
2 Reviews
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Nice film, shame about the inaccurate comments
9 August 2004
My wife and I watched this film last night. We both enjoyed it very much. However, I was disappointed to see such a low rating on this website. I think the film is worthy of at least a 7.

I think that several people are missing the point about language. Charlotte did not speak English when she landed; she spoke French. All you have to do is use your imagination. The director obviously chose to use English to avoid having to use subtitles. Besides, acting must be hard enough without having to speak your lines in a foreign language.

Miss Blanchett is high on my list of favourite actors. I thought she played her part exceptionally well. I challenge anyone to say that they were not moved by her displays of emotion. If anyone can recommend any of her other films, I would be grateful.
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The funniest Carry On film
5 July 2004
This film is great from start to finish, but, for me, the most memorable line is uttered by Peter Gilmore, who plays Ginger.

"They attacked about half hour ago. Hundreds of them. BURPERS!"

The last word is not so much uttered as belched. He must have drunk a hell of a lot of carbonated water before speaking.

Just the thought of this line makes me laugh; it is so unexpected.

A fantastic film worthy of a much higher rating. I give it eight out of ten.

I look forward to reading more fans' comments in the near future.
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