
6 Reviews
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Beautifully shot, but
30 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The main issue for me is changing the characters and their motives. Write your own story If that's your thing. Don't mess with Dickens. I didn't take issue with Estella being a woman of color, but the actress is charmless in the role. Pip also starts out too old and no longer wants to be like his uncle. Now he wants to be a gentleman. It makes Pip so much less likable to give him that motive as a boy.

The violence in the series made it feel like a Guy Ritchie movie to me. Unnecessary and dark. Since Dickens got paid by the word, I'm sure he would have loved to throw in all the F bombs and Pip repeating "sh$$" constantly but he didn't, and it comes off as weak writing here. As a lover of the classics, I know each generation needs to make the story its own, but this is a different story. I'm two episodes in and I won't finish.
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Get a new narrator
20 November 2022
I enjoy this show but the narrator drives me crazy. It takes you out of the story. Also too many of the stories are retold from other shows. I like how it shows that the emotional abuse has long term effects on victim's personalities and lives. I know everyone watching sees the red flags but it makes sense that the victims only see them in hindsight.

My favorite shows on ID are the ones that show the repercussions to the victim's families and even the perpetrator's families before they committed their heinous acts. It's amazing how many small crimes they get away with before the one that brings them down. Our court system needs an overhaul.
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Diana (I) (2021)
It's fun
11 October 2021
It's not high art. And the idea is cringe but I actually enjoyed it. A special shout-out to the James Hewitt scene. I thought they did well showing the emotions we all felt back then. And the 80's were just happier so it was fun.
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Really moving
24 April 2021
This movie handled a tough topic well. Enjoyable movie with great acting.
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Great quirky heroine
21 December 2019
I loves the book and I thought this was a cute adaptation for a chick lit novel.
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The Favourite (2018)
This movie is terrible!
17 March 2019
There is no story worth following and the language/sex scenes are so over-the-top and ridiculous for the era. I love costume dramas, but this is a series of scenes about horrible people doing horrible things with nothing to pull it all together. Olivia Colman is wonderful in her role as Queen Anne, but she is still not enough to pull this together as a film. And don't get me started on the soundtrack. It's awful and annoying.
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