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Buffalo Girls (1995)
Angelica... how could you!
20 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I watched 'Buffalo Girls' because of the Larry McMurtry 'Lonesome Dove' connection. With a cast of the calibre of this offering this TV movie could have been remarkable, but this books' translation to the screen just kept making me wince. Everyone in this sadly average offering seemed to be working on auto pilot and I can only put it down to schmaltzy dialogue that followed the letter of the novel but not the spirit.

I've seen Angelica Houston in a lot of things and enjoyed her in every one.... except this one. I wish I'd never seen it.

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82mins that I'll never get back!
4 April 2004
In spite of 'The Grinch' which scared the pants off them, much against our better judgement we took the kids; or rather, they took us because they already love 'The Cat in the Hat'. Yes it amused them (7, 5, and twins at 2.5yrs) but it was forgotten within minutes of leaving the theatre, thank god! What will endure, will be the book itself and the memory of being read to as a child and the joy of then being able to read it themselves.

And why is anybody surprised that it was such an awful film?. Hello?!!.. They HAD to flesh it out. There's no substance in the book! It's a whimsy, a delight, a wonder piece of 20th century doggerel.... but the makings of a film score?... Pulease!!!??? It's just that the flesh they provided was of such an lewd nature. I'd expected to be disappointed, but anticipation FAR exceeded the event.

As for the pc posturing. It's not OK to have them 'home alone', but it's OK for rhymes that finish with, but don't actually say, `balls', buttock cleavage,

unvoiced acronyms that spell `S***' and to top it all the juvenile `dirty hoe' gag? Talk about double standards!

Surprised at the fact that the take on the movie was so high, yet the scoring so low? Gimme a break!! Most people feel obliged to view the movie adaptation of a book they've already read, but here, a piece of our collective childhood has been hijacked and transformed into a cash cow and a vehicle for the ego of Mr. Myers.

This piece of cynical merchandising and it's ilk will go the same route as the 70's 'Disaster Movie'; an embarrassment to all concerned except the financiers and a sad footnote to the declining careers of once bankable actors.

Theodor Seuss Geisel won't just be turning in his grave... He'll be spinning like a top!
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