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The Nice Cajun mommy vs. the Nasty Vegan idiot mom!
30 May 2008
Sadly I'm a resident of California but luckily had the unusual pleasure of living in Louisiana for 1 year,,,I absolutely fell in love with the down home unpretentious friendly,trusting Cajuns folks.. They made me realize how strangely cold,narrow minded & paranoid California's are,,, Vegan Monstermom consumes all the horrible qualities that many extremist liberals that have live in Calif...Its those same people who think they know what's best for everyone & empower the state to step in to tell you how to raise your kids & everything else,,,\ like wacky Vegan lady who is so obsessed in her food beliefs it really sicken me. These Vegans remind me of the kool-aid drinkers in the Jim Jones occult,so easily able to be convinced without question to follow something that has no science behind it,,,no logic, just some need to feel superior in their ignorants..they are haters...I wonder how they feel about animal on animal crime,all animal eat other animals,lol duh! its called Nature=food chain..

Be a stupid bloody Vegan if want be but what's with all the judgement and need to convert and the lack of tolerance???? They are clearly void of logic, they are so uptight about killing things but & when push comes to shove they do kill,,,but yet there is for some strange reason this super up-tightness and need to think they know what best, they may or may not eat meat but they are surely eating something that is giving them brain damage,,,

Did anyone notice how the mean stupid Vegan lady was totally telling ZZ the wrong info on his spelling..and claiming how smart she was at the same time,,,and actually goes as far to say "if she was starving she would eat a dog"!!!! OMG!!! I love the way people justify their hypocrisy...I couldn't believe how rude and judgemental those animal right activist were to that sweet Cajun woman,,,,it made me sick and ashame to be from Calif,,, Vegan Bitch was without a doubt emcompassing everything that's wrong with the mentality of many Californias..,You'll never met kinder people than those Cajuns...
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