian twilight which pretty much destroyed the Command and Conquer series.
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