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Burn Notice: Better Halves (2011)
Season 5, Episode 11
This far, no further.
11 November 2013
This is as far as I can watch this show, I'm done...

Fi turned into a neurotic, needy, girlie girl. Constantly voicing her feelings and worrying about things like broken nails! The rest of the cast isn't any better though, with everyone completely turning amnesiac and forgetting about their long standing friendships with each-other, they've now turned to bribing each-other to get things done. That's when they're not self involved and going off their hinges.

I have no idea how these episodes keep getting good ratings, granted, with only a little over 100 voters, at least a good portion of those have to be the people involved with making the show itself!

This is now a run of the mill soap opera trash show, fitting well with things like Dallas or Santabarbara and the likes. (those two references are the only ones I have, I've learned to stay away from pure drama soaps)

I was hoping it would get better but it's actually getting worse. The dialogs are given to us in full auto mode, sometimes starting exactly as the scenes change locations as if the discussion has already been going on for a while and we're jumping in for the highlights but without understanding what's going on, why they're there, whom they're talking to and what the hell they're actually doing. There's no more considerations given to what path to take, it's now turned into some weird crazy imaginings of a demented ex-writer with Alzheimer locked away at some facility. Plots are now going in directions like "We'll just get the red feather from the blue parrot and switch it with the giraffes hat, and avoid the stares of the green unicorn" every time I'm like "Uh? why? What uh? Wee... That makes no sense at all!"

Sadly this is as far as I can take it. Too bad, this was one of my favorite shows till season 5 happened...oh well...
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23 May 2013
I wish there was a big SPOILER warning at the beginning of this movie, so I'll do one here.

If you loved the first two, and the Avengers, and, pretty much any Marvel movies, then do yourself a BIG favor and skip over this one, it'll leave you feeling cheated and you'll have a feeling of bubbling anger deep within you that you can't seem to remove other than by trying to warn others away from this awful movie (as I'm doing now...)

I don't even know if I ought to keep any hopes for the new Thor movie and the avengers 2 anymore, I used to be so happy just seeing that Marvel intro at the start of movies, as it used to guarantee I would get at least an hour and a half or two hours of quality entertainment, but now, my faith is shattered, no words can really describe this feeling properly, other than the feeling you might get, coming home and finding someone in bed with your wife/husband, your kids dead and all you've ever owned destroyed, that feeling would be just about 100 times worse than what I feel right now, but it's in the same vein. :P

If people require spoiler warning for reviews, I sure as hell would love that the entertainment industry did us that courtesy also...

As far as I'm concerned, this series ended at Iron Man 2.

PS: This is my first review, hopefully my last, here's to hoping no Marvel movie will ever be this bad again...
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